WOD 9/15

Buy In/ Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 2×8
Hollow Rocks 2x:45

3 Sets
5 Snatch Grip RDLs
:30 Rest
AMRAP Handstand Push-ups
2:00 Rest


3 Rounds
1:00 Russian Swings
1:00 DB Push Press
1:00 Flutter Kicks

Counsel woven into the fabric of real life is wisdom. -Walter Benjamin

Carb Count

-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!
-There will be no regularly scheduled class on September 25th!!

AM Results
Eddie 253 (20lbs)
Flex 315 (12K. 12lbs)
TOW Matt 284 Rx
David 256 Rx
Andrew 230 (16K, 30lbs)
Michelle 313 (12K, 10lbs)
Ryan 305 Rx
PM Results
Chris 187 Rx
G 278 Rx
Tasha 303 (15lb, 12k)
Claire 322 Rx
Patrick 258 Rx
Winner 258 Rx
Juan Carlos 247 (20lb, 16k)
Mark 271 (15lb, 12k)
Chi Mike 271 Rx
Abbey 282 (10lb, 12k)
Skipper 181 (20lb, 16k)
Zoom 212 (10lb, 16k)
Meli 200 (15lb, 12k)
LG 295 (15lb, 16k)
Megan 236 (15lb, 12k)
Kavi 178 (20lb, 12k)
On Ramp
Stefan 4
CC 4

Fight Gone Bad V Announcement

We need to know which division you will be competing in for FGB V.  Please email Tristy at tristystep@gmail.com and let her know wihch division you are planning on competing in.  If you cannot remember the scaling options, you can find details here

The FGB V committee is asking for volunteers to help judge the event.  If you want to be part of the action but are not really up for competing, this is an excellent way to be involved and show your support.  Competitors, if you want to volunteer to judge before or after your heat and lend some sympathetic encouragement, that is no problem!  Please email Tristy at tristystep@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out by volunteering or judging at this year’s Fight Gone Bad.

WOD 9/14

Buy in/Cash out
Snatch Pull-unders 2×8
Hollow Rocks 2x:45

2 Rounds
:30 Front Planks
:30 Right Side Planks
:30 Left Side Planks
:30 Dead Bugs
:30 Rest


800 M Run
5 Kip Pull-ups
5 Burpees
400 M Run
10 Kip Pull-ups
10 Burpees
200 M Run
15 Kip Pull-ups
15 Burpees

Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.
– Danny Thomas

Not to long ago

-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!
-There will be no Saturday workout on September 25th!!

AM Results
Chaz 9:43 Rx
Mike 11:01 Rx
Ainsley 14:11 (MOD)
Boone 8:36 Rx
Liz 17:07 (Band)
PM Results
Sherman 14:48 Rx
Cat 14:34 (Band)
“G” 13:05 Rx
Sarah 13:35 (Jump)
Winner 14:03 Rx
Claire 11:56 (Band)
John 11:29 Rx
Chi-Mike 10:34 Rx
Ginger 15:39 (RR, Sprawl)
Stephanie 13:05 (Jump, Sprawl)
Tasha 13:44 (Band)
Julie 13:32 Rx
Mark 15:52 (Jump)
Christy 10:24 (Band)
Kirk 9:15 Rx
Jerry 9:23 Rx
Alex 10:15 Rx
Jennifer 11:25 (Band)
Cara 14:44 (Jump, Sprawl)
L.G. 15:53 (Band)
Heather DNF

WOD 9/13

Buy in/Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 2×8
Hollow Rocks 2x:45

5 Sets
5 Front Squats
:30 Rest
5 Strict Chin-ups (51X1) (Fraction or add weight as needed)
:90 Rest
*Post weight to comments


3 Rounds
15 Wall Balls (20 lb, 15 lb)
Hill Sprint
15 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
Hill Loop
1:00 Rest

Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it. -Lou Holtz

The one minute row

-Ladies Night TONIGHT at 7:30pm at Aubrey’s house (4529 Corran Ferry Loop, Austin 78749)

-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!

A huge thanks to all the folks that volunteered to count yesterday, and also to Tristy
for organizing such an awesome event!  (Judges: Cody, Sherman, Christy, Claire, Alex, Miguel, Laura G., Aubrey, John, Tow Matt, Julie, Sleeves, J.J., Liz, Chaz, Carissa, Walker, Blake, Darlene, Tasha)

AM Results
Jess 14:58 (15lbs, 20″)

15:54 (15lbs, 20″)

Rob 11:23 Rx
Ray 11:50 (10lbs, Step-ups)
Liz 19:13 Rx
Stephanie 15:23 (10lbs)
Noon Results
Patrick 13:33 Rx
Heather 14;49 (6 lb, 15″)
TP 15:04 (MOD)
PM Results
G 12:42 Rx
Chi-Mike 12:54 Rx
Tristy 13:00 Rx
Jerry 12:40 Rx
Kirk 13:07 Rx
Sherman 14:48 (20″)
Juan Carlos 14:04 (15lb)
Christy 13:39 (10lb)
Kristin 16:32 (MOD)
Chris 16:19 Rx
Nugget 10:49 Rx
Skipper 13:08 (15lb)
Kristie 17:07 (16lb, 10″)
JJ 18:40 Rx
Anthony 20:22 (20″)
Kavi 14:41 (10lb, 20″)
Zoom 14:53 (10lb, 20″)
Jen 12:46 (10lb, 20″)
Darlene 12:26 (MOD)
On Ramp
Stefan 6:13
Tessa 6:36
CC 6:42

Mohican Warrior Challenge Results








Elite Male  Part 1 Part 2           Part 1    Part 2        Total Part 1  Total Part 2
Taylor 221 225                    844 971                    623 746
Blake 208 212 1098 1091 890 879
Cody 185 210 1248 1149 1063 939
TOW Matt 171 171 1343 1311 1172 1140
Chris 175 225 1525 1525 1350 1300
Sleeves   243   1083   840
Nugget   275   801   526
Fro   200   1185   985
Nick   230   1024   794
Elite Female            
Stacey 160 167 913 864 753 697
Betsy 149 123 1155 1109 1006 986
Walker 136 130 1282 1387 1146 1257
Jamie 126 138 1299 1135 1173 997
Aubrey 125 123 1492 1358 1367 1235
Julie 125 132 1525 1401 1400 1269
Winner 93 105 1542 1525 1449 1420
Scaled Male            
Chaz 196 186 1143 921 947 735
John 158 190 1302 1349 1144 1159
J.J.   161   1540   1379
Scaled Female            
Darlene 105 115 1129 1042 1024 927
Carissa 93 121 1330 1359 1237 1238
Cat 101 123 1301 1112 1200 989
Tasha 80 110 1385 1307 1305 1197
Liz 130 142 1525 1378 1395 1236



Check out the rest of the photos under "Member Resources" in the gallery!

WOD 9/11

Mohican Warrior Challenge Part 2

The Mohican Warrior Challenge starts today at 9:00am.  Below are the workouts!

Workout 1:

Take 7 Minutes to work to a heavy Clean and Jerk
For 1o Minutes on the Minute
Complete 1 Clean, or 1 Clean and Jerk (Push or Split Jerk allowed)
*Weight can be increased ONLY 2 times during the workout, it can not be decreased 
*For every completed Jerk a 2 lb bonus will be added to your final weight
*For every missed clean, a 2 lb penalty will be subtracted from your final weight
*Score= Final Weight +/- bonuses and penalties

Workout 2:

2 Rounds
15 Thrusters (M: 95 lb, W: 65 lb)
15 Lateral Jump Burpees
400 M Run
10 Overhead Squats (M: 95 lb, W: 65 lb)
10 Pull-ups (M: Chest to bar, W: Chin over bar)
400 M Run
*25 Minute Cap
*Score= total time, or 25 minutes+numbers of rep not completed

Divisions Modifications
Elite: M: Rx as listed W: Rx as listed

M: 65 lb
M: Pull-ups

W:45 lb
W: Jumping Pull-ups x2
Beginner: M: 45 lb
M: Jumping Pull-ups x2
M: 200 M Run

W: 25 lbs
W: Jumping Pull-ups
W: 200 M Run

Final Scoring for the event will be as follows:
Total Seconds in “Hawkeye” – Total Weight in “Chinagook”= Final Score
Goal is the lowest final score possible

Scoring Example:
time 18:13 or 1093 Seconds. Score: 1093 Points
Highest weight cleaned 245 lb, made 8 jerks for 16 bonus lbs, missed one clean -2 lbs penalty.  Score: 245+16-2= 259 points
Final Score:
1093-259= 834

WOD 9/10

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Accumulate 5-10 minutes in the bottom of a deep relaxed squat

Handstand Push-ups
Strict Chin-ups (51X1)
2:00 Rest b/t each movement
*Fraction and increase weight as needed


5 Rounds
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95lbs, 65lbs)
15 Jump Lunges (total)
2:00 Rest

Fatigue makes cowards of us all. -Vince Lombardi

Bone Density

Mohican Warrior Challenge Round 2 tomorrow!
Post party 1:30 PM @ Reds Porch
-Ladies Night September 13th at 7:30pm at Aubrey’s house (4529 Corran Ferry Loop, Austin 78749)
-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!

AM Results
T.P. 12:57 MOD
Juan Carlos 10:51 Rx
David 11:05 Rx
Claire 10:10 (55 lb)
Ginger 10:29 (MOD)

WOD 9/9

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Accumulate 5-10 minutes in the bottom of a deep relaxed squat

Make up/Skill day
Labor, UB, oh the hill


Squat Program:
Back Squat

Front Squat

Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. -Bobby Knight

Insulin Resistance and Alzheimers

-Ladies Night will be moved to the second Monday of the month in September due to Labor day.  It will be September 13th at 7:30pm at Aubrey’s house (4529 Corran Ferry Loop, Austin 78749)
-Part 2 of the Mohican Warrior Challenge is around the corner, Sept. 11th.  If you signed up for Part 1, please email
tristystep@gmail.com to reserve your time slot for Part 2!  If you are only signing up for Part 2 of the Challenge, please sign up for your time slot here
**We have had a cancellation for the 10:00am slot, so if anyone wants to sign up for that time slot, email tristystep@gmail.com
**Also, we need judges/counters (especially for 9am)!  If you are interested in helping out, even if you aren’t competing, email tristystep@gmail.com
-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!

AM Results
Tow Matt 6:20 9/7
Rob 6:20 9/7
Flex 5:57 9/7
David 11:48 9/8
Andrew 12:10 9/8
Ray Squats
Liz Squats
Brandy Squats
Schittone Squats
PM Results
Patrick Squats
John Squats
Claire Squats
Mark Squats
Jess Squats
Christy Squats
Kavi 8:43 (10lbs, PU) 9/7
Julie 16:01 Rx 9/8
L.G. 15:31 (12 Sprawls) 9/6
Cody 16:42 Rx 9/6
Alex 18:56 Rx 9/6

WOD 9/8

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Accumulate 5-10 minutes in the bottom of a deep relaxed squat

4 Sets
:60 Front Plank Hold
1:00 Rest
5 Unweighted Step-ups
2:00 Rest


7 Rounds
10 Unbroken Box Jumps
Hill Sprint
*Time recorded

Either move or be moved. -Ezra Pound

Weight Gain with a Female athlete

-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Today at 2 PM and 6:30 PM Sign up here

-Ladies Night will be moved to the second Monday of the month in September due to Labor day.  It will be September 13th at 7:30pm at Aubrey’s house (4529 Corran Ferry Loop, Austin 78749)
-Part 2 of the Mohican Warrior Challenge is around the corner, Sept. 11th.  If you signed up for Part 1, please email
tristystep@gmail.com to reserve your time slot for Part 2!  If you are only signing up for Part 2 of the Challenge, please sign up for your time slot here
**We have had a cancellation for the 10:00am slot, so if anyone wants to sign up for that time slot, email tristystep@gmail.com
**Also, we need judges/counters (especially for 9am)!  If you are interested in helping out, even if you aren’t competing, email
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!

AM Results
T.P. 12:55 MOD
Kirk 9:11 Rx
Chaz 9:33 Rx
Flex 12:40 Rx
TOW Matt 10:48 Rx
Michelle 9:55 Rx
Ryan 11:08 Rx
Stephen 11:11 Rx
PM Results
Claire 10:03 Rx
“G” 9:35 Rx
Jamie 9:21 Rx
Patrick 9:13 Rx
Jesse 10:59 (20″)
Mark 13:24 (20″)
Juan Carlos 11:43 Rx
Kristin 12:46 MOD
Schittone 12:14 Rx
Darlene 9:14 (Step-ups)
Alex 10:07 Rx
Aubrey 11:17 Rx
Jerry 9:58 Rx
Julie 11:14 (12″)
Jennifer 10:47 Rx
Kavi 13:28 (20″)
Anthony 15:41 (20″)

WOD 9/7

Buy in/Cash out
Accumulate 5-10 minutes in the bottom of a deep relaxed squat

Take 5 minutes to build to a heavy Push Press
On the minute for 5 minutes Push Press
On the minute for 5 minutes Jerks
*Add weight each set if possible, post weights to comments


Unbroken Wall Balls (20lbs, 15lbs)
Unbroken Ring Push-ups
*Time recorded

Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time. -Arnold H. Glasow

Gestational Diabetes

-Ladies Night will be moved to the second Monday of the month in September due to Labor day.  It will be September 13th at 7:30pm at Aubrey’s house (4529 Corran Ferry Loop, Austin 78749)
-Part 2 of the Mohican Warrior Challenge is around the corner, Sept. 11th.  If you signed up for Part 1, please emai
l tristystep@gmail.com to reserve your time slot for Part 2!  If you are only signing up for Part 2 of the Challenge, please sign up for your time slot here 
**Also, we need judges/counters (especially for 9am)!  If you are interested in helping out, even if you aren’t competing, email tristystep@gmail.com
-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn.  Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!

AM Results
David 7:38 (20lb, KR)
Andrew 7:45 (20lb, KR)
Ainsley 7:45 (10lb, K)
Boone 6:31 Rx
Stephen 8:38 (20lb, KR)
PM Results
Cat 4:50 (K)
Winner 7:10 (K)
Ryan 9:32 Rx
Patrick 8:10 Rx
Sherman 8:18 Rx
John 8:16 Rx
Betsy 811 Rx
Claire 8:48 (10 lb, K)
G. 8:55 (K)
Stephanie 7:11 (6 lb, 8″, K)
Ginger 8:13 (6 lb, 8′, MOD)
Jables 7:35 (15 lb, KR)
Julie 7:41 (10 lb 8′,KR)
Christy 9:11 (10 lb, KR)
Jess 9:32
Mark 9:17 (15 lb, KR)
Liz 8:44 (KR)
Heather 8:31 (MOD)
Jen 7:51 (KR, 10 lb)
Juan Carlos 6:45 (15 lb)
Cara 7:44 (MOD)
Meli 7:33 (K, 10 lb)
Alex 6:45 (KR)
LG 9:14 (KR, 10 lb)
Nugget 8:56  Rx+MU
Skipper 6:34 (15lb, KR)