WOD 11/15

9:00 AM
Free Community WOD

10:00 AM
A. 10:00

Progressions / Work / Practice

2 Person Relay
3 Rounds
10 TTB
20 Ball Slams
400 M Run
*Athletes will complete a full round before the next athlete goes, each athlete will complet 3 full rounds of the workout

Next Saturday – Nov. 22




WOD 11/14

A. 20:00
Handstand / HSPU

Progressions / Work / Practice

B. 5 Rounds
1+1 Front Squat @ 24X1
3-5 HSPU

C. 3:00 AMRAP
5 Burpees over bar
5 Front Squats @ 135 / 95 lbs
*Front squat weight and AMRAP reps recorded

SATURDAY – Free Community WOD



WOD 11/13

A. E202
Hip Snatch x3x5 by feel
w/ :02 pause in bottom receiving position of each rep, by feel, build each set.

In Teams of 2
1K Row
600 M Sled Drag
750 M Row
400 M Sled Drag
500 M Row
200 M Sled Drag
Sled weights: 35/15

*Athletes will either be rowing or dragging then switch, both athletes will complete the entire workout
*Total team score recorded

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”-Og Mandino

WOD 11/12

A. 20:00
Squat Clean  & Jerk

Progressions/Work/ Practice

B. E202
Clean Deadlift x4x4
by feel, build each set

C. 3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Goblet  Squats @ 4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040

 Rest 3:00

3 Rounds
5 Oxidative Goblet Squats @ 4040
5 Oxidative Push ups @ 4040
*No lock out or rest at the top on either movement

“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.” -Khalil Gibran

WOD 11/11

Kip Pull-up

Progressions/Work/ Practice

B. 4 Rounds
Every 6:00
Run 400 M Meters
15 Power Snatches @ 75/55
CTB Pull-ups 10/5
Run 200 Meters

*rest remaining time in the 6:00
*Avg Time recorded

“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” -Dan Lipinski


WOD 11/10

A. OVHD Squat x3x5 w/ :03 pause on each rep, by feel, build each set.
*weight recorded

B. 10 Rounds
:30 Max Burpees
:30 Rest
:30 Max Wall balls
:30 Rest
*Wall Ball and burpee reps recorded

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” -William Feather

J-Rod representing CFA in a beautiful way! jrod jrod2

WOD 11/8


20:00 AMRAP
20 Power Clean to OVHD 135/95
30 TTB
40 Ball Slams
50 Wall Balls  20/14
*Max Cal Row for remainder of time

Test Week is Over!

WOD 11/6


4 Rounds
15 Ground to Overhead @ 75 lb, 55 lbs
30 Double Unders
400 M Run
*Time Cap 30:00

“Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.”-Carl von Clausewitz

WOD 11/5


“OPT 3”

A. 3 RM Front Squat

B. 2 RM Snatch

C. Max Reps of CTB Pull-ups (1 set)

*Record results for all 3 tests and add together for your “OPT 3” score

Test Notes:

For some additional background on why I like the front squat and snatch for testing purposes take a look back at this article I wrote back in April.  In that article I address the raw physical benefits of the two tests, but today I’d like to expound on an additional point.

Seeing improvements in the snatch and front squat can be made by simply improving movement quality. In fact, at a certain point, improving the snatch and the front squat will only happen if your mechanics and movement quality are dialed in. In lifts such as the squat, bench, and deadlift athletes can get by with ugly mechanics, and in some cases may be able to do more weight with poor movement quality.  However this is not the case with the front squat and the snatch as precision, and flexibility are equally important as speed, strength, and power in these lifts.

Lastly we continue with this theme with the chest to bar pull-ups, the standard is clear so there is no chicken necking or shorting the standard. Also doing pull-up to the chest expresses the full range of motion in the pull-up.

OPT (who has always influenced how we do things around here) put this combination of tests together back in ‘08 or ‘09 and its easy see that he felt like these 3 test were simple indicators as to how someone would perform in the “Sport of Fitness” and I agree.

 – Coach Wes

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” -Thomas A. Edison