WOD 7/22

A. 16:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Pull-ups w/:05- :10  Negatives
Min 2 – 10 Hollow Rock
Min 3 – 1:00 Max Strict Pull-ups
Min 4 – Rest

B. 4 Rounds for Quality
20 Unweighted Lunges  
15 1 Arm KB Swings / Arm @ 20K / 16K
10 Groiners / leg
50 M Farmers Walk @ 32K/24K

There are still a few spots! Tomorrow starts Day 1 of The Expert Series with Ursula Garza Papandrea!


Image courtesy of HookGrip


WOD 7/20

A. 12:00 E202
Tempo Back Squat x 3 reps x6 @ 42X1
Rest as needed @ 70-75% (:04 down, :02 in bottom)

B. In 10:00 Build to a 2 RM Front Squat

C.15:00 E202
Min 1 – 5 Deadlifts By Feel
Min 2 – 5 Step Burpees
Min 3 – Rest

D. Accumulate 2:00 in a Chest to bar hold
– keeping shoulder blades down and back
– Use a spotter and/or band

3 Days and only a few spots left! Don’t miss out on the chance to train with Ursula
expert series

Live A Great Life || Coach Gen

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[lon-jev-i-tee, lawn-]


1. a long individual life; great duration of individual life:

Our family is known for its longevity.

2. the length or duration of life:

research in human longevity.


Our goal at CrossFit Austin is longevity. Longevity requires dedication and commitment to your health and fitness. With the right motivation and the right tools, we can help you live your best life.

It all starts with finding your why. Every one of you came to CFA for a reason. Maybe you wanted to get healthier, fitter, lose weight, gain muscle, train for an event… The list goes on. While these are all valid reasons to get moving, we have to dig a little deeper to find the why.

Let’s say you came to us on your first day and said “I’m here because I want to be healthier.” Ok, what does healthy mean to you? Does it rely on numbers? Weight, BMI, blood pressure? Maybe your perception of health lies within the Illness – Wellness Continuum and you’re hoping to find yourself on the right-hand side of the spectrum. Or, you could be one of the folks that defines health as feeling good and being able to do the things you want to do day in and day out.  

ill to well

Let’s go even deeper. WHY do you want to be healthier? Do you have a big birthday coming up? Is there a kiddo on the way? Maybe you’ve got a reunion coming up and you want all your old friends to see how “healthy” you are. 😉  No matter what your reason, the WHY is the most important part. We want you to keep asking why until you uncover the reason you really came to start moving with us. That is where your motivation lies.

Motivation is extremely important in the longevity of your life. Starting is one thing, but staying is another. Once you’ve reached your initial goals, what is it that keeps you coming back? You don’t come in and work your ass off day in and day out for nothing. You’ve seen some results and you’re looking, feeling, and performing better. Once your initial goals have been met, it’s time to starting looking at the long term.


We want you to be fit for life and we have a few recommendations to help you on the path to those long term health and fitness goals.  

1)    Sweat with us 2-3 times a week MINIMUM! Part of this journey is about making your health a priority and creating the space and habits to do so.

2)    Eat clean MOST of the time. Yes, you have to eat to fuel your machine (your body, your training, your life), but you also have to eat to fuel your heart a little! Think 80/20. Plan your meals, but also indulge a little. When you’re out with friends and everyone is having a drink except you that’s no fun! Just remember, everything in moderation.

3)   Get outside or try a new sport/game at least 1-2 times a week. You don’t have to be good at it, but TRY and have fun. Challenge yourself a little to try something totally new. I’m still staring at this spike ball thing in the gym and no one will teach me how to play…. :/

4)   Go on an adventure once a year. Make this bigger than number 3…. An adventure doesn’t mean the hiking path behind your house. Do something big and new. Go on a trip and explore the parks in the area. Get crazy and try sky diving…. That one is not for me because I think my heart would explode from fear, but maybe you can handle it. Challenge yourself to explore something you’ve always wanted to try, but have always put on the back burner for one reason or another.


As you’ve probably noticed, we’re rolling out some new concepts at CFA. One of the things we’re doing to help create a better overall experience is implementing the Coach For Life concept. We are working to create a better, more personal experience for each of you, while continuing to cultivate the amazing community we have.  As a Coach For Life, my goal is to help you to continuously discover your “why” and to create a plan for your best life. Health and fitness don’t just come to a stop when you’ve reached your initial goals. Longevity is key so let’s keep going!

“The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.” – Simon Sinek

Coach Gen


WOD 7/19

A. 18:00 E2O2
Sets 1 – 6: Build to a heavy Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
Set 8: Hang Power Clean + Power Clean  @ 95% of above
Set 9: Hang Power Clean + Power Clean  @ 90% of above

B. 5 Rounds
5 Hang Power Snatch @ 95 / 65
10 Box Jumps @ 24/20
*Time recorded

Extra Credit
Practice Kip TTB

“The best teachers are those who keep students motivated, challenged and flourishing.” -John Kline


WOD 7/18

A. 15:00 E:90 0 :90
2 Back Squats x 10 sets
Sets 1-5: build to 90%
Sets 6-10: @ 90%

B. 5:00 AMRAP
Strict Pull-ups
1:00 Rest


5:00 AMRAP
Wall Balls @ 20/14
1:00 Rest


5:00 AMRAP
200 M Run
*Total reps of pull-ups, Wall Balls, and Meters ran recorded separately. Meters recorded in 100 m intervals

Extra Credit
Hollow Hold x 12 sec x 3 sets

Hollow Rock x6 reps x 3 sets

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” -Margaret Mead

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WOD 7/16

In Teams of 2

1600 M Relay (alternate every 400 M)


Power Clean @ 135/95
Front Squat @ 135/95
Box Jumps @ 24/20
1600 M Relay (alternate every 400 M)
*alternate rounds on the movements

Partner 1: Round of 10
Partner 2: Round of 9
Partner 1: Round of 8
Partner 2: Round of 7
Partner 1: Round of 6
Partner 2: Round of 5


NEXT SATURDAY!!! Expert Series with Ursula REGISTER HERE

expert series

WOD 7/15

A.20:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 10 Single Arm Press / arm @ 8 RM
Min 2 – 50 M Waiters Walk Right Arm
Min 3 – 50 M Waiters Walk Left Arm
Min 4 – :30 Nose to Wall HS Hold
Min 5 – :30 Pull-up Bar Hang

B. 3 Rounds for Quality
12 Strict Pull-ups
12 Deadlifts @ 225 / 135
8 Lateral Step-ups / leg
8 Ring Push-ups  

Guys it’s HOT! Check out Coach Tim’s post on Hydrating!

#TBT – It’s HOT! Let’s Hydrate!

Today we are kickin’ it back to an article Coach Tim wrote last year. We are in the midst of 100° days and when you’re sweating it out like we do, you have to be putting it back in. Check out some wise words from a wise man while you enjoy a nice, cold glass of H20!


H2O is Mo’ Better! || Coach Tim Garland

The first official day of summer has arrived. As our bodies adapt to the heat and humidity that this season brings us, you hear your coaches tell you to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. What is “plenty”? Why is it so important?

Many of us know that water comprises the majority of our body. So making sure that we are consuming an appropriate amount of this clear, flavorless liquid is a no-brainer requirement for optimal health. Now, imagine yourself this summer hiking the Greenbelt, completing your WOD, or sitting by pool/river/lake for countless hours…without any water. Thirsty thoughts? Thirst is often thought of as an alert for the beginnings of dehydration. According to Merriam-Webster, dehydration is defined as;


Dehydration– an abnormal depletion of body fluids


I don’t think anyone would argue that the aforementioned activities could bring on the onset of dehydration without appropriate measures being taken. Most of us have heard the 6-8, 8oz. cups of water per day as the standard for water consumption. Yes, this is standard. However, just as our nutritional fingerprint differs from individual to individual, so should our water intake. We all come in different shapes and sizes and participate at different levels in vastly different activities. Additionally, depending on our current state of health, some systems are more efficient than others at regulating the needs of said activities. Without throwing specific recommendations out there for person A, weighing ‘x’ amount at such and such height yada-yada ya…here are some dehydration indicators to be aware this summer to help you key in on your health, thus your performance, as it pertains to water intake.

A few symptoms have been identified as;

  • Little to no urine, or dark yellow/amber hued urine
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness/lightheadedness
  • Dry mouth
  • Confusion


Conversely, proper hydration helps eliminate the chances of these occurring, and can aid us in;

  • Regulating core body temperature
  • Lubricating our joints
  • Keeping our kidneys and liver healthy by flushing out toxins and eliminating waste
  • Helps carry oxygen and nutrients to our cells and tissues


Are there other sources to help me stay hydrated other than JUST water? Yes. Although here, water is king, here are a few other ways to sneak in the liquid. Fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of h2o, as well as their juices. Keep in mind that the juices may have unwanted calories due to added sugars. Coffee and teas also contain water, but caffeine can act as a diuretic and lead to frequent urination and counter our purpose.


All in all, plan and prepare for your daily activities.

  • Be aware of your environment (heat and humidity) and what your body is telling you
  • Keep a mental note of your previous 12-24 hours of water intake
  • Keeping a water bottle with you throughout your day will help you monitor your water consumption
  • Adjust your consumption as needed to fit your daily activity level

“Mama said Gatorade is the devil”


Train smart, live smart,

-Coach Garland