October Athlete of the Month

In an effort to get to know the fine folks of CrossFit Austin, we embark on our Athlete of the Month series.  Each month we will spotlight a different CFA athlete.  This month we have our resident firebreather/teacher extrodinaire.

State your Name and/or Nickname please
(listing no Nickname will result in a “nicknaming contest via the comments”).

Stacey Magnesio aka Stacey Mag.

4th grade Teacher

Words to live by?
I am going to steal these words from a very wise man that I know…

The Circle of Awesomeness…
Work Hard,
Play Hard,
Look Good!

What is your fitness background?
Played everything growing up… basketball (yeah, I know I’m short but I still hold the record for most 3 pointers in a season at my middle school), volleyball, tennis, swimming, softball, ran track…

Soccer was my #1 love- played club ball and traveled everywhere!
In college I kinda dropped off for a few years…worked out here and there and played intramurals.Then I got really into running for a few years, ran a half marathon and then I found CROSSFIT!

How long have you been CrossFitting?
Since last January…so…about 8 months! WOW!

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit?
The in-your-face, sore-as-hell, feel-like-your-gonna-puke INTENSITY of the whole thing! I love it because it is always something new!

What are your training goals?
I will get to those games come hell or high water!

Favorite sport or activity?
CROSSFIT of course! But when I am not doing that, I love to go for a good run (which I haven’t done in quite a while might I add!)

Recent adventure you’re planning?
Lets see, I have been skydiving…I really want to go white-water rafting one of these days!

Tell us something we don’t know about you?
Ummm…I am an undercover FBI agent…JUST KIDDING! I don’t know, I can do the worm!

Longhorns or Aggies?
I am partial to both I suppose. I cheer for both, have been to see both teams play…but feel I can’t quite make a true decision on this matter because I am a BOBCAT!

There is a rumor going around that you challenged your fellow teachers to a “Thruster Off” for the crown of “Teacher of the Year” can you confirm said rumor?
Hey!…That sounds like a damn good idea! I am sending the email out right now!

When is the infamous “Evolution of Dance” youtube video going to surface?
Haaaa haaaa! I will have to make copies for everyone! This year will be even better…the theme is musicals and the teachers are going to rock the stage with some FOOTLOOSE! We are thinking a dancing piece of “Bacon”!

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words?
Wes and Boone- You guys are the best! Keep up the great coaching!

Guys- Keep thrustin’ those sexy muscles with your shirts off!

Ladies- We will all soon be joining the bikini club!… and of course, kick the guys’ asses!


CrossFit Austin September Athlete of the Month

In an effort to get to know the fine folks of CrossFit Austin, we embark on our Athlete of the Month series.  Each month we will spotlight a different CFA athlete.  Lets start this party with everyone’s favorite mustache-less APD detective.

State your Name and/or Nickname please?

Police Detective

Words to live by?
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ” – Theodore Roosevelt (1910)

What is your fitness background?
I have always made fitness apart of my life, from playing sports to just working out. Prior to starting CrossFit I did the more traditional working out. (Lifting weights with a little cardio mixed in from time to time)

How long have you been CrossFitting?
I have been with CrossFit Austin for around 5 months and loving it. Wish I would have found this sooner.

What’s your favorite part of CrossFit?
Olympic Lifting…..which would be followed up with burpees (my second favorite).

What are your training goals?
Short term….to get a 200 lb clean and jerk before the end of the year. Long Term…..to get in the overall best athletic condition of my life.

Favorite sport or activity?
Growing up I played and was more partial to baseball. However, as a fan I love both pro and college football. Oh, and not to forget my new favorite activity/sport…. CrossFit!

Longhorns or Aggies?
More or less neutral on the Aggies, but I am anti-longhorn. (ed. note: excellent) (other editors note: I’ll assume your dislike comes from your extreme jealousy of all Longhorns)

There is a rumor that you are starting a new club to counter the muscle-up club (obviously small guy biased) would you like to divulge any information on that?
There is always the possibility of this occurring. However, at the present time I can neither confirm nor deny such rumor.

Does your lack of a mustache hinder your performance in your chosen profession?
Silly question…..obviously the answer is yes. Although the aerodynamic benefit I get while running far outweighs the sacrifice.

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words.
Stay classy CrossFit Austin. Blake.


80s Bodacious Bar Run


The Essentials

1. We will start and end the PubRun @ Auditorium Shores where we have our Park Workouts.
2. The Route will be announced after next Tuesday July 21ist.
3. 80s Gears is greatly encouraged, and obnoxious amounts of sweat bands required.
4. Bring your running shoes and drinking hats!

Under South 1st bridge (where we host the free WOD in the park)
Cedar Door
Tap Six
Key Bar
Tinniest Bar In TX
Barton Creek Saloon

Free Workout in the Park!


Please join CrossFit Austin for a free CrossFit workout in the Park. Meet us at Town Lake under the South 1st bridge, and be a part of the Austin CrossFit revolution.

This will be an instructor-led one hour CrossFit session. The perfect opportunity for those curious about CrossFit to finally try it out, the beginner to build on their skills, or the Fire-breather to destroy another WOD. If you plan on attending please RSVP or just meet us at Town Lake between 10 and 10:30 AM so we can get started promptly at 10:30 AM.

Circle of Awesomeness Nutrition Seminar

Can’t seem to get your Zone blocks built to your liking, think “Paleo” refers to an insurance commercial?  Well its time to get your nutrition on par with your monster efforts in the gym!

Wednesday July 22nd join us at 7:30 PM (immediately following the 6:30 PM Class) for the Circle of Awesomeness nutrition seminar. Topics will include strategies for healthy eating, optimizing performance, weight loss, and any questions out there about the CrossFit nutritional prescription. 

Location: CrossFit Austin 8708 S. Congress Ave. @ 7:30 PM 
CrossFit Austin Members: Free
Non Members: $20


Dutch Lowy Trainer Development Seminar



CrossFit Austin is proud to host our good friend Dutch Lowy, one of CrossFit’s finest.  Dutch will be putting on his trainer development seminar.  For CrossFIt Trainers, Affiliate Owners, and aspiring trainers this is a must.  The day will be spent learning about programming, training, and community building.

Dutch is the CrossFit Southwest Regional Champion, a serial affiliate visitor, CrossFit movie star, and all around awesome dude. If your goal is excellence as CrossFitter/Coach this is where you start.

9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, August 22nd. Limited spots available so get yours now!

Sign Up Here

Pre St. Patty’s Day Free CrossFit Workout!

We’ll be joining up with Westlake CrossFit and CrossFit Texas for this:


A free Pre St. Patty’s Day CrossFit workout in the Park brought to you by your friendly local CrossFit Affiliates. Give yourself a reason to indulge in green beer and revelry! Meet us at Town Lake under the South 1st bridge, with your green on and be a part of the Austin CrossFit revolution.

This will be an instructor-led one hour CrossFit session. The perfect opportunity for those curious about CrossFit to finally try it out, the beginner to build on their skills, or the Fire-breather to destroy another WOD. If you plan on attending please RSVP on our Facebook invitation or just meet us at Town Lake between 10 and 10:30 so we can get started promptly at 10:30 AM.

Brittany Tuck Memorial Benefit

This isn’t a CrossFit Austin function, but a great cause and something that Wes & I believe very strongly in. Join us in supporting the Tuck family and raising scholarship funds for local students!

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