November Athlete Of The Month: Jeanette Guerrero!

In an effort to get to know the fine folks of CrossFit Austin, we embark on our Athlete of the Month series.  Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are.  This month we have chosen the one and only Jeanette Guerrero!

November AOM: Jeanette

State your Name and/or Nickname please:jeanette
Jeanette at CrossFit Austin at work it’s TOP

Words to live by?
“Rank does not confer privilege or give power.  It imposes responsibility.”


What is your fitness background?
Flag football, Softball, basketball, volleyball, 5 k, 10 k, 15 k, Marathons and 1/2 Marathon.  Played sports since JR high.

How long have you been CrossFitting?
November 2010, took a year off after my neck surgery in February 2012. Can’t keep me down..

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?
The comradery, no one gets left behind on a WOD. Since retiring from the Army I’ve missed the comradery of my Army brothers and sisters. CrossFit Austin has filled that void.

What are your training goals?
Due to my neck injury I have nerve damage in my hands and the pain prevents me from lifting heavy,  but I don’t let the pain keep me from doing what I love to do. So with that said my training goal is to keep my body fit for as long as I’m able to.

Favorite sport or activity?

Recent adventure you’re planning?
Vacation trip back to Hawaii.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…
In 2003 they discovered a mass in my right lung so I  had the 3rd lobe of my right lung removed. Y’all should all feel bad when I pass you up on our running WOD’s, just kidding. Also, I’m  a Disable Veteran, Retired Army, 1SG, 27 years of services.  HOOAH!!

Longhorns or Aggies?
Breath, eat and bleed Burnt Orange  

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…
Thank you CFA coaches for always scaling the WOD for my medical needs, but still making the WOD fun and challenging.   I may not be able to lift heavy or ever be a part of the CF games, but I do feel like a  part of CFA family and with that I could never go back to a gym.   It’s been a privilege meeting and working out with great people.   I feel honored to be selected CFA  Athlete of the Month.  CROSSFIT PROUD!!!

WOD 11/4

Test Week

Active Recovery Day
20:00 for Quality
10 Russian KB Swings
10 KB Tic Tacs
10 Goblet Squat
10 Lunges (no weight)
10 Push-ups
400 M Run

OR Make Up Day

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” -Og Mandino

New Class Time!

Hey folks! Starting this month we are making a slight adjustment to our class schedule. We have opened up the 9:00 am ladies class to all levels/genders and moved it to 8:30 am. This class will meet on Tuesday & Thursday in addition to our already scheduled Friday 8:30 am class. We hope this better accommodates your schedule and gives more folks an opportunity to come in and sweat with us!

WOD 11/3

Test Week

In 15:00
Clean Complex
1 Hang Clean (Power or Squat)
1 Full Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk (any variation, push press is allowed but not recommended)
*After warm-up with a partner start with an empty barbell, and build up to as heavy as weight as possible.


Complexes such as this one allow us to train the ability to do more technical power movements under fatigue. They also force the athlete to be more precise and proficient in various elements of a given movement while maximizing training time. The increase physical and mental demands of this complex will allow us to simulate a 95-100% effort clean and jerk without actually putting that load on the bar.

7:00 AMRAP
7 Burpees
7/arm  Alt. DB Snatch @ 35 / 20
*Total reps recorded


This amrap falls in the aerobic power zone (think 1 mile time trial)  for the majority of our athletes. As with a good deal of our tests this cycle managing the work and being precise and efficient with movements will be the key to a good score. With a “short” time domain and high turnover movement athletes must find a pace that is aggressive but also sustainable which is no easy task.  This is a great test to see what end  of the anaerobic / aerobic spectrum you fall in so pay attention to what your limiters are and refine for your approach during retest week!

“Right now, your competition is training” – Uknown 



Test Week Overview (2014 November / December Cycle)


Tomorrow we begin our next training cycle, which means test week is upon us. This will be an abbreviated training cycle taking us through mid December with the retest week falling on the week of December 15th-20th.   This will give us 5 weeks of training book-ended by our test / retest weeks, and will also allow our transitional weeks to fall during the Christmas / New Year holiday weeks.   As we embark on this stretch of training be aware that with less time between test/retest improvements will be seen by focusing on the following elements.

  • Skill Development

  • Movement Quality and Technique Development

  • Mental fortitude

So be prepared for more learning and teaching from your coaches,  and more concentrated intense doses of work that will challenge your ability to “Push” both mentally and physically.  This will be our 2nd to last training cycle before the CF Open so most of our tests reflect movements and time domains that you will see in the open. Remember your ability to do well in anything starts with the training and work you do 12-24 weeks in advance of the event, not what you can cram into the week(s) of the event.  Below you’ll find the tests and schedule for the week and some quick notes on tomorrow’s tests. Enjoy!

Monday 11/5

In 15:00
Clean Complex
1 Hang Clean (Power or Squat)
1 Full Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk (any variation, push press is allowed but not recommended)
*After warm-up with a partner start with an empty barbell, and build up to as heavy as weight as possible.


Complexes such as this one allow us to train the ability to do more technical power movements under fatigue. They also force the athlete to be more precise and proficient in various elements of a given movement while maximizing training time. The increase physical and mental demands of this complex will allow us to simulate a 95-100% effort clean and jerk without actually putting that load on the bar.

7:00 AMRAP
7 Burpees
7/arm  Alt. DB Snatch @ 35 / 20
*Total reps recorded


This amrap falls in the aerobic power zone (think 1 mile time trial)  for the majority of our athletes. As with a good deal of our tests this cycle managing the work and being precise and efficient with movements will be the key to a good score. With a “short” time domain and high turnover movement athletes must find a pace that is aggressive but also sustainable which is no easy task.  This is a great test to see what end  of the anaerobic / aerobic spectrum you fall in so pay attention to what your limiters are and refine for your approach during retest week!.


Active Recovery   / Make up Day

Wednesday 11/5

“OPT 3”

A. 3 RM Front Squat

B. 2 RM Snatch

C. Max Reps of CTB Pull-ups (1 set)

*Record results for all 3 tests and add together for your “OPT 3” score

Thursday 11/6

4 Rounds
15 GTO @ 75 lb, 55 lbs
30 Double Unders
400 M Run
Time Cap 30:00

Friday 11/7

Active Recovery / Make up

Saturday 11/8

20:00 AMRAP
20 PC to OVHD 135/95
30 TTB
40 Ball Slams
50 Wall Balls  20/14
Max Cal Row for remainder of time

Coach Wes

WOD 10/31

Happy Halloween!

A. Build to a Heavy Deadlift in 20 min

B. 3 Rounds
15 Russian KB Swings
15 Pull-Ups
Bear Crawl (length of gym & back)

Don’t forget your costumes!!!
(*ahem – costumes or burpees?) 

Photo: MUAHAHAHHAA!!!!! Tomorrow is H A L L O W E E N!!!!!!

Costumes or Burpees - pick your poison for tomorrow's WOD!!

Tomorrow's Work: 
A. Build to a Heavy Deadlift in 20 min
B. 3 Rounds
15 Russian KB Swings
15 Pull-Ups
Bear Crawl (length of gym & back)

Costume appropriately!

WOD 10/30

A. 5 sets
3-5 Pistols
*rest as needed

B. 8:00 AMRAP
12 Front Squats  @ 135/95
15 Burpees over bar

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” – Socrates

CrossFit Austin’s Grand {re}Opening + Fall Fit Fest!


{Male + Female Partner Competition} + {Feats of Strength Stations} + {Beer // Mimosa Mile} + {Coaches vs. Community Tug of War} + {Beard Beauty Pageant} + {Food/Drink/Supplement Booths} + {Fun For the Kiddos} + {Raffle, Prizes, Goodies} = CrossFit Austin’s GRAND Re-Opening Fall Fit Festival!!
Joins us on Saturday, November 22nd in celebration of our Re-Opening! Doubling as a fundraiser benefiting the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Austin and Central Texas, we’re calling this our Fall Fit Festival!

Save the date!

{ Male + Female Partner Competition }
1 Strength + 1 Endurance Workout

{ Feats of Strength }
Visit the booth, Test your strength, WIN the Prize!
-60 Sec. Max Tire Flips
-Max Strict Pull-Ups
-Max Burpee over the wall in 60 sec.
-Max UB Double-Unders
-Max Distance Slamball OVHD Toss

{ Beer // Mimosa Mile }
Easy, Tiger! Run a lap, Chug-a-Lug (x4)

{ NovemBEARD Contest }
Start growing those bad boys now! Beards will be judged on a scale of 1-10 in 4 categories:
Shed Barbershop will be here to judge and award prizes!

{ Fun For Kiddos!! and BIG Kiddos, too }
-Face Painting
-Bobbing For Apples
-Pumpkin Carry
-Obstacle Course
-Football Toss

Prizes awarded to winners of Partner Competition, Raffle winners, Winner at each Feats of Strength Station & Kiddo Booths!

November Free Community WOD

Work hard | Sweat hard | Play hard

Come join us on Saturday November 15th @ 9:00 am for a free workout with the CrossFit Austin community  

Community workouts are open to everyone and a great way to find out what CrossFit is all about.

All skill levels welcome.

Current members: Bring a friend

First timers: Meet a friend

