WOD 8/27

Performance – Week 8 of 8 Test Week
Makeup Day or Active Recovery Day

CFA – A Warm-up

6 Rounds for Quality
5 KB Goblet Squat
5 KB Russian Swings
5 Push-ups
5 Ring Rows
5 Sit-ups

Rowing, KB Swings

A1. x3x5 Press
A2. x3x5 Strict Pull-ups

10:00 AMRAP
20 Air Squats
10 Ring Rows
10 KBS
200m Run
*Record Rounds

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.” ― Donald Trump


Foundations – AM
John 3.25
Beto 4
Performance – AM
Janice 15:40
Ivan 15:36
Page 11:39
Kara 15:34
Ray 20:00 Rx
Ladies Class
Jenny 17:19 Rx
Jill 19:43
Foundations – Noon
Madison 5.25
Sydney 3.5
Meridith 3.75
Andrea 3
Performance- PM
Chet 20:03
ERod 20:36
Jeanette 20:15

In The Coming Weeks…

CFA, here are some things to keep in mind in the coming weeks: 120312-keep-in-mind-lg

  • CFA will be closed for Labor Day (9/2)
  • On September 7th-8th Olympian Chad Vaughn and David Durante’s will be hosting an Olympic Weightlifting & Gymnastics  Skills Clinic! This clinic is based around providing athletes with elite technical training and progressions revolving around both gymnastics and weight training.  Learn more and Register Here! 
  • The 2013 Athlete Open is right around the corner (9/28) and we need volunteers! Volunteers will only work half day and receive a free t-shirt, meal, and a front row seat to all the action! Click here!

WOD 8/26

Performance – Week 8 of 8 Test Week
A. Hang Snatch x2x5 Rest :90
*By feel

Tester – Previous Results
5 rounds
400 meter run
15 Overhead squat 95 lb, 65 lb
*Time recorded


5 Rounds for Quality
3 Hip Power Snatch
5-8 Push ups

4 Rounds
10 DB Thrusters @ 35 lb, 20 lbs
300 M Run
* Times Recorded
*15:00 Cap



Nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013 while fighting a fire in Yarnell, AZ. Here is where you can make a donation to support the families of the lost heroes. Your support will be collected by the CrossFit Kids Foundation where 100% of the donations will be distributed to the families.


Foundations – AM
Jim 13:30 (-300)
John 14:16
Humberto 8:58
Chad 12:56
Jonathan 12:25
Chaz 8:46
Matt 11:00
Jannica 13:00
Meridith 9:27
Emily 10:52
Chris 11:11
Yvonne 10:53
Andre 7:52
Performance – AM
Bradley 11:45 Rx
Ian 12:34 Rx
Gabi 15:05 Rx
Mitch 14:46
Sissy 19:00
Kristi 16:20
Ed 16:06
Jillian 16:13
Wood 16:37 Rx
Sarah 16:13
Red 17:09
Roland 17:54
Jose 17:09
Joseph 15:11
Michele 20:26
Performance – Noon
Gerald 23:42 Rx
Mer 18:12
Jared 16:48
Foundations – PM
Jason 7:23
Paige 16:22
Daniela 12:38
Jessica 11:45
Lauren 10:54
Simon 11:07
Max 12:19
Scott 10:38
Performance – PM
Ryan 16:31
Larry 16:43
Sean 17:10
Matt 20:36
Ed 21:59
Coco 21:53
Jeri 16:17
Kevin 16:42 Rx
Gil 16:10
Andrew 20:50
KJ 15:59 Rx
Missy 16:52
Phillip 15:12
Shug 22:30
Andy 22:00
Amanda 17:02
Chris 14:14
Mercy 18:10
Sanchez 18:17

Take The Sports Car Out Of The Garage!

Once again I was given orders to write something informational like, “3 Ways To Improve The Aerobic System” and “Muscle Spotlight: Shoulder” (I promise I will get to it!).  In my defense I  have a severe case of ADD.  So, instead, I will write about what currently has my very short attention span.  Which is…

The Blend of Art and Science.

I am obsessed with minds, both past and present, who have seamlessly blended the two.  Examples could be Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, etc.  All of them had the ability to blend Art and Science, and make it look easy.  As if we are all capable of such a thing.  Then I came across this video:


My aha moment came.

You see, my job is to make sure our programing has meaning and is achieving the desirable results for you, our client. Both from a numbers standpoint in strength and endurance, but also biomechanically in regards to movement quality.

Wes, Thomas, and I are always questioning.  Looking for better practices and monitoring the numbers.  Maybe we are looking in the wrong place?

Science is cold and controlled. Art is alive and free flowing.

When the gym is empty, it is cold.  Only when you guys come in does it breathe life.  Yet, we continue to monitor our performance in our controlled setting, the gym!  Maybe you, as clients, only monitor your own fitness in our controlled setting?  Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!

It is similar to the story of the man who buys a sports car just to keep it in the garage.  Most of us fall into the routine of work-gym-home, or some combination of the three.  Our fitness never sees “life”, which is the art.  Use a hobby, recreation, or play in nature! Take the sports car out and let it rip!  Then let us know how it turned out, and how it felt.  Functional fitness is not in the gym.  It is in life!

August’s Athlete of the Month: Greg Pepin!

State your Name and/or Nickname please:

Greg Pepin. A few people call me GP or GPep. Miguel has tried to get Pepino to stick, but luckily that hasn’t caught on.

Words to live by?

Lately I’ve kind of latched onto the saying “if you want to go quickly, go by yourself — if you want to go farther, go in a group.” It’s something I’ve said a few times to my teammates here at CFA and it’s something I really believe in. If people work together toward a collective goal, pretty much anything can be achieved. Other than that, I really just try to do right by people and enjoy myself whenever possible.

What is your fitness background?

I’ve played sports for as long as I can remember. Baseball, golf and basketball were the one’s I really excelled at as a kid. Baseball was my first love and I played all the way through high school (same with golf). It wasn’t until college that I found the weight room, sports had kept me in shape up until then. Like most college kids I knew very little about weightlifting, so the workouts tended to focus on the glamour muscles (lots of curls in those days). Before CrossFit I was lifting weights 3 to 4 times a week and running. This kept me in shape but didn’t really give me an outlet for my competitive drive.

How long have you been CrossFitting?

I started CrossFit almost three years ago when I was still living in Miami. My sister had been doing it for a little while and kept telling me to check it out. I saw the positive impact it was having on her and the kind of shape it was getting her into. I couldn’t let my little sister get stronger than me (side note: pound for pound she probably is stronger than me. She’s kind of a badass when it comes to CrossFit), so I finally checked out a class. I was hooked after the first week. I found CFA shortly after moving to Austin and I’ve been here pretty much every day since.

 What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin? 

The people. When you sign up you think you’re joining a gym. Maybe you’ll lose some weight, who knows you might even uncover that six pack beneath that layer of “insulation” you’ve been hiding it under. What you’re actually doing is joining a community. I’ve been lucky enough to meet some really great people through CFA. People who motivate and inspire me. People who have become family. I’m really grateful that I get to train with people who make such hard work enjoyable.

What are your training goals?

Ultimately the goal is to keep getting better everyday, but I do have three pretty specific training goals at the moment. I’m putting these out there so everyone at CFA can keep me honest.

1.) To increase my snatch to 200+ pounds by my birthday (Oct. 31). I’m currently at 185 and just missed 195 last week. I’m feeling pretty confident about this one.

2.) To go to Regionals in 2014 on a team. This one’s going to be tough. There are a lot of really talented athletes at CFA and if we all keep putting in the kind of work we have been recently, the competition for the team is going to be pretty fierce.

3.) To qualify for Regionals as an individual in 2015. This one might be a pipe dream. Regionals 2015 are a long way out, and I still don’t know if it’s enough time to get my fitness to where it would need to be. That being said, this would be a huge achievement for me in this sport and it’s something I keep in the back of my mind when I train.

Favorite sport or activity?

Surfing, though I haven’t had the opportunity to paddle out in quite some time. Texas is not known for its waves.

Recent adventure you’re planning?

Hopefully there will be a vacation in my future. Recently I’ve been looking into renting a place on a beach somewhere with some good surf. Maybe I’ll pull the trigger on that soon. Nothing imminent though.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I’ve wanted to be a writer since college. I’m a huge TV and film guy and the hope is to one day write a pilot or screenplay that I like enough to actually try and get it made.

Longhorns or Aggies?

Neither… I love football, but growing up in NH there really wasn’t a decent program near me to follow and I went to a school, Rollins College, that didn’t have a football team. I watch just enough college football to be prepared for the NFL draft.

Greg, it is well known that you are extremely efficient in all facets or your life. Whats the key to an efficient and timely workout at the gym?

Someone has to keep these guys on track, otherwise we would be there all night. One thing I’ve found that helps speed up a workout is to make sure Alex Gold and Alex Janss are not working out near each other (I couldn’t resist… you both know this is true).

Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…

You get out of this what you put in. It’s as simple as that. Coming in here day after day and pushing yourself both physically and mentally is not easy. There are days where I just don’t want to do the work. The key is to just stay focused on your goals and why you’re training in the first place. When you start seeing results and hitting those PR’s it’s all worth it. I love what I’m doing here at CFA and I couldn’t do it without everyone’s help. Can’t wait to see all we accomplish together.

gregpeping cfc

WOD 8/14

Performance – Week 6 of 8 Work Capacity
In 15 minutes work to a 3 RM Hip Clean
*Clean Recorded
5 Rounds
:30 Max TnG Power Clean to OVHD @ 65%
2:00 Rest
*Max Reps recorded
5 Rounds
200 M Sprint
2:00 Rest
*Walk back to start line


Hip Power Snatch

A. Hip Power Snatch x3x5
B. Front Squat x3-5×5
C1. Side Planks x :90/x2
C2. Weighted Pull-ups x1-3×5

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.”- Tim Duncan


Foundations – AM
Performance – AM
Kara 75 9
Gage 150 11
Mitch mod 9
Maryhelen 55 10
Gabi 95 9
9 AM 145 10
Sissy 67 9
Billy 130 8
Ruhlin 100 8
Maureen 60 7
Jose 105 10
Red 60 8
Sarah 65 13
Chet 185 5
Nelly 60 5
Performance – Noon
Joseph 125 9
Evan 135 7
Tineke 80 8
Gil 117 7
Foundations – PM
Performance – PM
Miller Time 115 5
Kiehler mod
Ryan 115 8
Coco 65 7
Matt 115 7
Clint 135 7
Larry 115 7
Keith 115 8
Allyson 90 9
Nicole 100
Jillian 75
Missy 65
C2 80
KJ 80
Can2 185
Cassi 65
Paul 175
Phillip 155
Keith 95
Kevin 85
Carolyn 65
JRod 125

3 Ways To Improve The Overhead Squat

Let’s be honest, the overhead squat is a constant headache for most CrossFitters.  Yes, there are plenty of other skills that are much more complex, such as the muscle-up, hand-stand walks, and all that other jazz, but  the general population involved in CrossFit to simply get in shape will not be doing those movements.  The overhead squat is different. This is a movement that we see everyday in Met-cons, from Level 1 Foundations all the way to Level 3 Competitive. We are exposed to this movement a lot, which means a higher percentage of people doing it wrong.  You way be looking in the wrong spots to become more proficient at the overhead squat.

Ankle Flexibility

This is not typically the one that people look at first, but being an Olympic Weightlifting Coach and knowing what the Weightlifting shoes do for people, this is usually my first observation.  One of the hardest things to do in the overhead squat is to keep the torso upright.  To some extent, we can get away with the torso being slightly forward in the traditional back squat or front squat.  In the overhead squat the torso angle directly affects the shoulder angle in attempting to keep the bar over our hips.  The inability of the ankles to properly dorsiflex will cause the hips to rise when attempting full depth, which will push your torso forward and put your shoulders in a less than desirable position.  An easy fix for this would be raising the heal with a 5kg plate or the use of weightlifting shoes.  No matter what, you must continue to work on ankle flexibility.  I have had some fantastic luck with voodoo floss around the ankles and inch-worms.

Thoracic Spine Mobility

Many of the athletes at CFA have heard this over and over, but it is important.  Often tightness and hyperkyphosis here will make the overhead position impossible. You can also identify if you have a “pivot point” in your spine.  Athletes will commonly get extension from a certain location on the spine, which neglects the other vertebrae.  To test this lie on your stomach and press up with you arms.  You should theoretically have a nice fluid curvature of the spine, but sometimes you will see the back angle more aggressively (usually in the lumbar spine), and other locations with much less extension (usually the thoracic spine).  If you see this in yourself, chances are you are trying to get extension from your lumbar spine that you should be getting from your thoracic spine.  By simply getting into that position for 30 minutes a night while you watch T.V. and focusing on letting your t-spine and shoulder blades relax , will make a difference.  You can also try getting a half foam roller or a rolled up towel and lie on it with your spine perpendicular to it. Start it at the bottom of your T-spine and work your way up to the top, lying flat and trying to relax your back around the roll. Lastly,  regular foam rolling up and down the T-spine will help mobilize it.


This last one is probably the most important.  The fact is that you have to be strong to do this movement.  I have seen plenty of individuals with the flexibility to get into great positions, but can barely support the PVC pipe.  This takes patience. You must build up your strength and mobility before pushing your self into a position that you are not prepared for.  If you force bad positions simply to get full range of motion in a work-out, you are heading backwards in your fight to be a bad-ass.  In the world of CrossFit there is a constant pressure to become proficient in many movements, really fast.  That’s not the way it works for most individuals.  So remember, Air Squat>Back Squat>Front Squat>Overhead Squat.  When you work through that progression and you find difficulty in a certain movement, THEN YOU STOP.  If you have overhead squats in a workout and you do not feel comfortable enough, especially at high intensity, then work your way down the progression until you do.  This goes for all movements in CrossFit.  In your off time work on your strength and flexibility at a low intensity, and you will be there in no time.

-Coach Thomas Lower

WOD 8/13

Performance – Week 6 of 8 Work Capacity
12:00 EMOM (Alternate Each min)
Even- 3 Kip Pull-ups
Odd- 7 OVHD Squats
w/ Partner
8 Rounds
500 M Row
7 KBS @ 24K
7 Burpees
*Jump Rope active recovery while partner works
*Total Combined Time recorded
*Partner alternate rounds

Foundations (Test)
Kip Pull-ups

EMOM alternating for 16:00
2-4 Kip Pull-ups
2-4 DB Push Press
25 -15 -10 (Test)
Wall Ball
Ring Rows
100m DB Farmer Carries
*Time recorded

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill


Foundations – AM
Monica 9:01
Humberto 8:57
John 9:59
Jim 9:03
Josh 8:06
Bryan 6:52
Raj 9:44
Dawn 9:14
Courtney 9:48
Josh 8:45
Jannica 10:44
Performance – AM
MegO/JV 28:18
Gil/Bigspoon 22:14
Lia/Janice 25:24
Janet/Sissy 25:09
Lee/Carlos 25:24
Page/Tow Matt 19:58
Jose/Ed 23:08
Red/Lisa 23:14
Jillian/Jessie 24:59
Silas//Roland/Chet 23:00
Steve/Joseph 23:04
Kayleen/Michelle 29:37
Nelly/Ray 27:24
Ladies Class
Emily/Melissa 29:41
Mer/Sarah 27:35
Jenny/Heather 27:22

WOD 8/12

PerformanceWeek 6 of 8  Work Capacity
A. Snatch RDL + Hip Snatch x3x6 rest :90 by feel
8 Rounds
300 M Run
3 Front Rack Walking Lunge/leg  @ 95 lb, 65 lb
3 Push Press @ 95 lbs, 65 lbs
*Total time recorded
*push hard on the run, catch your breath on the lunge/PP
2 Rounds
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Supermans
10 Scap Pull-up

Jump Progressions (Ankle Bounce, Pogo, rocket,  box jumps)

20:00 Minutes
20 Tic Tacs
15 KB Swings
10  Box Jumps
5 Push ups
400 M Run
*Rounds recorded

“Good is the enemy of great.” ― Jim Collins


Push-Up Man and Laila visit the Arctic Circle!

Foundations – AM
Monica 3.75
Jackie 3
Humberto 4.5
Brian 5
John 3
Performance – AM
Janice 22:10
Janet 20:56
Sissy 22:23
MegO 25:09
Ian 14:22
Mitch 20:29
Sam 22:15
Tow Matt 16:35
Jose 24:00
Sarah 20:47
Ed 20:18
Jillian 20:09
Joseph 21:37
Ryan 18:39
Michele 23:13
Ray 19:04
Performance – Noon
Mer 22:25
Wood 19:37
Tineke 20:00
Jo 22:37
Foundations – PM
Ed 4
Meridith 4
Mercy 3.75
Jillian 3
Sean 4.5
Emmy 4.15
Daniela 4
Vance 3.15
Mark 2.75
Jessica 4
Dipti 5
Lauren 4.75
Performance – PM
Chrissy 24:54
David 21:03
Coco 27:40
Gil 20:07
Miller Time 23:30
Sean 21:49
Spencer 25:36
Gabriel 26:16
Ryan 21:20
Kristin 21:48
Evil 26:03
Amanda 21:23
Larry 19:46
Keith 23:20
ABC 25:00
Ruhlin 18:35
Andy 25:00
PJ 18:05
KJ 19:49
Paul 19:59
Sanchez 18:35
J-Rod 24:44
Kristin 18:59
Alyson 23:28
Cassie 20:11
Carolyn 25:00
Jen 25:00
Shug 25:00
C2 24:11
Missy 21:32
Leah 18:28

WOD 8/10

All Levels
6:00 AMRAP
25 Box Jumps
8 Deadlifts @ 135 lb, 95 lb

2:00 Rest

6:00 AMRAP
25 Pull-ups
8 Shoulder to OVHD @ 135 lb, 95 lb

2:00 Rest

6:00 AMRAP
25 Shouldered Medball Squats @ 20 lbs
8 Front Squats @ 135 lb, 95 lb
*Teams of 2, 1 Partner Works at a time
*Total Reps recorded

31 wounded warriors

All Levels – AM
Step by Step 460
Swag 400
New Dirty 422
Lowke Ladies 455
Ol’ G’s 304
3 Girls 2 Balls 327
Thunder Cats 400
Nailed it 414
H-Tin 466
CF-7 443
Chandler’s 315
Tatted 368
Katy + ATX 411
Eye Poppin 495
Geaux 523
Mark 235