Movement of the Week || Toes To Bar – Part 3

Check out our final segment of the toes to bar series as we prep for the Open (Feb 25). Make sure to tune back in on Tuesday for our next series: Chest to Bar.  #toestobar #crossfit #intheopen #crossfitopen2016 #strict #upperbody #activeshoulders Straight Arm Strength In our final video of the toes to bar series, we focus on straight arm strength. Improving straight arm strength will make the kip swing more powerful and increase strength endurance for all “hanging” gymnastics movement.  These exercise are shown in order of least difficult to most difficult, and can be performed concurrently with the kip swing and core drills in previous videos. 1. Band Straight Arm Press Downs This can be done with the band set up you see in the video or with an old school cable pulley system if found at globo gyms and hotel/apt. gyms. Keep the arms straight as you press the bar to chest level. Maintain a tight core, and glutes similar to the hollow position. Only move up in band tension or weight when you can successfully complete 12 reps without breaking at the core. 2. Ring Fall outs This exercise integrates core stability and straight arm strength. The goal is to maintain a hollow body position throughout all phases of the movement. The tendency will be to allow the back to overextend, if this is happens shorten the length you extend the arms away from the body at the bottom. Work perfect set of 3-5 reps until you can hold your arms in line with your ears in a perfect hollow position at the bottom for 5 reps. 3. Strict Knees to elbow and Toes to bar These variations simply remove the swing and any momentum it creates from the full movement to force the arms, shoulders, and core to do more work. If you’re not strong enough to do these variations, use a spotter to help get your knees to your chest and toes to the bar. Then, slowly lower your legs for 3-5 seconds. The straighter the legs are the more demanding the exercise will be. Athletes of all ability levels benefit from increasing strength and strength endurance in the “strict” variations of bodyweight movements. Goal here is to develop the ability to complete 3 sets of 5 strict toes to bar with straight

A video posted by CrossFit Austin (@crossfitaustin) on

WOD 2/8

A. Build to a 5 RM in the Hang Power Clean & Jerk in 10:00

B. 6:00 E2O2
Hang Power Clean & Jerk
Set 1 x10 reps @ 80% of 5 RM
Set 2 x15 reps @ 65-70% of 5 RM
Set 3 x20 reps @ 55-60% of 5 RM

C. 21-15-9
Back Squat @ 135 / 95
Box Jumps @ 24/20
Deadlifts @ 135 / 95
Double Unders
*Time Recorded

Extra Credit:

10:00 EMOM

2 Muscle-up transitions
Kip Ring Dips x4-7×3

“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.” –Democritus
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WOD 2/6

A. 8 Rounds
5 Cleans @ 165/105
10 TTB
15 Wall Balls @ 20/14
*2 person teams split reps anyway you see fit

**Extra Credit**
Spend 10:00 Making attempts at a Muscle-up


Static Dip x3-5×4 rest 2:00
*add weight if you can complete 5 through full ROM

*Good luck to Nicole Seltman and Coach Zach as they head off to compete in Winter Warfare today!

Grab a partner or come meet someone new! Join us next week for our
Annual “Sweat with your Sweetheart” partner WOD!

10:00 am || Free || Open to all



WOD 2/5

A. 3 Sets not for time
5-8 Kip HSPU
4-6 CTB Pull-ups
:30 Ring L-SIt Lifts

B. 3 Rounds not for time w/ a partner
400 M Sled Drag
200 M Farmers Walk
100 M Unweighted lunges
*partners starts at different stations everyone does  all the work

Join us next weekend for our Annual Sweat with your Sweetheart WOD! Grab a pal and come play!

[Details & Registration]


Movement of the Week || Toes To Bar – Part 2

As promised, here is part 2 of the toes 2 bar series, aimed at helping you prep for the Open. Enjoy! #toes2bar #t2b #open #core #hollowbody #intheopen #CrossFitGames #CrossFit #2016CrossFitOpen Compression / Core Drills In the first series we focused on the swing and how to maintain a compact rhythmic kip swing to string TTBs together. Our second series we’ll focus on developing the ability to flex and compress at the hips while strengthening the core abdominal muscles. 1. Hollow Hold (Tuck to Long) This is the fundamental position for all gymnastic movements. Being strong in the hollow position allows for better control of the kip swing and stronger transfer of power from hips to the upper body. Start by keeping the knees tucked and the arms straight by your side. The low back should be in contact with the floor, with the hips and shoulder off the floor. To make the position more difficult move the hands overhead and straighten your legs. Try to develop the ability to hold this for a solid 60 continuous seconds in the tuck version, and then do the same in the “long” version. 2. Hands Flat Knee Raises Focus on using the core to pull the hips off the ground, and keep the knees tucked as close to your body as possible. Return the hips and feet slowly back to the ground so you can feel the core working. 3. KB Knee Raises Similar to the previous drill, with the hands straight overhead holding a kettlebell or dumbbell. Focus on using the core to pull your hips off the ground, and keep the knee tucked as close to your body as possible. Return your hips and feet slowly back to the ground so you can feel the core working. 4. Toes to KB Focus on using the core to pull your hips off the ground, and keep your knees tucked as close to your body as possible, at the last second extend the feet to the handle of the KB. Return your hips and feet slowly back to the ground with straight legs so you can feel the core working. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps of these drills to develop adequate core strength for the toes to bar.

A video posted by CrossFit Austin (@crossfitaustin) on

WOD 2/3

A. 18:00 EM0M
Min 1: 3 Power Cleans @ 80%
Min 2: Max time CTB Hold  (no longer than :60)
Min 3: Rest

B. 18:00 EM0M
Min 1: 3 Clean DL @ 95-105% of clean
Min 2: 2-3 Deep Ring Dips (add weight if 3 is easy)
Min 3: Rest

C. 3 Rounds
10 Toes to KB
:15 Plank Hold (on hands not elbows)

Extra Credit

9:00 E3O3
Toe Nail Muscle-up Transitions x5x3


2:00 of Max Kip Dips (on boxes)
*Good clean reps come off the boxes before you hit failure

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama

Movement of the Week || Toes To Bar

Our first #Open #movement post includes one of the most notorious bad boys in the #crossfit world…duh duh duh…#toestobar…eeeekkk Check out Coach @txtim3 as he walks you through some skill building #exercises and #progressions of the swing portion of the movement: Swing Progression 1. Arch / Hollow Kip Swing A tight compact kip swing is important to correctly perform dynamic gymnastics movements. The swing should be initiated with the shoulders, the elbows must remain locked out, keep the belly tight in both the arch and hollow position, and keep the heels together and toes pointed. 2. Kipping Knee Raise Small Swing Initiate the movement with a tight compact arch/hollow kip swing. On your back swing (hollow) drive hard against the bar with straight arms and pull your knees up above your waist.  Practice connecting knee raises until you can successfully connect 8-10 reps consistently. This will help you learn the rhythm of connecting kip TTBs 3. Kipping Knee to Chest Initiate the movement with a tight compact arch/hollow kip swing. On your back swing (hollow) drive hard against the bar with straight arms and pull your knees up as high as possible. Work mastering singles and doubles of the knee to chest before trying to string more together. Once you can consistently connect 2-3 reps getting your knees to your chest you’re ready to start focusing on TTBs. 4. Kipping TTB Initiate the movement with a tight compact arch/hollow kip swing. On your back swing (hollow) drive hard against the bar with straight arms, pull your knees up as high as possible and kick your toes to the bar. Initially, focus on being consistent with singles then work to set of 2-3 at a time. The key to connecting TTBs is a great arch/hollow kip swing, so continue to practice kip swings and kip knee raises even once you accomplished your first TTB.

A video posted by CrossFit Austin (@crossfitaustin) on

Congrats to January Competitors!

It is so exciting for us to see so many of our folks getting out into the community to compete! We had a handful of folks get out and compete in October we couldn’t be more proud. Great job on all your accomplishments CFA! Keep up the great work!

Congrats to Nick Piacente, Leah Alter, Erica Cuellar, and Coach Wes from Austin Weightlifting for their hard work at the Texas State Weightlifting Championships! They lifted some serious weight!



Nicole Seltman and Jeanette Guerrero both completed the 3M 1/2 marathon and Nicole had a PR on her time! Congrats you two!

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Leigh Legare, Stacey Magnesio, Josh Harris, and Tim Garland competed as a Team at the Fittest Games while Matt Milldrum, Isaiah Rosario, and Austin Coover all represented CFA as individual athletes! Awesome work guys!

If we missed anyone please be sure to shoot us a message. If you have an event coming up in February, let us know!
Contact with your competition details!

CrossFit Austin’s Live CF Open Announcement Watch Parties!


CrossFit Austinites – join your coaches on Thursday evenings to view the Live Announcement of The CrossFit Open Workout!!!

Never watched it before? Don’t know what The CrossFit Open’s all about?
The CrossFit Open begins in just a few weeks![learn more here —>]

The CrossFit Open is the first stage in determining who goes to The CrossFit Games (you know, the stuff you see on TV!). The Open runs for 5 weeks. Each week, a workout is announced on Thursday evening. Those who are participating in The CrossFit Open have from the announcement time through Sunday to complete the workout announced and submit their score online.

When the workout is announced, there’s a lot of anticipation around what it will be. ALSO – as soon as it’s announced, 2 high-level CrossFit Athletes compete head to head. They find out what the workout is when we do, so it’s an exciting event to watch!

Feel free to bring a snack, a drink, a friend… join us Thursday evening, February 25th for the first Live Announcement!!!!

We’ll set-up the projector and make it a party. See you all there!

We will host a community viewing on the following Thursday evenings:

Thursday PM – February 25th
Thursday PM – March 3rd
Thursday PM – March 10th
Thursday PM – March 17th
Thursday PM – March 24th

Athletes competing in The Open are more than welcome to tackle the announced WOD immediately after the announcement. Please be warmed up and ready to go!!

The Open WODs will be programmed as a part of our weekly programming on Saturday mornings during the 9:00 and 10:00 am classes.

WOD 2/2

A. 5:00 EMOM
2 Front Squat @ 60-80%


10:00 E202
1 Front Squat @ 80-90%

B. 3 Rounds
9 Pull-ups
6 Burpees over the bar
3 Thrusters @ 115/75
*6:00 Cap
*Time recorded

“A person has two hands, one for helping himself, and one for helping others.” -Unknown

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