WOD 1/9 – Test week!

Skill Practice Warm Up:

Perform 3 sets of L-Sits on the rings or paralettes
-Use a variation that will get you 10-30 seconds per set


A. In 20:00 build to a max Deadlift
-During rest between sets complete 7 sets of 3 WTD ring dips (or corresponding progression).

*DL weight recorded


B. “Drag Racer”
3 rounds
10 Deadlifts @ 275/185/85
50 Double Unders – (4 singles + 1 attempt, 10 rds for health)

*Time recorded

Cash Out
4 Rounds
10 Burpees
10 Wall Balls

Scaling guide:
-3:30 – 7:00 – about 1:45/round
-Scale Up:  4 rounds – DL weight appx. 65-75% of max

Saturday, February 4th: Weightlifting Wise and CrossFit Austin present:
Iron Bromance:  A weightlifting competition that tests both strength and muscular endurance.
 Registration is now OPEN!


WOD 1/7

A. In 20:00  
As a team build up to a max Squat Clean and Jerk
*combined weight recorded

B.6 Rounds
12 shoulder to overhead @ 135lb / 85lb* / 45lb
24 box step ups @ 24” / 20” / 12”
100m Farmer Carry @ 32K / 24K / 16K
*Split work between partners, except for the farmer carry each partners must complete 100 m FC / round one partner working at a time.  




Join AIRROSTI’s Dr. Sarah Rachel for an interactive workshop where
you’ll learn specific exercises and techniques to help prevent pain and enhance
athletic performance. Through guided instruction, you’ll discover new ways
to strengthen and stretch, while improving mobility and stability. Plus, get
your pain and injury prevention questions answered by an Airrosti Provider.

CLICK HERE to sign-up

CrossFit Austin Mobility Class
 January 21st // 11:00-12:00pm

Airrosti providers are experts at eliminating chronic pain and resolving most
soft-tissue injuries, typically within 3 visits. Visit Airrosti.com for more info on Airrosti
or talk to your Health & Fitness Staff for more info on the session.

WOD 1/6

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1- 3 Front Squat
Min 2- 3 Supine Ring Rows
Min 3- Rest
*build up each set in the front squat  to a challenging weight, try to complete as many sets as possible at or above your squat clean max
*Snatch Weight recorded

B. CrossFit Open 14.2 / 15.2

For Reps
In 3 minutes perform:
10 overhead squats
10 chest to bar pull-ups
10 overhead squats
10 chest to bar pull-ups

If you complete all 40 repetitions, move on to the next ‘round’**.  You will have 3 additional minutes to perform:

12 overhead squats
12 chest to bar pull-ups
12 overhead squats
12 chest to bar pull-ups

OHS Weighs: @ 95lbs / 65 lbs /45lbs
CTB Scales: Jumping CTB

Introducing your Push Up Man of the Year 2016 – Michael Page! 


Push Up Man 2016 – Michael Page!!

On Tuesday, we shared with you the words from our Push Up Woman of the Year, Leah Alter. Today, we’d like to introduce and give you the pleasure of getting know our 2016 Push Up Man of the Year, Michael Page!


“The Push-up Man and Woman of the Year exemplify everything that we love about our athletes, our community, and the human spirit. Not only do these people walk through the doors of CFA day in and day out, and work hard to improve themselves; they go out of their way to lift up everyone around them. They make their friends and families a priority over themselves. They lead and encourage by words, actions, and example. They represent the burning spirit of what makes our little South Austin gym unique and special. We at CrossFit Austin can humbly bestow no greater honor and we give our utmost heartfelt thanks that you both have chosen to make our gym, business, family, and lives a better place!”


When did you join the CFA community?
I started CFA 6 years ago.

What is one of your most memorable moments from your early days at CFA?
At the old CFA building they had the best WOD times and lifts on the wall. The Great Wall of Records was intimidating, but also inspiring. As one of the “old guys” in the gym, I knew it would be challenge, but I was determined to get on that wall amongst the young whipper snappers. One day “Karen” was the WOD, and if you don’t know Karen she’s mean, ugly and known to make men cry. But that morning I somehow fought back the tears and pain and scored a time worthy of the wall.

Any ‘newbie’ stories you’d like to share?Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
I bent a barbell while doing box squats. Pretty sure that’s never been done before.

What is it about CFA that you love or that is different from other sports/programs you’ve tried?
What I love about CFA is how it’s an individual sport that’s achieved by a group effort. Everyone shows up to work on their own fitness goals, but we motivate and encourage one another to accomplish the challenge.

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started CrossFit?
I would say, “Hey, focus more on correct form than throwing up big weight.” But then my pride would probably say, “Whatever. I’m going for two PRs.” Then we would exchange countless insults.

How did you create long term fitness/CrossFit success for yourself?
I had to be consistent with my workouts. Coming in 4 times one week then once the next week doesn’t work for me. I realized staying fit was not easy. It’s a job. And I was ready to put in the work.

What keeps you motivated?
Being healthy for my wife and daughter keeps me motivated. My family has a history of heart disease and strokes at an early age. My brother, who’s an avid Crossfitter and only 40 years old, recently had a stroke. I’m pushing 39 and hell bent on beating the genetic card I’ve been dealt.

What makes you come in and train on days when you don’t want to? Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and sunglasses
Mornings I don’t want to come in usually involve a workout I hate. But I make myself do it anyway, because you can’t get better at something while sleeping in.

Recent PRs?
Fran. I owe it all to my coaches. They convinced me to change up my strategy and just like that – my time dropped dramatically.

Current training goals?
There are two movements I have yet to achieve: Butterfly pull-ups and muscle ups. Those are my goals this year.

Tell us about an obstacle you have had to work through in your training. How did you work through it?
I’ve battled a low back injury for the last 2 years. I had it worked on at Airrosti, picked up a few stretching movements from my coaches and corrected a few lifting movements that might have caused it over the years.

What is your cheat meal go to?
Cheat meal or meals? To be honest, I’m really good at eating healthy during the week, but the weekends are brutal. It’s so hard to ignore queso when it’s staring you in the face. But since we’re talking about one meal, I would say a Mighty Fine cheeseburger and fries.

What does the Push Up Man title mean to you?
It’s a great honor. I see so many people killing it in the gym. Making great improvements. To be recognized amongst them is quite the achievement.

Thoughts upon winning the title?Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, indoor
Honestly, I was completely shocked. Especially since I couldn’t make the party. So when my wife put me on FaceTime to accept the award over the phone I was stunned. Speechless. And needed a drink.

How will you use your new found Push Up Man glory?
I’ve tried to use it at home with my wife. I get as far as saying, “Hey, I’m the freaking Push Up Man! I’m kind of a big deal! So there’s no reason I should clean the dishes!” It has yet to work.

Leave the fine folks of CFA with some parting wisdom.
When life shuts a door… open it again. That’s how doors work.

WOD 1/5

A. Spend 10-15 minutes reviewing progressions for TTBs or Box Jumps depending on greater need of the group

B. “Open WOD 12.3”
18 minute AMRAP
15 box jumps @ 24” / 20” / 12”
12 push presses @115lb / 75lb / 55lb
9 toes-to-bar

“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” – Dalai Lama

Push Up Woman 2016 – Leah Alter!

If you missed the CFA Holiday/8th Anniversary Party, you might not have heard about our 2016 Push Up Man and Push Up Woman of the Year! We offer our sincerest congratulations to Leah Alter and Michael Page for their outstanding actions that lead to being the recipients of our Push Up Man and Push Up Woman of the Year awards. We are honored to present to you a look into the lives of these two beginning with Leah’s interview. Stay tuned for an inside look at Michael Page later this week!


“The Push-up Man and Woman of the Year exemplify everything that we love about our athletes, our community, and the human spirit. Not only do these people walk through the doors of CFA day in and day out, and work hard to improve themselves; they go out of their way to lift up everyone around them. They make their friends and families a priority over themselves. They lead and encourage by words, actions, and example. They represent the burning spirit of what makes our little South Austin gym unique and special. We at CrossFit Austin can humbly bestow no greater honor and we give our utmost heartfelt thanks that you both have chosen to make our gym, business, family, and lives a better place!”

When did you join the CFA community? September 2011
What is one of your most memorable moments from your early days at CFA? Any ‘newbie’ stories you’d like to share? My very first day at CFA and the workout was a 1 mile time trial. It was about 104 out. Miguel was the coach and I was the ONLY person in class. As you can imagine this day did not go well for me. Miguel was very encouraging even though I couldn’t even run 1 mile. I couldn’t wait to come back as I was determined to never get back to that place again in my life.

What is it about CFA that you love or that is different from other sports/programs you’ve tried?
CFA is just a special place. No matter what is happening in life, I know I can go to the gym and sweat it out with great friends. I always feel better when I leave.
What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started CrossFit? Check the ego at the door.
How did you create long term fitness/CrossFit success for yourself?
What I love about Crossfit and weightlifting is that you can always get better…
stronger, faster, smarter. I am always learning and that keeps me hooked.
What keeps you motivated? Long-term health. I’m turning 40 in March and I am the strongest I have ever been in my life.
What makes you come in and train on days when you don’t want to? Shout out to the ladies of CFA! I absolutely love training with you. We push each other but most of all are each other’s cheerleaders. It’s awesome! No offense to you gentleman, you’re all badass too J
Recent PRs? Squat clean, front squat (those pause box squats work, y’all!)

Current training goals?
Train without pain 🙂fullsizerender4
Tell us about an obstacle you have had to work through in your training. How did you work through it? I have unfortunately been injured a couple of times. It’s hard because in many cases it is when you are hitting your stride in a training cycle or training for a competition. But I think the most important thing is to find something you CAN do while injured and get better at that. It has taught me to be adaptable, which helps in and out of the gym.
What does the Push Up Woman title mean to you? To me, the answer to this question is about the Push Up Women who have be awarded it before me. They are all smart, strong, passionate women who have given a lot of themselves to this community. I am so honored to be included in this group.
Thoughts upon winning the title? It’s pretty swell.

What is your cheat meal go to?
It’s never the same meal. I just like food too much to only have one meal. Top 3? Burger, fries and milkshake (post weightlifting meet), Pizza or chips and queso.

Leave the fine folks of CFA with some parting wisdom. My resolution for 2017 is to be more present. I want to spend less time on my phone/computer and more time connecting with people. This community gives me that opportunity every day and I am so thankful for you all.


WOD 1/3

A. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Squat Clean @ 80-90%
Min 2 – 3-4 Strict Handstand Push-ups or Progression

*Sets across on both movements

B. In 18:00 Minutes:
Run 1200 M (Scale 800 m)
(8:00 cap)

Then at the 8:00 Mark

10:00 AMRAP
Strict Pull-ups @ 6/3/3 w/ band
3 strict knees to elbows @ scale kip / knee raises
60′ unweighted walking lunge
8 ‘bootlegger’ burpees 30′ (run each rep)
*1200 M  time and AMRAP reps recorded

Cash Out:
500m row
Rest 2 min
400m row
Rest 2 min
300m row

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” – Swami Sivananda


WOD 1/2

A. 21:00 EMOM
Min 1- 2 Power Snatch
Min 2- 3 Ring Dips

Min 3- Rest
*build up each set in the Power Snatch  to a challenging weight
*Snatch Weight recorded

B. 30 power snatches @ 95lb / 65lb / 35lb (hang muscle snatch)

1:00 Rest

3 Rounds
10 Burpees
15 Hang Power Clean @ 95lb / 65lb / 35lb (hang muscle clean)

*total time recorded including rest

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
30s plank
10 db thrusters
40 jump rope (double or singles)
Scaling Guide:
Scale Up: 135/95lb bar


WOD 12/31

“Team Helen”
3 rounds for time.
400m run together
42 American KBS @ 24K / 16K /12K  – split as desired
24 pull-ups – split as desired

*time recorded

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