WOD 1/26

A. 4 rounds – AMReps (as many reps as possible) FGB Style
1:00 ‘heavy’ Russian KBS @ 32K / 24K / 12K
1:00 ‘high’ box jump @30”/24”/20
1:00 pistols (either leg) (Lateral Step-ups)
1:00 toes-to-bar
1:00 sled drag @ 90 lbs / 45 lbs / tire
1:00 rest

Scaling Guide:
Scale Up: 44K /32K kb, 36/30″ box, 16K / 12K wtd pistols

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.”- Bobby Unser

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WOD 1/25

A. Spend 10 minutes working up to your max depth HSPU up to 5 reps.
Optional: finish with max depth kipping HSPU up to 10 reps (after testing strict)

B. In 20:00 build to a Max Squat Clean
*Clean weight recorded
*Retest from 11/29/16

C. 18:00 EMOM
Min 1- 1 Deficit DL @ 55-65%
Min 2 – 2 WTD Ring Dips(or progression)
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
Tabata row or airdyne for calories

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” – John Ruskin

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Gymnastics Clinic – Saturday 1/28 – 10 -1 
Register here

Your First Day at CrossFit Austin


Do you have a friend or family member who wants to join but is too scared?


If I had a penny for the number of times a client has gotten my hopes up by saying, “I have a friend who wants to join,” (yet that friend, or sister or husband never ends up showing up) I would be a rich coach.


I talk to people outside of the gym world all the time. Some of the most common reason folks don’t start improving they’re fitness is because they’re “intimidated” or aren’t “in good enough shape.


I have also learned in 9 years of coaching that the hardest part for many people about joining a gym is just walking through those doors on their very first day. The fear and apprehension of the unknown can be crippling.


So I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m about to reveal exactly what the process will look like from the moment you contact our website and the end of your Day 1 one-on-one introductory session with a coach. Here goes:


After you contact our website, or call us, we’ll get back to you within 24 hours and you will be paired up with a coach. You’ll likely have a back-and-forth e-mail with this coach, or better yet, a phone call. You’ll compare your schedules and will settle on a day and time for your intro day.


Then, you will walk, drive, bus to the gym and damnit, you will walk through the doors.


You will be greeted by your coach. At some point you’ll probably sign a waiver, but more than anything you will talk. That’s it—talk!


You won’t be weighed and measured (unless you want to be), and you won’t be thrown into the fire of a group class workout with experienced athletes.


What will you talk about?


To a large degree, this will be up to you. But the end goal is simple: To see if you’re a right fit to train with us.


To do this, we will ask you about your wants and needs, and what brought you into the gym. The only thing we ask for is honesty on your part. If we’re going to help you, it will help if you let your guard down and be a bit vulnerable (that might be the scariest part of the whole day for you).


Why are you really here today? What do you really want to get out of this? (We dont want the PC answer; we want the REAL answer).


The reason we do our intro days in a one-on-one setting with one coach and one client is to allow the two of you to get to know each other and truly discover if you will work well together. Discovering this in a group setting with 8 to 10 new athletes all sweating together chaotically is next to impossible—and is what sets us apart from many other gyms in the area.


If at the end of your conversation—be it a 20-minute, 45-minute or hour-long chat (some people are chattier than others)—if you want (and if time permits), you will be put through a short fitness assessment—just some basic pushing, pulling and squatting. Or if you prefer, the fitness assessment can be done during your second session.


The assessment will give your coach a chance to see where you’re at physically, and will help him/her decide approximately how many personal training sessions you will need before you’ll be able to graduate to group classes (This decision will be made together based on your wants and needs).


Then if you’re game, you’ll book session number two and then the real fun begins…


That’s it. That’s as scary as walking through the doors is going to be.


If you have a friend or family member who has been considering joining, but is terrified to take the leap, dont hesitate to forward this to them if you think it might give them the nudge they need to get fit.

WOD 1/24

A. In 10 Minutes Builde to a Challenging Thruster (80-90% of PP, from Rack)

B. 15:00 AMRAP
9 ‘heavy’ thrusters @ 115 / 75 / 55
9 kipping pull-ups
15′ out and 15′ back Overhead dumbbell lunge -one hand- @ 40-55 lb  / 25 – 35 lb / 15
10 burpees with 15′ lateral shuffle
1:00 rest
*rounds + reps recorded
Scaling Guide:
– 4-5 Rounds  including the rest.
– Scale Up: 16 kipping pull ups per round.


THIS Saturday! 10:00 am – 1:00 pm – Gymnastics Seminar with Coach David Henderson

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WOD 1/23

“Dirty Thirty or Filthy Fifty”
50/30 Box jumps @ 24” / 20” / 12”
50/30 Jumping pull-ups
50/30 American KBS@ 16K / 12K / 8K
50/30 Walking Lunge (total steps)
50/30 Knees to Elbows
50/30 Push press @ 45 lb / 35 lb / 15 lb
50/30 Super Mans
50/30 Wall balls @  20lb/10ft, 14lb/9ft, 10lb/8ft
50/30 Burpees
50/30 Double unders
*Time recorded
*35:00 Cap

*If you have completed a Dirty Thirty under 20 minutes perform as Filthy Fifty compare to September 22, 2016
*If you complete the Dirty Thirty in under 20 minutes you “graduate” to the “Filthy Fifty” the next time we do this workout.

“Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It’s about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others’ success, and then standing back and letting them shine.” – Chris Hadfield


WOD 1/21 – Airrosti Mobility Seminar at 11:00 am

A. As a team build to a max in the following complex:
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
*combined team weight recorded

B. For REPS FGB style
4 rounds
1:00 ring rows
1:00 hang power snatch 95/65/35
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Join AIRROSTI at 11:00 am for an awesome mobility seminar!
Reserve your FREE spot HERE! 

Image result for airrosti

WOD 1/20

A. 18:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Squat Cleans @ AHAP
Min 2 – 3-5 Weighted Ring Dips
Min 3 – Rest
*all Sets within listed range  on both movements
*Clean weight recorded

B.Open WOD 13.4
7 minute AmRep (as many reps as possible)
3 clean and jerks @ 135 / 95 / 65
3 toes-to-bar
6 clean and jerks
6 toes-to-bar
9 clean and jerks
9 toes-to-bar
12 clean and jerks
12 toes-to-bar
*Total reps recorded

Heyoooo! This is coming up quick – combine strength & endurance in one competition
Iron Bromance – February 4 at CrossFit Austin

**We’re also looking for a few volunteers – If you’re interested, email genny@crossfitaustin.com!

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WOD 1/19

A. Spend 8-15 minutes working on kipping drills focused on pull ups and/or bar muscle ups

B. 17:00 AMRAP
800m Run

1:00 rest
then max rounds:
12 bar facing burpees
10 front squats @ 135 / 85 / 55
Chest-to-bar pull-ups @ 8 / 6 / 6 Ring Rows
*800 M Run time recorded
*Total Rounds + reps recorded

January 28th || 10:00 am – 1:00 pm || Gymnastics Seminar with David Henderson

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WOD 1/18

A. 14:00 E2O2
1 Deficit DL @ 50-60%

B. 5 rounds for Quality (Scale 4 Rounds)
Overhead plate walk 40 feet @ 45 / 25 /15
15 American Kettlebell Swings 24K / 16K / 12K
40 double unders (Health: 80 singles)
*completion recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 min max cal row

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius


WOD 1/17

A. Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) jerk (any variation) out of the rack
*weight recorded

B. “DT”
5 rounds for time
12 Deadlifts 155 / 105 / 75
9 Hang power clean (same)
6 Push jerk (same)
*time recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 6-14 minutes. About 2 min per round. – – Scale Up: “Heavy DT” (from the Games) 205/145lbs

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 rounds
10 pull ups
15 wall ball

THIS SATURDAY – Airrosti Advanced Mobility Seminar

Join AIRROSTI’s Dr. Sarah Rachel for an interactive workshop where
you’ll learn specific exercises and techniques to help prevent pain and enhance
athletic performance. Through guided instruction, you’ll discover new ways
to strengthen and stretch, while improving mobility and stability. Plus, get
your pain and injury prevention questions answered by an Airrosti Provider.

CLICK HERE to sign-up

CrossFit Austin Mobility Class
 January 21st // 11:00-12:00pm

Airrosti providers are experts at eliminating chronic pain and resolving most
soft-tissue injuries, typically within 3 visits. Visit Airrosti.com for more info on Airrosti
or talk to your Health & Fitness Staff for more info on the session