#TBT – It’s HOT! Let’s Hydrate!

Today we are kickin’ it back to an article Coach Tim wrote last year. We are in the midst of 100° days and when you’re sweating it out like we do, you have to be putting it back in. Check out some wise words from a wise man while you enjoy a nice, cold glass of H20!


H2O is Mo’ Better! || Coach Tim Garland

The first official day of summer has arrived. As our bodies adapt to the heat and humidity that this season brings us, you hear your coaches tell you to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. What is “plenty”? Why is it so important?

Many of us know that water comprises the majority of our body. So making sure that we are consuming an appropriate amount of this clear, flavorless liquid is a no-brainer requirement for optimal health. Now, imagine yourself this summer hiking the Greenbelt, completing your WOD, or sitting by pool/river/lake for countless hours…without any water. Thirsty thoughts? Thirst is often thought of as an alert for the beginnings of dehydration. According to Merriam-Webster, dehydration is defined as;


Dehydration– an abnormal depletion of body fluids


I don’t think anyone would argue that the aforementioned activities could bring on the onset of dehydration without appropriate measures being taken. Most of us have heard the 6-8, 8oz. cups of water per day as the standard for water consumption. Yes, this is standard. However, just as our nutritional fingerprint differs from individual to individual, so should our water intake. We all come in different shapes and sizes and participate at different levels in vastly different activities. Additionally, depending on our current state of health, some systems are more efficient than others at regulating the needs of said activities. Without throwing specific recommendations out there for person A, weighing ‘x’ amount at such and such height yada-yada ya…here are some dehydration indicators to be aware this summer to help you key in on your health, thus your performance, as it pertains to water intake.

A few symptoms have been identified as;

  • Little to no urine, or dark yellow/amber hued urine
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness/lightheadedness
  • Dry mouth
  • Confusion


Conversely, proper hydration helps eliminate the chances of these occurring, and can aid us in;

  • Regulating core body temperature
  • Lubricating our joints
  • Keeping our kidneys and liver healthy by flushing out toxins and eliminating waste
  • Helps carry oxygen and nutrients to our cells and tissues


Are there other sources to help me stay hydrated other than JUST water? Yes. Although here, water is king, here are a few other ways to sneak in the liquid. Fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of h2o, as well as their juices. Keep in mind that the juices may have unwanted calories due to added sugars. Coffee and teas also contain water, but caffeine can act as a diuretic and lead to frequent urination and counter our purpose.


All in all, plan and prepare for your daily activities.

  • Be aware of your environment (heat and humidity) and what your body is telling you
  • Keep a mental note of your previous 12-24 hours of water intake
  • Keeping a water bottle with you throughout your day will help you monitor your water consumption
  • Adjust your consumption as needed to fit your daily activity level

“Mama said Gatorade is the devil”


Train smart, live smart,

-Coach Garland

WOD 7/14

A. 10:00 E202
3 Negative Pull-ups
*Jump so chin is above the bar, and lower yourself for :05
*add weight between ankles  if negatives aren’t challenging

B. 21:00 EMOM
Min 1: 8/leg  Back Rack Step-ups @ 20/ 16, 45lb/35 lb
Min 2: 10 Strict Press @ 45 lb / 35 lb
Min 3: 200 M Run
*Exercises must be finished under :40. Record completed rounds under :40.

“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.”- Jack Canfield


WOD 7/13

A. In 14:00 build to a heavy 3  In the Hang Clean

In 6:00  
Hang Clean x1x3 sets @ 100% of today’s heaviest set

B. 8:00 E202
Clean Lift off + Clean DL x2+1 x 4 sets @ 95-100% of Clean

C.12:00 E202
Front Squat  (Tempo + Normal) x2+1×6
Reps 1 & 2 Tempo- :04 down, :02 in bottom
Rep 3: Normal Tempo
*build to a challenging weight

Before you lift, check out Coach Wes’s recommendations!
3 Tips to Dominate

pull ups

3 Tips to Dominate This Programming Cycle

pull ups

Excuse me… I’d like to interrupt of everyone’s game of Pokemon Go.  Friday marks the midway point for our summer training cycle and I’d like to drop a few tips here to help maximize the next 3 weeks of training. If you’re new and unfamiliar with the structure of our programming cycles take a look at this article for a basic lay of the land.. We have and will continue to focus on improving everyone’s strict pull-ups, back squat, and clean.  So today I will include a tip for each of the three movements.

Tip 1 “Back Squat”:
Stretch your groin.  This  will not only help open of the bottom of your squat position, but also improve your ability to access the gluteus medius which abducts, internally, and externally rotates you femur in the hip. Why is this important?  Because a fully engaged hip gives us a stronger more stable position in our deep squat, which allows us to protect our lower back and knees from common ailments associated with poor squat form. It also help us lift more weight (duh).  If you need some examples of good groin stretches check out this article I wrote back in March with some quick hip and groin openers.

Tip 2 “Clean”:
Improve your rack. One of the most common problems I see with the clean is a poor rack positions. Countless lifts have been missed due to poor rack positions.  Here’s a quick test – Can you squat clean your 3 RM Front Squat? If you can’t, it is most likely a positional issue in the rack or a poor squat depth in your front squats. Lets assume its a shitty rack position. First, go read Coach Tim’s in-depth article discussing the finer points of improving the rack position with dual mobility and stability work.  Secondly, I have a challenge for you… Don’t front squat a weight that you can’t put a full grip on bar with. That’s right, no weight goes on your bar that you can’t keep all four fingers, your thumb, and at least part of your palm wrapped around.  This is will you develop a rack position that is advantageous for the clean and will also probably help improve your squat depth.


Tip 3 “Strict Pull-ups”:  
Last, but certainly not least let’s talk strict pull-ups.  Let’s look outside the box a bit here. Besides upper body pulling strength and body weight, the biggest challenge in the strict pull-up is full body control. Most of us naturally relax everything as we try to struggle our chin over to the bar. So the challenge here is to find as many ways to hang from the bar in a hollow position as possible. Full hand, active hang, 90 degree bent arm hang, chin over bar hang, or chest to bar hang.  The goal is to maintain a great hollow position, if at any point you feel your legs, butt, or belly relax jump off the bar.  This is will help you develop proper body positions in different ranges of motion of the pull-up, and ingrain proper positioning in nervous system. Don’t spend more than 2:00 total minutes hanging from the bar however.

That’s it folks lets dominate this second half of the programming like you have a rare pikachu in your sights. Full disclosure, I know nothing about the new Pokemon fad, but it sure is popular with the kids these days!

-Coach Wes

WOD 7/12

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 6 Strict Toes to Bar
Min 2 – 50 M Farmers Walk @ by feel
Min 3 – Rest

5 Rounds
In 2:00
8 Box Jumps  @ 24/20
10 Push Press @ 95 / 65
Double Under for the remainder of the time
1:00 Rest
*Record total double unders completed

“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard

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WOD 7/11

A. 15:00 E:90 0 :90
2 Back Squats w/ :02 Pause x 10 sets
Sets 1-5: build to 85%
Sets 6-10: @ 85%

B. 30 Ground to Overhead @ 135 / 95
*at the top of each minute do 3 burpees

Then immediately…

400 Meter Med Ball Run @ 20 lb / 14 lb
*Time recorded
*Time cap 10:00 for GTOs / Burpees

C. Accumulate 2:00 in a Chest to bar hold
– keeping shoulder blades down and back
– Use a spotter and/or band

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” – Kofi Annan

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WOD 7/9

30:00 AMRAP
5 Ring Dips
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs @ 24″/20”
20 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14
400 M Run
*Two Person Teams. Each partner completes each exercise individually. Only one person can work at a time. Both partners will complete the run together

Example Round:
Partner 1: 5 Ring Dips
Partner 2: 5 Ring Dips
Partner 1: 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
Partner 2: 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
Partner 1: 20 Wall Ball Shots
Partner 2: 20 Wall Ball Shots
Partner 1 & 2: 400 M Run

Are you on Instagram?? You better get in on this! You could win a FREE month!


WOD 7/8

A. 20:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 8 High Pulls / arm by feel
Min 2 – 50 M Waiters Walk Right Arm
Min 3 – 50 M Waiters Walk Left Arm
Min 4 – :20 Nose to Wall HS Hold
Min 5 – :20 Pull-up Bar Hang

B. 3 Rounds for Quality
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Deadlifts @ 225 / 135
10 Lateral Step-ups / leg
10 Ring Rows


Registration for The Expert Series – Session 2 with Ursula Garza Papandrea is now open!


WOD 7/7

A. 16:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 8 Single Arm Press / arm @ 8 RM
Min 2 – Rest
Min 3 – 75 M Farmers Walk @ by feel
Min 4-  Rest

B. 20:00 EMOM
Min 1: 6 Hang Power Clean to Ovhd @ 135 / 95
Min 2: 200 M Run
Min 3: 18 Unweighted Walking Lunges (total)
Min 4: 24 Double Unders
*Exercises must be finished under :40. Record completed round under :40

“Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.” – Paramahansa Yogananda

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WOD 7/6

A. 14:00 E202
Box Squat x1x7 @ 70% of 1 RM Back Squat, same weight for all sets

B. 6:00 E202
Tempo Back Squat x 5 reps @ 42X1
Rest as needed @ 70% (:04 down, :02 in bottom)

C. 12:00 E202
3-5 Partner Assisted Strict Pull-ups
*Partner can assist by holding 2 feet, 1 foot or at the waist
*Perform weighted pull-ups you are able to do 5 strict pull-ups

D. 9:00 EMOM
Min 1- 8-12 Barbell Curls
Min 2- 10-12 Banded Face Pulls

Congrats to our July Athlete of The Month – Jenni Demske!