
Grow a Beard, Help a Family

The weather is getting colder and the leaves are starting turn, which can only mean one thing….. it’s beard-growing time for the men of CrossFit Austin!
In an effort to raise money for Kenedi Groves, we are challenging all CFA Men to put the razors down for the next 35 days! There will be 2 contests associated with Novembeard and the winner of each will receive a free month of group classes at CrossFit Austin. All proceeds will directly benefit Kenedi and her family as they wait for a donor.

Event 1:
“Shave and Weigh” Sprint

Let the scales tip in your favor – grow the beard that weighs the most
at weigh-in / shave-off on Saturday, November 17th.
*Contestants must be clean-shaven Friday, October 12.

Event 2:
“The Beard Beauty Pageant”

An all-female panel of judges will determine the most wonderfully
whiskered warrior on Saturday, November 17th.
*Contestants do not have be clean-shaven on Friday, October 12th.

When: Starting Friday 10/12 – Ending  11/17
Where: CrossFit Austin or Anywhere in the World
Why: To Raise Money for Kenedi and COTA

Sign Up Now ($25 Entry Fee)

More Info:

More about Kenedi Groves and her family

WOD 10/8

Level Two
A. In 20 Minutes work to a Challenging 3 in the Hang Clean and Jerk and Weighted Pull-up
B1. Deadlift x5x2 @ 85%-90%, x5x3 @ 95% Rest :00 (no rest)
B2. 200 yard Sled Sprint x 5 Rest :90

Level One (TEST DAY)

Jump Progression Review
KB Swing Russian to OVHD

1 Mile Time Trial

Front Plank Test

Reasons for your worsening stomach problems on a paleo/ low-carb/ ancestral/ gaps/ etc. diet
*Post thoughts to comments

“I think the way to become the best is to just have fun.” – Shaun White

AM – Level 1
Gabriel 8:17
The King 7:30
Raj 9:37
AM – Level 2
Mikey 185lb 15lb
Styx 100lb 10lb
Jessie 50lb (1 BW)
JV 75lb (2 BW)
Janet 70lb 3 (MOD)
Mike 155lb 30lb
Sean 145lb 35lb
Tim 195lb 25lb
Guthrie 160lb 20lb
Melissa 105lb (MOD)
Eileen 70lb (RR)
Mitch 140lb 25lb
Jackie 65lb (MOD)
Bill 125lb (MOD)
Tow Matt 155lb (MOD)
Brad 175lb 57lb
AJ 125lb 35lb
Ballet 125lb 20lb
Michael 155lb 30lb
Ray 137lb 55lb
12 PM – Level 2
49er 105lb (3 BW)
Aaron 135lb (3 BW)
Mer 80lb (MOD)
PM – Level 2
Liz G 40lb (Blue)
Big Spoon 165lb 30lb
Jennifer S 35lb (Green)
Melissa 70lb (Red)
Dayna 135lb 30lb
Kevin 135lb 20lb
Zac 155lb 55lb
E-Rod 135lb 20lb
Diana 120lb 5lb
Elena 50lb (Red)
Schittone 135lb 55lb
Kaz 135lb 55lb
Shug 75lb (Skill)
Leah 85lb (Skill)
Gil 110lb 55lb
Nic 185lb 85lb
Joe 165lb 80lb
Alyson 55lb (MOD)
Denise 55lb (MOD)
Holly 100lb (MOD)
Desiree 95lb (MOD)
George 115lb 40lb
Missy 55lb (MOD)
C2 55lb (MOD)
Money 85lb (MOD)
Andy 135lb 30lb
Paul 125lb (3 BW)
Marky Marc 125lb 35lb
Clint 135lb 40lb
PM – Level 1
Smitty 7:01
Linzi 7:45
Snider 11:21
Ruben 8:31
Valerie 8:31
Donna 8:06
Angelica 7:55
Kara 8:10
Daby 7:54
Javier 7:29
Frank 9:42
J-Dub 10:48
J-Mo 8:04
Chris 7:01
David I 7:02

WOD 10/6

All Levels
“Relay Triathlon”
A. 100 Burpee Relay
*25 consecutive/ person

B. 4×400 M Relay

C. 4 K Row Relay
*1K Row Consecutive/ person
**4-person Teams**

Shoulder Mobility Circuit
Shoulder Sweeps
Carl’s Bar Hanging Stretch
*1:00 / exercise (:30/Side if unilateral)
*3-5 Sets

AM – All
Half Pint 20:38
The Avengers 29:53
The ? 28:10
Three Amigos 23:12
Quatro Friends 25:43
Tres Mujeres 23:56

Kenedi Jae’s Story

Kenedi Jae Groves

Kenedi was born on December 18, 2005 with Hyperplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Aortic Stinosis.  At just a few days old, she was flown to Children’s Medical Center Dallas from Amarillo where she underwent her first two heart surgeries. These procedures were viewed as successful and Kenedi still had some function on the left side of her heart. We had hopes that with more time, this left side of her heart would improve.  But on May 15, 2006, the left side of her heart still had minimal function, and a more intense surgery was required. Kenedi underwent her third open heart surgery known as the Bi-Directional Glen as well as the Damas Kaye Stansil. Since then Kenedi’s progress from these procedures was painful and slow. She was in the Intensive Care Unit for over a month. After several unsuccessful attempts to extabate her, take her off oxygen, remove the NG tube (feeding tube), and leave ICU, she was finally released to go home on July 5, 2006. Even at 9 months old, her journey was far from being over.

Kenedi is now 6 years old and in the 1st grade. On August 23, 2012, she was admitted into Children’s Medical Center for heart failure. After various tests, doctors found her a good transplant candidate. She was placed as an A1 Status. On October 1st, 2012 she underwent surgery once again, this time for  doctors to implant a Berlin Mechanical Heart. She and our family are currently in Dallas waiting and praying for a heart transplant while staying at the Children’s Medical Center and the Ronald McDonald House.

Although this is a very difficult time, we are certain we are where we need to be. With the support of our family, friends, and the number of medical personnel we are in communication with, her life is in the best hands. We know God has special plans for her. We are hopeful the perfect heart is awaiting this little girl. She is without a doubt, a miracle in our lives and a blessing to all around her.

-Written by her Mother, Kelli Wight Kennedy

Kelli, Kenedi Jae, and their family have always been a huge part of my life. From Kelli babysitting me when I was a youngster to spending Christmas with Kenedi Jae and all of her cousins.  We always knew that Kenedi would need more medical care as she grew older, but were completely blindsided when we learned she was in complete heart failure and in need of a transplant.

Over the next several months, CrossFit Austin will be hosting multiple fundraising events for Kenedi and her family.  I’m honored to be a leader in the Austin CrossFit community and have seen this community come together in the past for a great causes- so it is only natural to enlist our powerful community to support a hurting family in need.  Thank you in advance for your generosity, my hope is that our community can take even a small burden off of Kelli, Kenedi Jae, and their family in this incredibly difficult time.

I ask that you give what you can, even the smallest amount will help.  Know your donation will directly impact this little girl and her family’s life.

Thank you so much,

-Wes Kimball, Owner and Founder of CrossFit Austin

WOD 10/5

All Levels
A1. RDL x10x3 @ 75%+ of Clean Rest :30
A2. Jane Fonda x:20×3 Rest :30
A3. Russian KB Swings x10x3 Rest 2:00 
B. 1 Mile Time Trial

Tricks foods play
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 “Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” – Wilma Rudolph

AM – All
Big Spoon 6:10
Ivan 6:20
Styx 6:28
Jessie 7:30
KJ 7:52
Guthrie 6:40
Valyn 8:20
JV 7:42
EJ 6:51
Tow Matt 6:57
Michele MOD
Shannon C 8:37
Jackie 8:53
Dayna 6:45
Krista 7:06
Mer 8:37
E-Rod 8:57
Derek 9:47
Jen 11:09
12P – All
Cameron 6:48
49er 7:27
Snick 8:02
Gil 7:38
Caroline 8:43
Jennifer S 8:32
Linzi 8:02
Laila 7:27

WOD 10/4

Level Two
A1. Push Press 8-6-4-3-2 Rest 2:00-3:00
*Start at 75% and build from there
B1. Front Squat x5x4 @ 60-70% Rest :30
B2. Y,T, L x 5 Rest :90
C. Low Box Squat x8x4 @ 70-80%

Level One

A. Hang Snatch (to Squat or Power Pos.)

A1. Hang Snatch x3x6 (Work up Weight)Rest :30
A2. Double Under or Singles x(20 DU, 40 Singles)x6 Rest 1:00
B1. Deadlift x3x6 Rest :30
B2. Spiderman Walks (F/B) x20mx6 Rest 1:00

Tip 443: Drink Coffee for Better Health and Longevity—Fat Loss Too?!
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“Nothing can substitute for just plain hard work. I had to put in the time to get back. And it was a grind. It meant training and sweating every day. But I was completely committed to working out to prove to myself that I still could do it.” – Andre Agassi

AM – Level 1
Garrett S
Kara S
Eddie S
Phillip S
Shannon C S
Erich S
Morgen S
Eric H S
King S
AM – Level 2
Ivan S
Can2 S
Keith S
Sparker S
Janice S
Janet S
Zac S
Mitch S
Leah S
Jeff C S
Jessie S
Big Spoon S
Guthrie S
Jeff S
Brad S
Tow Matt S
Richard S
Michael S
Paul S
Michele S
Ray S
AM – Ladies’
Caitlyn S
Jenny S
Irl S
Emily S
Josie S
Mer S
12P – Level 1
Anne S
Avtar S
Mark S
David I S
Dixie S
Jonathan S
Snick S
Maya S
Shannon K S
PM – Level 2
Ed S
Tasha S
E-Rod S
Araceli S
Jables S
Bryan S
Gil S
Sharon S
Dayna S
Shug S
Lane S
Holly S
Gary S
Evil S
Kaz S
Wade S
Chrissy S
Mrs Fro S
Fro S
Liz G S
Nicole S
Patti S
C2 S
Elena S
PM – Level 1
J-Dub S
Smitty S
Daby S
Snider S
Linzi S
Cameron S
Valerie S
Ruben S
Fran S
M-n-M S

WOD 10/3

Level Two
A1. DB/Parrellete Push-up x8x6 @ 2020 Rest 1:00
A2. Horizontal Row x5x6 @ 2020 Rest 1:00
*Add weight as needed

B. 10 Rounds
5 Kneeling Medball Half Moons (R, L = 1 rep)
5 Russian Triangles
100 Yard Lateral Slide w/ Medball
*M: 20 lb W:14 lb

Level One (TEST DAY)

500 M Row x4 Rest 3:00
*Split Times Recorded

The peak time for everything
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“This ability to conquer oneself is no doubt the most precious of all things sports bestows.” – Olga Korbut

AM – Level 1
Mike 1:51 1:55 1:57 1:55
Kara 2:19 2:23 2:23 2:25
King 1:57 1:57 1:56 1:56
Dakota 2:08 2:20  – 2:12
Linzi 2:18 2:15 2:16 2:14
Shannon 2:07 2:13 2:17 2:09
Donna 2:15 2:17 2:20  –
AM – Level 2
Sean 16:39 Rx
Big Spoon 16:26 Rx
Brent 18:42 (25lb P)
Mitch 17:29 (14lb)
Sparker 21:37 (10lb)
Alexandra 22:02 (10lb)
Guthrie 20:09 Rx
Mike 18:03 Rx
Jeff C 17:46 (14lb)
Jessie 19:39 Rx
Valyn 19:38 (10lb)
KJ 19:38 (10lb)
Janet 20:58 Rx
AJ 18:14 Rx
Zac 16:27 Rx
Paul 21:59 (14lb)
Michael 15:33 Rx
Ryan 18:59 Rx
Oliver 22:14 (10lb)
George 22:02 Rx
Brad 17:38 Rx
12P – Level 2
Jennifer 18:58 (6lb)
49er 20:50 (14lb)
Laila 18:03 (10lb)
Jen 21:45 Rx
PM – Level 2
Caitlin 14:58 (10lb)
Gil 19:15 Rx
Ed 16:32 (14lb)
Krista 14:53 Rx
Sarah 14:05 Rx
Holly 14:45 Rx
Derek 18:25 (10lb)
Trixsi 14:29 (10lb)
Gabriel 18:22 Rx
Gary 19:56 (14lb)
Andrew 18:04 Rx
LG 23:16 Rx
Can2 22:15 Rx
Marky Marc 16:42 (14lb)
Adrian 17:48 Rx
Alyson 16:42 (10lb)
Rachel 15:58 (10lb)
C2 14:50 (10lb)
Patti 15:21 (10lb)
Denise 18:13 Rx
Jenna 14:19 (10lb)
Andy 17:43 Rx
Melissa 13:54 (10lb)
Cowboy 15:36 (14lb)
PM – Level 1
Smitty 1:59 2:20 2:12 2:00
Snider 2:05 2:15 2:09 2:06
Daby 1:44 1:59 1:50 1:44
Vanessa 2:09 2:21 2:23 2:38
Heidi 2:13 2:35 2:35 2:40
Jack 1:39 1:39 1:45 1:38
Phillip 1:47 1:47 1:54 1:53
Javier 1:58 1:53 1:52 1:51
Ruben 2:08 2:05 2:06 2:04
Valerie 2:24 2:25 2:25 2:22
Eugenia ? 2:22 2:21 2:13
Brandon 1:53 2:05 2:10 2:15
Hanna 2:18 2:20 2:22 2:23
Grace 2:07 2:09 2:17 2:10
David 1:43 1:43 1:49 1:51
Tristan 2:13 2:13 2:32 2:27
J-Mo 2:16 2:25 2:22 2:26

WOD 10/2

Level Two
4 Rounds

800 M Run
10 Lateral Lunges/Direction
10 Cowbell Swings
10 DB Presses
Rest 1:00

Hip Mobility Circuit
Shin on Wall
Pancake Split
Pigeon Stretch
Arm Sweeps
*3-5 sets of 1:00 / exercise

Level One (TEST DAY)

Dip Progressions

Press x2-3×5

Max UB Wall Balls
400 M Med Ball Run
*Record total Wall ball reps and total time
*Best 2 or 3 RM

Fitness for new fathers: How to avoid being a fat dad
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“You have to train you mind like you train your body.” – Bruce Jenner

Thanks to everyone who came out for the 1st CF Classics Event! (And thanks to Leah Alter for the pictures! )

AM – Level 1
Erich 123 (2RM) 3:52 (MOD)
King 123 (3RM) 4:16 25
Eric H 75 (2RM) 4:10 25
AM – Level 2
Jenna 25:11
Guthrie 26:44
JV 28:40
Mike 26:30
Brent 25:48 (Row)
Leah 30:01
KJ 29:43
LaRosa 29:19
9AM 32:00
Jackie 30:47
Alex 35:08
Zac 23:29
Nic 24:41
Jeff 24:50
Tow Matt 25:37 (MOD)
Bryan 25:41
Caitlin 25:57
Anthony 35:04 (MOD)
Bradley 22:49
Ray 26:10
AM – Ladies’
Dayna 24:14
Jenny 24:22
Krista 24:38
Mer 31:16
Josie 35:14
Emily 34:36
12P – Level 1
Avtar 75 (3RM) 3:41 10
Snick 75 (3RM) 4:09 18
Anne 35 (3RM) 3:41 25
Mark 105 (3RM) 5:12 63
Heidi 50 (3RM) 3:43 7
Jonathan 115 (3RM) 3:44 35
David 115 (3RM) 4:44 60
Caroline 45 (3RM) 3:33 30
PM – Level 2
Andrew 20:59
Kiehler 21:07
Ed 26:58
Gil 27:53
Melissa 26:08
E-Rod 28:04
Jeanette 25:02
Holly 24:35
Cowboy 24:04
ABC 26:22
Turk 21:40
C2 29:48
Missy 28:58
JJ 24:31
JP 23:29
Blake 26:10
Melissa K 23:48
Chrissy 29:20
George 22:48
Kavi 23:43
Sanchez 23:56
Andy 26:03
Elena 23:58
Araceli 29:48
Liz G 26:53

WOD 10/1

Level Two
3 Rounds
500 M Row Time Trial
Rest 10:00-15:00
*During rest, work to a challenging (but not max) 5 in the Hang Snatch and attempt a set of max strict pull-ups

Level One

Wall Balls

A. Thruster x5x4 (Work up weight) Rest 2:00
*Focus accelerating the bar to the top

6:00 AMRAP
5 Russian Triangles
5 Wall balls
100m MB Run
*Total rounds + reps recorded

How exercise can help you master new skills
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“Passion is a huge prerequisite to winning. It makes you willing to jump through hoops, go through all the ups and downs and everything in between to reach your goal.” – Kerri Walsh

AM – Level 1
Mike 4 (+50M)
Garrett 4 (+50M)
Gabriel 3
Brandon 5
Dixie 3
Jesse 4
Cameron 5
AM – Level 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 HS PU
Mike 1:36 1:46 1:51 95 5
Sparker 2:00 1:55 1:58 40 5 (Band)
Ryan 1:44 1:46 1:50 85 10
Ivan 1:40 1:39 1:41 95 5
Can2 1:32 1:42 1:43 95 2
Mitch 1:41 1:44 1:47 65 5
Jessie 2:03 2:05 2:12 35 21 (Band)
Leah 2:01 2:07 2:10 35 1
Keith 1:45 1:50 1:52 65 5
Michael 1:35 1:43 1:45 75 5
Ballet 1:41 1:42 1:44 75 5
Brad 1:27 1:28 1:33 85 8
Jeff 1:47 1:52 1:55 65 5
Tow Matt 1:41 1:46 1:46 95 (C) MOD
Ray 1:48 1:57 1:58 95 10
Sean 1:37 1:43 1:42 115 5
12P – Level 2
Blake 1:46 1:56 1:58 115 12
Mer 2:06 1:59 2:00 40 5 (Green)
Jen A 1:57 1:59 1:56 65 4
Cat 2:31 2:29 2:27 65 3 (Blue)
PM – Level 2
EJ 1:33 1:35 1:38 3
Marissa 2:14 2:12 2:12 9
Crash 1:53 1:54 1:52 3 (B)
Dayna 1:51 1:56 1:56 12
Krista 1:57 2:00 2:02 8 (B)
Gil 1:52 2:13 1:55 12
ABC 1:43 1:52 2:01 3 (B)
Jennifer S 2:17 2:23 2:25 ?
Shug 1:47 1:53 1:54 (B)
Trixsi 2:13 2:19 2:27 11 (B)
Jables 1:48 1:52 1:55 2 (B)
Kolb 1:51 1:55 1:51 (B)
Pam 2:02 2:10 2:09 (B)
Caitlin 2:04 2:04 1:59 (B)
Melissa K 2:20 2:21 2:18 7 (B)
Kaz 1:35 1:47 1:45 10
Big Spoon 1:30 1:35 1:39 3
Kiehler 1:42 1:46 1:45 6
Schittone 1:49 1:49 1:56 11
Josie 2:14 2:17 2:20 4 (B)
Rachel 2:03 2:09 2:09 8 (B)
Alyson 2:15 2:19 2:22 7 (B)
AG 1:24 1:29 1:37 5
Sanchez 1:38 1:39 1:42 6
Wade 1:30 1:37 1:42 10
LaRosa 1:57 2:00 2:01 4 (B)
Denise 2:39 2:35 2:31 10 (B)
Andy 1:38 1:41 1:43 3
Kavi 1:55 1:46 1:45 2
Holly 1:48 1:55 1:47 6 (B)
Diana 1:43 1:46 1:49 3
Turk 1:37 1:41 1:40 9
PM – Level 1
Angelica 4 (+ 4)
Mark 4 (+10)
Snider 4
Daby 4 (+4)
Smitty 5
Linzi 5
49er 5 (+5)
Phillip 5 (+2)
Kara 4 (+5)
Vanessa 3 (+5)
Javier 5 (+2)
Andy 4
Tristan 3 (+10)
J-Mo 5 (+7)
Hannah 4
Grace 5 (+5)
Eugenia 4

WOD 9/29

All Levels
5 Rounds

:30 Wall Ball / Rest :30
:30 KB Swings / Rest :30
:30 Jump Rope / Rest :30
Rest 1:00

10:00 Partner AMRAP
100 yard sled Drag (50 forward, 50 backward)
Max Burpees
*Score = Total Burpees
*Partner A drags the sled while Partner B does burpees

AM – All
Jenny+Mer 124
Sanchez+Janice 112
Angelica+KT+Araceli 110
Sean+Dixie 70
Michael+Andy 126
Blake+Lane 130
Andrew+Tim 146
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