WOD 4/9

Active Recovery Day

A. 5 Rounds for Quality
5 Goblet Squats
5 Hollow Rock
2 TGU / Side

B. 20:00 For Quality
600 M Row
400 M Run
20 Russian KBS @ 24/20

“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” –Elbert Hubbard

If you need a little advice on preparation, check out this article from Coach Ben >>> [Meal Prep]


Spring Cleaning Competition || Benefiting GingerCare


{Register Here}

Spring Cleaning Clean and Tire Flip Contest
Hosted by CrossFit Austin
Benefiting GingerCare

Spring Cleaning will feature two individual events.
1. 1 rep max Clean
2. Max tire flips in 1:00.

Each athlete will be scored and ranked in each workout according to total weight lifted, Sinclair Formula (weight lifted relative to body weight), and total tire flips completed. The athlete’s with the lowest overall rankings in their respective divisions will be declared Champion!

May 9th, 2015 9 AM – Noon

CrossFit Austin
8708 S. Congress Ste. C300
Austin, TX

30 Male Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled] 30 Female Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled] We will also be offering a Mens and Womens scaled division with lighter tire flip weights.

[Entry Fee]
$60 – A portion of the proceeds will be donated to GingerCare.
We will also be accepting free will donations for GingerCare online and at the event

[About GingerCare]
GingerCare specializes in matching homeless pets with the elderly in a mutually beneficial relationship that allows for stimulation and companionship amongst both, all while providing the necessary medical care for the pet. This is to include regular visits by a veterinarian or technician whom helps to assist and educate the client in caring for their pet. When the client can no longer properly care for the animal, GingerCare aids in the intake process in order to prepare the pet for a new home.

{Register Here}

Meal Prep || Coach Ben Wells

Hello All,

Preparing meals for the week is the most frequent issue I hear from athletes when it comes to eating healthy and nutrient dense meals. With that being said, I hope I can provide some helpful tips I have picked up along the way in order to save you time, money, and in the end achieve your fitness goals.

First, you must take the time to do some recon. Google is your best friend so utilize it. Typing “Paleo Recipes” or “Paleo Cookbooks” will provide you countless recipes that are bound to suit any palate. Allow yourself anywhere from 30-60 minutes in your weekend to figure out your meal plans for the following week.

In order to determine what I have time to make I make a mental checklist:

How busy is this week going to be?
Do I have anytime to cook a healthy meal during the week?
Is there variety and color (in vegetable form) in all my dishes?
Is there enough protein and starch?
What is locally in season?
Which do I buy bulk?

When you plan meals in the beginning, start off small, not extravagant so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Also, the fewer “appliances” needed to make your dishes come together the better!

With the following recipe, once prepped, you just get your portion in the morning, heat it up & go!

Breakfast Casserole of Champions

This is the kitchen sink of breakfast dishes. Anything you have left in the refrigerator can be thrown in. Obviously adjusting the size is completely up to you. I eat all of this within 5 days. With my workout and general work schedule throughout the week I need larger portions in order to keep me fueled throughout the day. Preparation is roughly 15 minutes, but could be shortened with the purchase of pre-cut veggies. If you are interested in investing in a huge time saver get yourself a Salad Shooter, especially for sweet potatoes.


24 Eggs
2 Green Bell Peppers
2 Tomatoes
1 Large Onion
1 Jalapeno Pepper
1 Serrano Pepper (optional)
1 pound Pork Sausage
1 Sweet Potato (if more complex carbohydrates are needed)


1. Preheat oven to 375
2. Add sausage to pan on medium heat. While meat is cooking, chop all veggies and sweet potatoes. Beat eggs in large bowl with salt & pepper for taste.
3. Combine all ingredients (meat included) and mix together.
4. Grease 13×9 glass dish and pour egg mixture in.
5. Cook for 60-70 minutes or until a knife stuck in the middle comes out “clean” not runny. The middle takes longer to cook so be patient.
6. Let sit for 10 minutes before eating or allow to cool completely for 2-3 hours and portion out breakfast for the rest of your week.

Fresh salsa or Cholula really brings this dish to the next level.

You are welcome for the extra sleep time you are now able to get since your breakfast is already done!

-Coach Ben

WOD 4/8

Test Day 2
A. 3 RM Deadlift
*weight recorded

B. 10-1
Wall Balls 20/14
Power Snatch @ 75 / 55
*Time recorded

**Scaled Version**

Wall Balls (Choose a weight you can do 10 consecutive UB Wall Balls with)
Power Snatch (Choose a weight you do 6-7 Consecutive UB reps with)
*Time recorded

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” –Oprah Winfrey

CFA Welcomes New Coach || Nole Steketee

noleFrom CFA Management:
CrossFit Austin is proud to introduce the newest member of our Coaching Staff, Nole Steketee.  We originally brought Nole on as a Coach for CrossFit Valor back in the days of our dual ownership and now we are thrilled to have him joining the CFA Team down South! Many of you already know Nole from watching him sweat it out with our Competition Team. Nole joins our team with years of professional and athletic experience! We’ll let him tell you more about himself… but we’re excited to add another seasoned and experienced coach at CrossFit Austin!  Be sure to welcome Nole to the community next time you see him!

About Nole: Nole graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and holds his CrossFit Level 1 Training certificate.  He started CrossFitting in 2011 and has been coaching for a little less than 3 years. When Nole isn’t coaching or sweating with CFA’s Competitive Team you can probably find him Paddleboarding Town Lake, or enjoying an afternoon on the golf course.  During the daytime Nole also works as a Software developer, creating Android apps for concert festivals and events all over the country.

A message from Nole: “I stumbled upon Crossfit while searching for an alternative to long grueling Triathlon training sessions.  The constant variation in the workouts was exactly what I was looking for.  I believe that the greatest aspect of Crossfit is the fact that it is not only training for our body, but also training for our mind, developing the belief that we can overcome any obstacles we may face in our everyday lives.  The thing I love most about coaching Crossfit is gettting to witness the way a simple thing like working out can have such a dramatic effect on someone’s self esteem and confidence, and getting to feel like I was a part of the process.”

“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” -Bruce Lee

Contact Nole: nole@crossfitaustin.com

WOD 4/7

Active Recovery Day

A. E202
BB Step-ups x8/legx5  @ 45/35

B. Floor Press x4-6×4 Rest :90

C. 3 Rounds
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Plank Hold
:30 Farmer Hold
:30 Rest

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” –Thomas Aquinas

Spring Cleaning Competition – Benefiting Gingercare

shortspringcleaning{Register Here}

Spring Cleaning
Clean and Tire Flip Contest
Hosted by CrossFit Austin
Benefiting GingerCare

Spring Cleaning will feature two individual events.
1. 1 rep max Clean
2. Max tire flips in 1:00.

Each athlete will be scored and ranked in each workout according to total weight lifted, Sinclair Formula (weight lifted relative to body weight),  and total tire flips completed. The athlete’s with the lowest overall rankings in their respective divisions will be declared Champion!

May 9th, 2015
9 AM – Noon

CrossFit Austin
8708 S. Congress Ste. C300
Austin, TX

30 Male Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled] 30 Female Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled]

We will also be offering a Mens and Womens scaled division with lighter tire flip weights.

[Entry Fee]
$60 – A portion of the proceeds will be donated to GingerCare. We will also be accepting free will donations for GingerCare online and at the event

[About GingerCare]
GingerCare specializes in matching homeless pets with the elderly in a mutually beneficial relationship that allows for stimulation and companionship amongst both, all while providing the necessary medical care for the pet. This is to include regular visits by a veterinarian or technician whom helps to assist and educate the client in caring for their pet. When the client can no longer properly care for the animal, GingerCare aids in the intake process in order to prepare the pet for a new home.

{Register Here}

WOD 4/6

Test Day 1
A. 1 RM Squat Clean
*Weight Recorded

B. 3 Rounds
5 Muscle-ups
10 Power Clean to OVHD @ 135 / 95
50 Double Unders
*15:00 Time Cap
*Time or reps recorded 

**Scaled Version**

3 Rounds
5 CTB Pull-ups (jumping, banded, kip or strict choose the option that is most challenging but can be completed)
10 Power Clean to OVHD (Choose a weight you can complete in 1-2 sets / round)
50 Double Unders or 75 DU & Singles combo or 100 Singles

“The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” –George S. Patton


WOD 4/4

“The Seven”
7 Rounds for time:
7 Handstand Push-ups
7 Thrusters
7 Power Cleans
7 Burpees
7 Pull-ups
*Time recorded 

2 Person Teams each athlete must complete all rep of each mvmt before the teams can move on to the next mvmt. One athlete works at a time.

M: 115-135
W: 85-95 

M: 24-32
W: 16-20

Join us next Saturday {4.11} for our Free Community WOD! Bring a friend and let’s sweat!
