WOD 10/17

A. 10:00 EMOM
2 Power Snatch @ 60%

B.10:00 EMOM
2 Front Squats @ same weight as “A”

C.10:00 EMOM
2 DL @ same weight as “A”
*3:00 Break b/t A, B, & C


Make up Day


Join Coaches Tim & Ben for Rope Climbs & Pistols tomorrow morning at 11:00 am!


WOD 10/15

A. Back Squat 5 RM @ 30X0 15:00

B. 1 RM Press in 10:00

C. 1 RM WTD Pull-up @ 30X0 10:00

*weights recorded

Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.” -Leah LaBelle


WOD 10/14

Active Recovery Day

3 Rounds  For Quality
200 M Run
10 Unweighted Lateral Step-ups (Total)
10 MB Half Moons (total)
10 MB Swings
10 MB Tic Tacs (Total)
10 Speed Skaters (Total)
50 M Farmer Walk
*Move at an easy to moderate pace, focus on great movement quality throughout, a good goal would be to finish 3-4 rounds


Make up Day 

Hey CFA: Look for your scores each day (if scores are taken) in the comments of the daily post! Check out each other’s
PRs * and other great accomplishments!

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” -Buddha

Grand Re-Opening || Nov. 22

Come join us on Nov. 22 for a day full of fun. We will have a competition, feats of strength, some fun stuff for the kiddos, prizes, and much more. This event is to celebrate the Grand Opening of our new space and will also help to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities. You can learn more about this amazing organization HERE.

save the date


WOD 10/13

Re-Test Week

A. 1 RM Power Clean in 12:00
*Weight recorded

B. 4 Rounds
8 Hang Power Cleans @ 135 / 95
15 Wall Balls 20/14
*Time Cap 8:00
*Reps Recorded

10 Minute walk

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” -Audrey Hepburn



LaShea 115 4:49
Ruhlin 135 6:02
Mel 110 4:06
Adrian 150 5:02
Sarah 95 4:09
Kim 105 4:29
Mr. T 245 4:45 rx
Page 215 4:19 rx
Jose 145 6:04
Eduard 165 6:09
Megan 85 6:42
Cody 195 4:25 rx
Isaiah 240 15:49 rx
Ryan 215 6:00 rx
Kristi 95 7:42
Jenny 110 7:10
Janet 130 6:02 rx
Ray 195 4:57
Mer 115 5:50
Nelle 145 4:53 rx
Matty 150 hpc 6:40
Brian 155 7:22
Daniel 195 7:55
Leah 75 hpc 5:30
Lauren 70 hpc 5:06
Mark 205 5:17
Lily 80 4:59
Amber 125 4:35
JoAnna 125 6:35 rx
Ade 95 + roo 4:56
Miguel 2:45 3:45 rx
Januzs 165 3:59 rx
Eric 135 6:47
Rahul 1:65 6:05
Chandan 185 5:47
Chad 255 5:04 rx
Jillian 135 5:36 rx
David 165 6:13
Karen 45 8:19
Christina 145 5:29 rx
Malia 85 6:25
Tow Matt 195 6:20

WOD 10/11

2 Person Teams
CTB Pull-ups
Thrusters @ 95/65

*Time recorded
*Each athlete completes each round then they switch until all athlete’s have completed the entire workout

Athlete 1  does 30  pull-ups, then 30 Thruster, then athlete 2 does 30  pull-ups, then 30 Thruster, then
Athlete 1 does 20  pull-ups, then 20 Thruster, etc…
*Scale volume, and weight as needed

Next Week is Test Week!

WOD 10/10

A. E303
Clean DL x2x6 @ 90-100% of max from 9/22
*accumulate 20-30 ring dips in sets of 2-3 UB during rest time

Barbell Step-ups (Total) @ 45/35
Russian Sit-ups w/ Medball 20/14
Double Unders or Singles x3
*Time recorded

Wanna do this?

Come to this next Saturday! (10/18)

WOD 10/9

A. 5K Tempo Run
3 Rounds
1600 M Run @ 5K Goal Pace
appx 2:00 Rest
*:30 Ring Support Hold or Ring FLR

B. Coaches Choice Ab circuit during remaining time

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”-Vince Lombardi

WOD 10/8

A. 10:00 EMOM
1 Hip Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat  @ 60-70%

B. Back Squat x4x4 @ build to a challenging weight over the course of 4 sets, use last weeks best front squat weight as a starting point
Strict Press
WTD Pull-ups
*Heavy as possible for each set
*Rest as needed b/t exercises

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”-Theodore Roosevelt