July Free Community WOD

Work hard | Sweat hard | Play hard

Come join us on Saturday July 19 @ 9:00 am for a free workout with the CrossFit Austin community  

Community workouts are open to everyone and a great way to find out what CrossFit is all about.

All skill levels welcome.

Current members: Bring a friend

First timers: Meet a friend

free wod


Murph Day 2014 | July 4, 2014 | Registration Now Open

Murph Day 2014

CrossFit Austin will be hosting Murph Day Friday (7/4/2014) honoring the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy and all fallen veterans.

Liutenant Murphy was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005.  This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he named it “Body Armor”.  We will honor a focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

For time:
1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
**Teams of 2, 3, or 4 are welcome.
***All movements can be scaled.
****Be sure to wear your twenty pound vest or body armor if you have it.



  • Event Registration + Shirt will be open from June 16th until June 25th.
    • $40 for participating athletes
    • Athlete entry fee includes registration & t-shirt costs and donations
  • Event Registration without Shirt will be open from June 26th until July 3rd.
    • $20 for participating athletes
    • Athlete entry fee includes registration costs and donations
  • This event is open to all – members and non-members
  • Athletes must arrive at 7:00am to warm-up, sign-in, and pick up shirts
  • Heats times start at 8 am, 9 am, and 10am
  • Spectators are welcome
  • Donations are welcome and can be made here or here
  • Proceeds go to aid in the Recovery Fund for Jeremy Rounkles
    • Our annual MURPH Day has always benefited the Navy SEAL Foundation. This year, we’re donating all funds to a new cause. Join us in our efforts to rally behind our very own Genevieve Schmidt and her family in their time of need. Genevieve is CrossFit Austin’s phenomenal Administrative Coordinator. Let’s show the power of community and the force human connection can have as we come together, sweat together, work together, and band together to raise money for her brother’s recovery fund. Learn more about the recovery fund here. Learn more about the Navy SEAL Foundation here.

“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.” – Vince Lombardi

  • Cook-out will take place directly after the event

June | Shameless Selfies @ CFA

June will be a month of shameless selfies for CFA! Here’s how it works:

Post-WOD Selfie & Check-In @ CFA via FB/Instagram
Must include: #CFASelfie6 #butfirstletmetakeaselfie & Creative Hashtag giving context to your photo/feelings/etc.

1 check-in = 1 entry
Total pot on Saturday @ noon: winner = WEEKLY PRIZE
1 winner per week, announced every Sunday for the previous weeks check-ins
1 winner at the end of the Month for a GRAND ‘OL PRIZE.

Just because you didn’t win during the week doesn’t mean you won’t get another chance. The remaining names of each weekly pot go into the big pot for the end of the month prize!

Get in here and work! #butfirstletmetakeaselfie


Here is one to get us started!


Test Week (Click Here for Schedule)


Monday 6/2
Thruster @ 95/65
Burpees over bar
8:00 Time Cap

Tuesday 6/3 
Make-up Day/ Active Recovery Day

Wednesday 6/4
A. 1 RM Hang Squat Clean in 15:00
B. 1 RM Bench Press in 20:00
C. Bench Press:  Max Unbroken Reps @ 85% of 1RM

Thursday 6/5 
3:00 Max Pull-ups
3:00 rest
3:00 Max Cal Row
3:00 Rest
3:00 Power Snatches 75/45
3:00 Rest
3:00 Max 20 M Shuttle Run (10 M down, 10 M Back)

Friday 6/6 
Make-up, Active Recovery Day

Saturday 6/7
20:00 AMRAP
5 Power Cleans @ 135/95
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Balls @ 20/14

Retest Week will be July 14th-19th  and will follow a similar schedule. Enjoy!


CFA Hosts the 2014 Open WODs

Every Saturday in March we will be hosting the 2014 CrossFit Open WODS

The WODs will be announced each week on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. We will host the WODs during our 9:00 and 10:00 am classes. Dj Kay Cali will be providing some amazing music as we get together and to celebrate the Open! We encourage everyone to come and join in!



Circle of Awesomeness BBQ Potluck & Awards Ceremony


Saturday, March 8th at 11:00 am- BBQ Potluck & Awards Ceremony

What you can win:

  • 1st Place Male & Female per division (6 total): $100 cash prize + 1 month of FREE group class membership
  • Most Improved Male and Female Fitness Performances (2 total): Reebok Nano or Oly shoes of choice
  • Top Male and Female Fitness Performances per division (6 total): Complimentary entry into this year’s CrossFit Open + Free CFA T-Shirt
  • 100% Accountable: CrossFit Austin T-Shirt

FREE Community Workout


The focus of these sessions will be to introduce our neighbors to CrossFit movements, mobility, and CrossFit workouts. Sessions will be an hour long, challenging, and fun! Come sweat with your neighbors and see what CrossFit is all about!


Double Your Denim Pub Run


There’s no better way to start off the new year than with a infamous CFA Pub Run! A Double Your Denim Pub Run, to be exact. Join us on January 10th as we grace downtown pubs with a bit of funk and style!

We’ll meet at 6:45 PM at Town Lake by the water coolers on 1st and Riverside.
Then we will all walk, jog or run to the first of numerous pubs around downtown!

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come out, meet new friends and enjoy a  refreshing beverage (or a few)!

A League Of Their Own – A Women’s Only CrossFit Challenge!

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On Saturday, February 1st 2014, A League of Their Own: A Women’s Only CrossFit Challenge will showcase the amazing strength, tenacity and camaraderie that only the women of CrossFit have to offer!

Grab a girlfriend and join the roster of The Majors Division (RX) or The Minors Division (Scaled).  Four workouts across broad time and modal domains will give your duo the chance to push through your weaknesses and show off your strengths!

Registration opens Wednesday, December 11th 2013.  Space is limited to the first 30 teams per division.

Over $3000 in Prizes, including $1200 Cash!  For each of the four WODs, the 1st place finishing team in each division will receive a $50 prize.  Cash and additional prizes will be awarded to the top three teams in The Majors Division.  Additional prizes will be awarded to the top three teams of The Minors Division.

1st Place Majors Team:    $500
2nd Place Majors Team:  $250
3rd Place Majors Team:   $150

Registration opens at 12:00pm on Wednesday, December 11th 2013


– THE MAJORS $140/Team
RX division.  Two female athletes per team.  Thirty teams per division.

– THE MINORS $120/Team
Scaled division.  Two female athletes per team.  Thirty teams per division.

Not sure which division to register for? Check out the Divisions page for guidelines.


*  Only ONE teammate needs to complete the online registration for your team.

*  Event shirts are included in your registration fee!  Be prepared to provide shirt sizes of both teammates when you register online.  Shirts are a UNISEX style baseball tee (NOT women’s cut).

*  Be prepared to provide your Team Name along with contact information for BOTH athletes.

*  No refunds or exchanges will be provided for any reason!  Although planned as an indoor/outdoor event, we have adequate space at MCFSA to move the entire event indoors in case of inclement weather.

827 East Rector
Suites 103 & 105
San Antonio, Texas 78216

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