In an effort to get to know the fine folks of CrossFit Austin, we embark on our Athlete of the Month series. Each month we will spotlight a different CFA athlete. This month we have our resident firebreather/teacher extrodinaire.
State your Name and/or Nickname please
(listing no Nickname will result in a “nicknaming contest via the comments”).
Stacey Magnesio aka Stacey Mag.
4th grade Teacher
Words to live by?
I am going to steal these words from a very wise man that I know…
The Circle of Awesomeness…
Work Hard,
Play Hard,
Look Good!
What is your fitness background?
Played everything growing up… basketball (yeah, I know I’m short but I still hold the record for most 3 pointers in a season at my middle school), volleyball, tennis, swimming, softball, ran track…
Soccer was my #1 love- played club ball and traveled everywhere!
In college I kinda dropped off for a few years…worked out here and there and played intramurals.Then I got really into running for a few years, ran a half marathon and then I found CROSSFIT!
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Since last January…so…about 8 months! WOW!
What’s your favorite part of CrossFit?
The in-your-face, sore-as-hell, feel-like-your-gonna-puke INTENSITY of the whole thing! I love it because it is always something new!
What are your training goals?
I will get to those games come hell or high water!
Favorite sport or activity?
CROSSFIT of course! But when I am not doing that, I love to go for a good run (which I haven’t done in quite a while might I add!)
Recent adventure you’re planning?
Lets see, I have been skydiving…I really want to go white-water rafting one of these days!
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
Ummm…I am an undercover FBI agent…JUST KIDDING! I don’t know, I can do the worm!
Longhorns or Aggies?
I am partial to both I suppose. I cheer for both, have been to see both teams play…but feel I can’t quite make a true decision on this matter because I am a BOBCAT!
There is a rumor going around that you challenged your fellow teachers to a “Thruster Off” for the crown of “Teacher of the Year” can you confirm said rumor?
Hey!…That sounds like a damn good idea! I am sending the email out right now!
When is the infamous “Evolution of Dance” youtube video going to surface?
Haaaa haaaa! I will have to make copies for everyone! This year will be even better…the theme is musicals and the teachers are going to rock the stage with some FOOTLOOSE! We are thinking a dancing piece of “Bacon”!
Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words?
Wes and Boone- You guys are the best! Keep up the great coaching!
Guys- Keep thrustin’ those sexy muscles with your shirts off!
Ladies- We will all soon be joining the bikini club!… and of course, kick the guys’ asses!