Athlete Types || Coach Leigh LeGare

Types of Athletes and The Three Little Pigs?

If you’ve spoken with Aaron Davis, you’ll know for programming purposes, he separates his athletes (after testing) into two categories:

 Power athletes: Hard chargers. Strong, fast and can usually handle high amounts of pain. They feel most comfortable leading early and trying to hang on late. Weakness is pacing and fatigue towards the end of competitions/workouts. They lack patience.

 Stayer athletes: Endurance minded, strategic and has moderate pain thresholds. Most comfortable in even paces and knowing what to expect. Weakness is playing it safe.

I’m a ‘stayer.’ Those I train with have labeled me ‘Rain Woman.’ I number crunch, come up with splits based on rep schemes/my abilities, and strategize as soon as a workout is released. I pace myself at the beginning of a workout and ramp up as it progresses. Sometimes I play it too safe, compromising my overall time/results.

I didn’t realize how hard wired I was as a stayer until I met with my supervisor last week. I found myself using Aaron’s definition of a ‘stayer’ to define my work ethic. While it has worked for me and gave my supervisor some perspective, I could tell he wanted me to take on some traits of the power athlete. Not play it so safe and lead early.

Cue introspective thinking, past conversations with Aaron, and being reminded of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ (random). The stayer athlete (me) is like the third pig. This pig builds his house on a foundation and out of bricks. He’s strategic and has a plan. It may take longer to build but it’ll sustain. The power athlete is like the first pig. He builds his house out of straw. He does this quickly and without a plan. He comes out fast and strong while throwing caution to the wind (get it? Wind? 😉 ).


The traditional moral of the story states the third pig as the overall winner. But for our purposes, both pigs come out on top. The task was to build a house and they achieved that. However, both have their drawbacks. The ‘stayer pig’ took much more time to complete the project. Yes, it will last longer but if he keeps this mindset for every task (or workout) assigned to him, the time spent being strategic, sometimes costs him valuable time in producing results. The ‘power pig’ took less time and even if his house gets ruined, it doesn’t affect him. He’ll continue to fight/hang on until the job is done or redone.

However, if this is the only way he operates, he sets himself up for quicker fatigue, burn out, and fewer results. Take this blog in whatever way you perceive it but can you classify yourself as one of these athletes? In the gym and/or life? If so, some of us stayers can afford not to be so strategic/safe. In return, producing results faster than we’re used to seeing. While the ‘power pigs’ could afford slowing down a bit and having the patience/plan for more substantial gains. Maybe we can emerge as the second pig and houses made of sticks will be the perfect plan? 😉


Train smart, live smarter, CFA!

–Coach Leigh

WOD 4/29

A. In 15:00 build to a heavy Hang Clean+Clean

B. Low Bar Back Squat to box x2x6 @ 85%

C. 3 Rounds
6 KB OVHD  Reverse Lunge /leg
6 RDL @ 70-75% of DL 3RM
6 Partner GH Raises
*rest as needed

Spring Cleaning Competition >>>> May 9

Check out Coach Ben’s Top picks in ATX >>>SettingsGood Eats

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Good Eats in ATX || Coach Ben Wells

What is up my fellow omnivores,


Changing it up from last time and hitting my favorite food spots in the ol’ ATX in this blog post because you have to be able to go out with your friends and family and enjoy yourself and not stay cooped up in your kitchen and cook the same chicken and broccoli for every meal . You need to go out and experience new food which could spark some interest in trying to make that food at home, thus expanding your recipe book from two items to three items.

Numero uno: Independence Fine Foods (Manchaca & Slaughter)

This lovely little spot is on my way to the gym every day so it reels me in when I really need something to eat. At breakfast you cannot go wrong with a gluten free sweet potato waffle which will rock your world and it goes great with a nice cappuccino for those coffee lovers out there. At lunch they have different selections which could range from pork tenderloin to chicken with plenty of sides which will make your mouth water. Dinner is special every night, but they usually roast something and it will be out on the carving block which they cut right in front of you and pair with two delicious sides.

Numero dos: Picnik (South Lamar)

If haven’t heard of this place you’re living in a hole. Home of butter coffee which is known for leaving you full of healthy fat and caffeinated for the day. They also have wonder meals you can pick up for the day which are paleo.

Numero tres: Bouldin Creek Café (S. First)

Even though they do not serve meat on their menus they make some delicious food packed with fresh veggies and interesting combos which can make any omnivore happy.

Numero cuatro: District Kitchen (West Slaughter)

A quick read over this menu will have you thinking 2 things. 1st everything sounds delicious and 2nd more than 50% of the menu is gluten-free, vegan or paleo.  That’s all I have to say about that.

Numero cinco: Bananarchy (West Live Oak)

Frozen bananas covered with some yummy toppings could only mean happiness for your tummy. If you are craving something sweet why not make it something we eat for extra potassium. Joe Banana is a must have. You’ll get your coffee fix for sure.

So onward, Omnivores! Go out and eat well.

Do you you have a favorite spot to chow down in Austin? Share your knowledge!

-Coach Ben

WOD 4/28

A. 12:00 Alt. EMOM

Min 1 – :10-:15 WF Handstand
Min 2 – Row Pike Up 3 reps @ 3333
Min 3 – Strict Ring Dip 4 reps @ 33X1
*If you have muscle-ups muscle-up in to the first reps

B. 12:00 EMOM

5 Kip CTB Pull-ups
4 PC to OVHD @ 135/95
3 Burpees Box Jump Step-down 24/20
*Sets completed under :30 recorded
*If set isn’t completed under a minute rest the following minute

**Extra Credit**

3 Rounds
12 DB Bench Press
12 Diamond Push-ups
*Last 2 reps should be difficult

New cycle of The Prep starts Monday, May 4 >>>> Get Prepped!

“Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” –Michael Jordan

WOD 4/27

A. In 15:00 Build to a challenging Hang Snatch

B. Front Squat
5 @ 65%
4 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
2 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
3 @ 85%
5 @ AHAP
Rest 2 minutes between sets.

C. 3 Rounds
400 M Run
Thruster @ 75/55
Box Jump 24/20
*For time

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” –John D. Rockefeller

WOD 4/25

Rx Version

20 Burpee over Bar
20 Hang Snatch
20 Muscle-ups
20 Hang Snatch
20 Burpee over Bar

M:95-135 lb
W:65-95 lbs


2 Person teams, athlete one  will complete all the reps for a movement then athlete two will complete all the reps. Teams will move to the next movements together. Except for muscle-up, athletes will split the reps and alternate each rep. If one athlete can’t complete the rep the other athlete can complete it for them.

**Scaled Version**

20 Burpee over Bar
20 Hang Snatch
20 CTB Pull-ups (any style)
20 Hang Snatch
20 Burpee over Bar

M: Weight of your choice
W: Weight of your choice

Flow: each athlete completes 20 reps at each movement, but can alternate however they’d like.


Join us for a CFA Outing! Bowling @ Evo at 2:00 pm



Spring Cleaning for GingerCare || May 9th

Linzi Newth, Founder of the new Non-Profit Organization, GingerCare needs some help getting her program off the ground. She’s been an awesome member of CrossFit Austin since 2012 and we are very excited to be donating proceeds from the Spring Cleaning Competition to her cause.

GingerCare specializes in matching homeless pets with the elderly in a mutually beneficial relationship that allows for stimulation and companionship amongst both, all while providing the necessary medical care for the pet. This is to include regular visits by a veterinarian or technician whom helps to assist and educate the client in caring for their pet. When the client can no longer properly care for the animal, GingerCare aids in the intake process in order to prepare the pet for a new home.

***We also have raffle tickets available! Enter for a chance to win an awesome prize pack for your furry friend! $5 per ticket – See a coach for details!

Join us on Saturday, May 9th from 9 am – 12 pm! Details and Registration >>>> HERE

Last day to register with your t-shirt size guaranteed is Monday, April 27th by 9:00 am! Spread the word and let’s pack the house!

WOD 4/24

A. 3 Rounds for Quality
6 Hip Power Cleans
6 Front Squat
6 Reverse Lunges /leg
6 Bent Over Row
M: 95 W:65


B. 20:00 AMRAP
800 M Run
20 Double Unders
20 DB Snatches @ 35/20 (total)
20 Step-up @ 20/16 (Total)

C. 5 Rounds
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Plank Hold
:30 Farmer Hold
:30 Rest

Join us tomorrow for Free Community Oly Open Gym >>> 9 – 11 am
CFA Outing – Bowling at Evo >>> 2 pm

Register by Monday {4.27} @ 9:00 am to guarantee your shirt size!

{Spring Cleaning}

Ask your coach about raffle tickets for this event!


CFA Outing This Saturday! Bowling @ Evo

bowling (2)

Join us this weekend {4.25} for an afternoon of bowling, snacks, and a little friendly competition! Hosted by Coaches Tim, Mark, and Ben at Evo Entertainment just a hop, skip, and a jump down the road from CFA.

RSVP on the Facebook Event Page

[Where] Evo Entertainment – 3200 Kyle Crossing | Kyle, Texas 78640

[When] Saturday, April 25th @ 2:00 pm (meet at CrossFit Austin at 1:45 to carpool)

[Who] All y’all and your frands!

*Group rates are available starting at 10+ people so let’s get a crew together and have some fun!

The EVO Social

$19.99 per guest
90 minutes of bowling including shoes
1 Sampler appetizer platter per 5 guests
$5 game card per guest
Starts at 10 guests

All adult group packages plus tax & 15% service charge.

The Prep at CrossFit Austin || May 4

may prep (2)

The next cycle of The Prep at CrossFit Austin will start on Monday, May 4th.


[what]    What we like to call “The Prep” is designed to introduce new clients to the fundamentals and essential movements often seen in our group classes. The Prep is a course that teaches proper movement, recovery, mobility strategies, and a crash course on nutrition & lifestyle. This beginners program ultimately gives our clients the tools to make their time at CrossFit Austin life changing. We’re not just movers and shakers at CrossFit Austin – we’re thinkers, too. Producing athletes that train smart, work hard and also know their shit is what we’re all about.

Train Smart | We’ll teach you to lift & move proficiently
Dedicated time working on the technique of CrossFit Movements over the course of 12 classes, with technical consistency being a focus. Regular exposure to the movements will adequately prepare each client for success in the group class environment. Quality over quantity in your movement is our goal.

Work Hard | We’ll teach you to recover effectively
The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts. It’s in this time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Learning what and how to fill this time outside of the gym is our goal.

Think Well | We’ll teach you to eat efficiently
The individuality and uniqueness of our clients are what makes our community a phenomenal place to thrive in their training. Nutrition can’t be ‘cut and paste’ for each individual – there’s no cookie cutter way to properly eat. Revolutionize the way you view nutrition and eat over the course of 12 classes and learn what works best for your ID.

[structure]    The Prep = 1 Month of CrossFit Austin

If there’s one thing we take seriously, it’s quality over quantity. Yes, we give a shit about each and every person who walks through our doors on a deeper level. You aren’t a dollar sign or a name on a sheet. You’re a member of our family. In our opinion, there’s no way to teach anyone new to CrossFit quality movement and technique in a short amount of time. Thus, our introductory course that isn’t a cram session squeezed into a few day’s time. It’s an investment of a month on both ends. You meet with your coach 3x/week for 4 weeks, learning the ins & outs of what CrossFit and CrossFit Austin is all about.

1 month | 12 Sessions
Just show up; we’ll do the rest. The Prep course you enroll in will meet 3x/week for 4 weeks.  Structured like a CrossFit Class, your Prep course classes will be at the same time each day throughout the course length for 1-hour. Just show up, we’ll do the rest (we mean it!) –  Your coach leads you through the hour class, from welcome, to warm-up, to workout with the learning in between.

1 Coach | 6 athletes
The Prep Course is limited to 6 clients per course to ensure everyone gets quality, semi-private coaching, and our coaches can focus on teaching instead of managing.

With limited space in each course, wait-list opportunities are available.

>>Click here<<  to see a schedule of our upcoming  Prep Courses

Learn more about the CrossFit Austin coaches leading The Prep here.


[what]     For those that can’t make our available Prep Course classes  or would prefer a more private introduction to CrossFit, we offer the “Private Prep”. You get all the great resources and coaching we provide in the Prep Course in one-on-one, private training with a coach. Due to the smaller more flexible setting we are able to expedite The Prep process  and get you through the material quicker.

[structure]     The Private Prep = 5 Private Sessions

No different than our regular Prep Course, the Private Prep focuses on quality instruction. Structure is a bit different though – You and your coach will meet for 5 private training sessions based on your scheduling. Each session runs for one-hour.

2 Weeks | 5 Sessions
Just show up; we’ll do the rest. 5 private session over the course of 2 weeks scheduled at your convenience.  Your coach leads you through the hour’s session, from welcome, to warm-up, to workout with the learning in between.

1 Coach | 1 Client
The Private Prep Course is a one-on-one private introduction to CrossFit. Your coach will take you through the Prep Course curriculum in 5 private sessions, and  tailor the program to your individual needs.

>>Click Here<< to enroll in a Private Prep Course and we will contact you within in 24 hours to schedule your sessions with your coach

Group Prep Option:  $200
Private Prep Option: $300

Course Times:
{6:30 am on M/W/F} or {6:30 pm on M/W/Th}
May 4 – May 29