WOD 6/13

All Levels

A.2 Rounds
5 Wall Squats
5 Goblet Squat
5 Banded Good Mornings

B.2 Rounds
5 Lateral Lunge/Side
5 C/O Lunge/Side
5 Pistols
:30 Overhead Hold (super light DBs)

C. 20:00 for Quality
250 M Row
300 M Run
10 Lateral Step-ups
50 M Waiters Walk
*in any order, easy pace

 **Free Community WOD tomorrow (6.14)**



WOD 6/12

Performance & Foundations

A.10:00 Alt. EMOM
even: 3 Hip Clean + 2 Hang Clean (all Squat)
odd: 3-5 UB Kip Pull-ups

B.  20 Power Snatches @ 75/45
30 Step-ups (Total)
40 Double Unders

4:00 Rest

20 Power Snatches @ 75/45
30 Step-ups (Total)
40 Double Unders

*Avg Time of each section recorded

“Good words are worth much, and cost little.” -George Herbert



WOD 6/11

Performance & Foundations
A. In 10:00 work to a challenging 5 in the Back Squat.

5 reps @ 95% Rest 2:00
5 reps @ 90% Rest 2:00

B1. DB Incline Press x8x3 Rest :30
B2. RDL x8x3 @ 65-70% of FS  Rest :30
B3. Ring Dip/Pu Holds x3x3 (:05 pause in the bottom) Rest :30

C.3 Rounds
10 Hollow Rocks
:30 L-Sit Hang

“Imagination rules the world.” -Napoleon Bonaparte


WOD 6/10

Foundations & Performance
4 Rounds @ 95-100%
5 Power Cleans @ 135/95
7 Pull-ups
9 Burpees
3:00 Rest

B. 1K Row
*Time Recorded

**Extra Credit**
Accumulate 3:00 in a Ring Support Hold

“Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.” –Joseph Addison


WOD 6/9

Foundations & Performance

A.10:00 Alt. EMOM
even: 2 Hip Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch @ 65-70% of PS
odd: 2-3 Pistols / leg

B.On a continuously running clock

Run 1200 M
@ 10:00 Mark

5 Rounds
Hand Release Push-ups 10/5
12 Box Jumps

@ 20:00 Mark
Run 1200 M
*Time recorded for each section

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” -Robert Urich 

**Progenex Day @ CFA**

Ike will be here to answer all your Progenex questions!

Thoughts on Test Week | Part 1

Over the next couple of days I’ll share with everyone a few thoughts on the tests from this week and some stuff to be prepared for over the upcoming cycle.  I’ve been thoroughly impressed with everyone’s effort through test week so far, which makes me quite excited to see where folks will end up at the end of the cycle. If as athletes we carry the same effort into our training as the testing, and couple that effort with a hunger to learn and grow everyone will be extremely pleased with the collective results!

Monday and Wednesday Tests

I’m not going to go into as much detail as I did last cycle on the specifics of the tests. If you read my articles last cycle you should have a good idea of what we are testing for and why. If not go back and read (or reread)  them and see if you can identify some of the attributes we described last time in this week tests.  I am however going to break down a few quick items that are unique this go around, as well random nuggets of knowledge for the tests. (Articles from last cycle: Test Week Overview, Strength Tests Overview, Aerobic Power Tests Overview)

Anaerobic Threshold
Thrusters 95/65
Burpees over bar

This test is almost identical to “Fran” with the only difference being the work is spread over more sets and the pull-ups are replaced with burpees. First up the burpees allow for a greater range of motion and are limited to a lesser extent (but not completely)  by localized upper body strength endurance. This allows the test to be distinctly more metabolically taxing and requires athletes to dig deeper into the anaerobic zone to finish faster. For those  that have a moderate to high strength base, and are skilled at moving their own body weight this test should have been particularly grueling.  One side note, for several folks 14.5 came to mind immediately when this test popped up (and rightfully so seeing as its the back half of that workout).  Despite the obvious similarities it is quite different in the potential stimulus it can elicit. Mainly, the extra volume by wave of the large front end sets, never allows the athlete the opportunity to dig deep into the anaerobic system. Even Mr. Froning himself  never breaks a steady 80-85% effort pace on 14.5. So the lesson here is looks can be deceiving :), and just because something is shorter doesn’t mean its easier.

Speed, Max Strength
1 RM Hang Squat Clean, 1 RM Bench Press, and Max Rep Bench

Last cycle we talked about the strength curve and how the power snatch and front squat sat at opposite ends of the curve.  That said you can think of the hang clean as sitting directly in the center of that curve requiring equal parts speed, and max strength.  So now that we’ve tested and trained the edges I’m interested to see how well we can apply it (yesterday would suggest quite well).  The bench is simply a max strength test for the upper body pushing pattern, while the max rep test allows us to judge how neuromuscularly efficient (NME) each athlete is in the bench press. NME tells us a few broad things about your muscle fiber make up, training age, training background, and what kind of stimulus you might respond to best. So don’t get caught up in comparing that number with others.

Tomorrow I’ll be checking in with a synopsis of Thursday and Friday’s test, and a few thing to look for in the upcoming training cycle.

WOD 6/5

Performance & Foundations – Pre-Test
3:00 Max Pull-ups
3:00 rest
3:00 Max Cal Row
3:00 Rest
3:00 Power Snatchs 75/45
3:00 Rest
3:00 Max 20 M Shuttle Run (10 M down, 10 M Back)

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou

WOD 6/4

Performance & Foundations – Pre-Test

A. 1 RM Hang Squat Clean in 15:00
B. 1 RM Bench Press in 20:00
C. Bench Press:  Max Unbroken Reps @ 85% of 1RM

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” -John C. Maxwell


Performance & Foundations – AM HSC Bench 85%
Gage 195 235 6
Ken 165 155 2
Lee 165 215 4
Mike 135 115 9
Matt 205 200 4
Justin 175 x x
Braden 155 165 9
Adrian 145 155 4
Sissy 95 95 5
Sarah 90 85 8
Vy 115 95 4
Ebelia 85 100 10
Mer 105 90 6
Brian 155 170 9
Dylan 145 155 3
Malia 85 80 1
Mercy 100 110 7
Stephen 155 145 9
Jillian 130 115 8
Jesse 85 110 8
Mike P 215 295 7
Silas 165 200 9
Jose 145 155 8
Jake 135 180 5
Ryan 175 235 2
Ballet 155 185 5
Tow Matt 195 225 7
Jared 185 215 4
Kim 80 97 12
Shanon 75 62 4
Performance – PM
Brooks 125 195 110
Jrod 175 275 7
Eric 215 225 3
Pam 100 95 8
Dustin 135 135 12
Heather 140 115 3
Kristi 95 6
Vince 145 225 6
ABC 125 135 5
Dan 205 185 6
Nole 285 275 9
Amber 105 100 6
Nicole 130 95 5
Matthew 125 135 5
Chris 155 215 4
Mesgana 43 20
Vamsi 105 95 5