Recap of Some Key Components of the Deadlift

Anyone that has performed the deadlift, knows that it can be an extremely gratifying lift. The picking up of heavy objects can produce a feeling of empowerment. Performed properly, the deadlift is a lift that allows us to maximize our strength potential and physically express that potential. Notice I did say “performed properly”. This is important because while you may get away with sub-par reps every now and again, you will never know your true potential because the injury bug will eventually bite you. Even if maximal strength is not on your radar, these key points should be of note for you, if longevity and living that happy, healthy life are of import.

We can break the deadlift down into 3 critical phases.

  1. Set-up
  2. Execution
  3. Finish

If one of these areas is not up to standards, you probably won’t be training long or you will be chasing your own tail through a pattern of  “every time I get close to a new PR,  my back starts acting up”. So let’s take a closer look at the the aforementioned phases, and some key points for each phase.


The set-up is crucial for all multi-joint lifts. It is the foundation for us to build upon.  The “Frankenstein Monster Set-up”  is a quick, effective way to prepare
yourself for the deadlift. Without exhausting every “trick in the book” or “cues”, we can break this phase down into several key focal points.

  1. Stand with your feet in a comfortable stance, somewhere around hip-width, and shins touching the bar.
  2. Lift your arms in front of you and rotate your thumbs towards the ceiling.
  3. Pull shoulders back and down.
  4. Glutes tight, ribs tucked.

This initial position, even before attempting to grab the bar is important. For the beginner, it helps us recognize or “feel” a solid position. Next

  1. Send your hips back without surrendering your neutral spine. This is referredstep4step2 to as the “hinging” or “hip hinge”
  2. With a soft bend in the knees, grasp the barbell with one hand, then the opposite hand.
  3. Lifting your chest to remove any slack out of your arms, should consequently remove any slack out of the bar.
  4. Maintain solid grip on the bar, push your butt toward the ceiling
  5. Maintain vertical shins and pull with your hamstrings to ratchet your hips down into your starting position.


Once we have established a proper set-up, we can begin to execute the movement.

  1. Gently screw your feet into the floor.
  2. Maintaining a neutral spine, take a deep inhale.
  3. Squeeze your knees back and drive your hips up.
  4. Once your the barbell clears your knees, keep the bar close to your body  and your hips begin to come forward to meet the bar.


The finishing position is simply standing upright and squeezing your glutes, ensuring that your shoulders are on top of your hips. Finishing with tight glutes can’t be stressed enough. It helps us perform the lift properly, but more importantly it helps us perform the lift safely. Athletes that are unable to squeeze the glutes at the top of the lift all too often experience either some acute or chronic low back pain. This pain is experienced  because the athlete moves the fulcrum from the hips (hip hinge) to the low back. Thus the load is shifted to the low back.

A few key takeaways;

*Maintain a neutral, braced midline from set-up to finish.

*Knees back, drive hips up.

*Squeeze glutes to finish lift.

Stay tuned for a video in the coming days! Happy and safe lifting!

-Coach Tim

WOD 11/23

Limited Schedule – Gym closing at 1:00 pm

A. 10:00 Build to a challenging Pause Squat Clean (Pause :02 above knee / :02 in the bottom)

B. 7:00 EMOM
3 TnG Squat Cleans @ 50-60% of “A”

C. “Jackie“
1000m Row
50 thrusters @  45lbs / 35lbs
30 kipping pull-ups (Scales: band assisted /  ring row)


“Jacked Jackie”
1000m Row
50 thrusters @ 65lbs  
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups


“Jackie on the Road”
1200 M Run
50 Burpees

30 Unweighted Sit-up Get-ups

*Times recorded
*15:00 Cap

Scaling Guide: Men 6-13 minutes, Ladies 8 – 15 minutes

Plan accordingly this week!
Wednesday 11/23 – Regular morning classes – Closed at 1:00 pm
Thursday 11/24 – Closed – Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday 11/25 – 9 & 10 am classes
Saturday 11/26 – 9 & 10 am classes

WOD 11/22

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Tempo Front Box Squat @ 55-65% of max FS
Min 2 – 5 Strict WTD Pull-ups
Min 3 – Rest
*Sets across on pull-ups, :02 down, :03 seconds on the box, accelerate up on Front Box Squat

B. 4 Rounds
8/ arm  Dumbbell Snatches  @ 40-50 / 20-30 / 15 (one hand, alternate R/L as desired)
8 / Leg Box Step-ups @ 24/20/12
10 Burpees
40 Double Unders

*Time recorded

Hoodie Pre-Orders are due by Thursday at midnight! Don’t miss out!
Order here


WOD 11/21

A. 21:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Deadlift
Min 2 – 2/ arm SA KB / DB Strict Press
Min 3 – Rest
*Build to a challenging weight in each exercise

B.12:00 AMRAP
200 M Run
12 Wall Balls @ 20 / 14 / 10
*rounds + reps recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:

3 rounds
15 Russian Swings
8/Leg  Walking Lunges

“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”- Denis Waitley



WOD 11/21

A. 21:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Deadlift
Min 2 – 2/ arm SA KB / DB Strict Press
Min 3 – Rest
*Build to a challenging weight in each exercise

B.12:00 AMRAP
200 M Run
12 Wall Balls @ 20 / 14 / 10
*rounds + reps recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
15 Russian Swings
8/Leg  Walking Lunges

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” – Jesse Owens


WOD 11/19

A. In teams of 2, For Time:
1600 M Run Relay
(Each partner alternates 400 m runs)

20 bumper plate burpees @ 45/25 /15
(each partner does 20 one person works at a time)

100 Double Under
(each partner does 100, one person works at a time)

20 bumper plate burpees @ 45/25 /15
(each partner does 20 one person works at a time)

1600 M Run Relay
(Each partner alternates 400 m runs)

Don’t forget about our blanket drive! The box will be here until December 2nd.

WOD 11/18

A. 12:00 E2O2
Power Snatches x2x6 by feel

B. 7 Rounds

6 Power Cleans @ 135lbs / 85lbs / 55lbs
3 Push Press (Same)
12 American Kettlebell Swings @ 24K / 16k / 12K
36 Double Unders (Health: 50 Single Unders)

Scaling Guide:
– 10 – 18 minutes, about 1:45 per round.
– Scale up: 155/95, 70/53kb, 50 Double Unders


Mark your calendars for next week! 


WOD 11/17

A. 14:00 EMOM

Min 1 – 1-2 Tempo Front Box Squat @ 55-65% of max FS
Min 2 – 3-5 Supine Ring Rows
*Sets across on pull-ups, :02 down, :03 seconds on the box, accelerate up on Front Box Squat

B. Fran
Thrusters @ 95 / 65 / 45
*time recorded
*12:00 Cap

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 4 min max Cal row or Airdyne

Scaling Guide: 3 – 8 minutes (12 minute cutoff)

“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”- Rabindranath Tagore


WOD 11/16

A. 6:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Barbell Complex
Min 2 – 2 Barbell Complex
Min 3 – 3 Barbell Complex
Min 4 – 4 Barbell Complex
Min 5 – 5 Barbell Complex
Min 6 – 6 Barbell Complex
*Barbell Complex = 1 Power clean +1 thruster + 1 back squat  + 1 back rack push press

*Spend 5-10 minutes warming up and building to a weight you can maintain for the full emom

B. For time

800m run
15 Russian kettlebell swings @ 32/24/16
15 back squats @  135lb / 85lb / 55lb
15 ring dips (scale: 15 ring push ups / standard push-ups)
15 back squats @ 135lb / 85lb / 55lb
15 Russian kettlebell swings @ 32/24/16
800m run
*time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 11 – 18 minutes.
Scale Up: 155/105lb barbell, 8/5 muscle ups

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”- William James