WOD 2/16

A. 2K Row Relay w/ a partner alternate every 250 m.

B. 30:00 AMRAP
400 M Run
30 DUs
21 KB Swings @ 24/20
12 Box Jumps / Step-ups @ 24/20
*Total reps recorded

“Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.” –Lee Haney

Night Of Champions || WOD ANNOUNCEMENT


We are 5 short days from our Night of Champions competition! As promised, below are the WODs we’ll see this Friday with Rx and Scaled weights listed below. Get yourself a partner and get registered! Remember, only 1 team member must register through the online system ($50 per team). We’ll email you to get your partner’s name and which division you’ll be competing in.


Event 1

Max Deadlift

Each team member will find a max deadlift.  Teams will be grouped on bars together by announced opening weights and each bar will move up in weight every minute. Teammates best lifts will be added together to give the team a score.

Event 2

1200 M Run
50 Burpee Box Jump / Step-up
40 Hang Cleans
15:00 Cap

M: 24” box, 165 lb barbell
W: 20” box, 105 lb barbell

M: 20” box, 115 lb barbell
W: 12” box, 75 lb barbell

Athletes will run a total of 1200 meters between them. This can be split into an 800 and a a 400 or two even 600s. The athletes will then proceed to the burpee box jump / step ups where the reps can be split anyway they see fit. Athletes may jump or step onto the box at their own discretion. Teams will then move to the hang cleans where they may split the reps however they see fit. Hang cleans must start between the knee and the hip and can be received in muscle, power, squat or split position.

*15:00 Time Cap

WOD 2/15

A. In 20 minutes build to a Max:

Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

B. 50 DU Buy in
7 CTB Pull-ups
21 Thruster
6 CTB PUll-ups
15 Thruster
5 CTB Pull-ups
9 Thrusters
4 CTB Pull-ups
50 DU Cash Out
M: 95 W: 65
*Time recorded


Extra Credit

10:00 EMOM

2 Muscle-up transitions 


Kip Ring Dips x4-7×3

**Join us this Friday for Night of Champions!**
{Details & Registration}



WOD 2/13 – Sweat with your Sweetheart!


Looking for something special to do with your Valentine?

Join us for CrossFit Austin’s Annual Sweat with your Sweetheart WOD!

Whether it’s your husband, wife, fiancé, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, best friend, random person you met on the way….doesn’t matter to us! Grab a partner and lets get sweaty!
{The couple that sweats together, stays together…}

Saturday, February 13th @ 10:00 am
Free Class open to the public!

Non-members, members and loved ones can sign up for this fun and free event hereRegularly scheduled group classes on Saturday (2/13) have been replaced by this event, so be sure to follow the registration link to  participate. Workouts will be designed for all ability levels, making this is a great time to spread the word and come in for a fun workout!

Sign Up Here!

**9:00 am group class cancelled – Open gym will be available**

Movement of the Week || Chest To Bar Pull Ups – Part 2

Here's part 2 of our chest to bar series. This time around, focusing on the kip. These can also help with regular pull ups! Check out more videos at www.youtube.com/channel/UCJz-dOyuDWguw1OoRCkaq_w #kipping #chestobar #ctb #c2b #crossfit #intheopen #crossfitopen2016 #austin #tx #shoulders Traditional Kip – Muscle Kip Swing This drill is used to reinforce using the shoulder to initiate the swing. The lower body and hips should not swing at all. The athlete will push himself into a tight hollow position, and pull themselves into a tight arch position. The goal is to be as controlled as possible. – Arch / Hollow Kip Swing A tight compact kip swing is important to correctly perform dynamic gymnastics movements. The swing should be initiated with the shoulders, the elbows must remain locked out, keep the belly tight in both the arch and hollow position, and keep the heels together and toes pointed. – Skips This drill is an extension of the Arch/Hollow Kip Swing, with a more aggressive finish. The ’skip’ helps to develop straight arm strength/power, reinforces necessity of tight midline, and can be used as a tool used to understand/develop the timing of when to pull. – Pause at top with Push Away This is used to improve the athlete’s ability to connect pull-ups. The athlete performs a kip pull-up and stop and hold their chest against the bar. The athlete will then push themselves away from the bar and into another swing to pull. This is also a good test of actually pulling strength, if you can perform kip pull-ups but can’t hold the top position for longer than 5 seconds the athlete should work to improve strict static strength in the pull-up. – Full CTB Pull-ups The full CTB pull-up should look fluid and rythmic. Common faults include athletes losing control of the core in the “arch” phase of the swing, leaving the feet behind the bar while pulling the chest to the bar, and allowing the knees to bend or elbow during the “arch” phase of the swing.

A video posted by CrossFit Austin (@crossfitaustin) on

WOD 2/12

A. Not for Time
25 DLs @ 50%
25 Step-ups @ 24/ 20
20 DLs @ 50% +10 lb
20 Step-ups @ 24/ 20
15 DLs @ 50% +20 lbs
15 Step-ups @ 24/ 20
10 DLs @ 50% +30 lbs
10 Step-ups @ 24/ 20
*step-ups are / leg

B. 5 Rounds
10 Push-ups
5 Ring L-Sit Raises  

**Don’t forget! 9:00 am class has been cancelled tomorrow (Sat. 2.13) Join us at 10:00 am for our Sweat with your Sweetheart WOD!



WOD 2/11

A. 3 Rounds Not For Time
3-5 CTB Pull-ups
30 Double Unders

B. 400 M Run
21 Clean to OVHD @ 115/75
21 DU
400 M Run
15 Clean to OVHD @ 115/75
15 DU
400 M Run
9 Clean to OVHD @ 115/75
9 DU
*Time Recorded

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

WOD 2/10

A. 18:00 EM0M
Min 1: 2 Front Squats  @ 85%
Min 2: 5 Horz. Ring Rows
Min 3: Rest

B. 18:00 EM0M
Min 1: 3 Snatch DL @ 95-105% of clean
Min 2: 3-5 Deficit Push-ups
Min 3: Rest

C. 20 Strict TTB

***Need some tips on TTB?? Check out our Blog for the Movement of the Week series from last week!

Extra Credit

9:00 E3O3

Toe Nail Muscle-up Transitions x5x3

3×5 Strict Dips (on boxes)

“The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American dream.” –Tommy Hilfiger


Movement of the Week || Chest To Bar Pull Ups

Push-up women and men! This week, we’re back with another series of movement videos to help you prep for the Open. This time around, it’s Chest To Bar Pull Ups. These are a tough challenge for athletes new and old, alike. Be sure to practice these movements and you’ll be sure to see improvements! #crossfitopen2016 #crossfit #CTB #C2B #pullups #strict #negatives #intheopen #gymnasty #gymnastics Strict Strength – Scap Pull-ups Begin the movement with shoulders and arms completely locked out and maintain a hollow body position with the glutes and core.  Pull the scaps down and back and do not bend the elbows, then relax your shoulders to return back down into a fully extended position. The goal is to develop the ability to perform 3 sets of 12-15 perfect, controlled reps. – Passive Range Lift off In prone position (face down): while trying to maintain a neutral cervical spine lift your hands (or PVC) off of the ground with focus on squeezing your shoulder blades down and together toward the mid spine. As control improves, you can continue to increase the range by elevating your starting position. Again, purpose is for control of the range, so we are not just slinging are hands up behind us. – Banded Face Pull This is an auxiliary exercise that develops and strengthens the rhomboids, external rotators, and rear delts. Strengthening this group of muscles will help athletes develop a full and proper “finish” of pulling the chest all the way to the bar with retracted scaps. In doing so the face pull helps to prevent athletes from rolling the shoulders to the bar during the “finish”. This exercise can be performed daily, goal is to accumulate 20-40 reps in a row. – Horizontal CTB Pull-ups Focus on maintaining a tight “arch” position by staying fully engaged in the glutes and core. Only raise the feet to a level that allows perfect pulling mechanics, do not try to reach the chest to bar position by rolling the head and shoulders forward to the bar. Goal is to develop the ability to perform 5 perfect controlled reps for 5 sets. – Negatives Jump your chest to the bar and hold the chest to the bar for 2 seconds. Then, slowly lower from the bar for 5 seconds.

A video posted by CrossFit Austin (@crossfitaustin) on

WOD 2/9

A. Build to a 2 RM Snatch

B. 50 Cal Row
40 TTB
30 Wall Balls 20/14
20 CTB Pull-ups
10 Power Snatches @ 80% of today
*Time Recorded

“Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart.”-Gene Tunney