WOD 8/9

Test 3
A. Build to a 1 RM Squat Clean in 20:00
*Weight recorded

B. 12:00 E303
Tempo Front Squat x3x4 @ 42X1 by feel
(:04 down, :02 in bottom)

Test 4
C. Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups (Overhand grip) 10:00 3 attempts
*reps recorded

Registration for The Expert Series – Int/Adv Gymnastics Clinic with David Henderson is now open!
Check it out!

expert series


WOD 8/8

Make up / Active Recovery

A.80 yd Max Weight  Farmer Carry  / hand  in 10:00 (3 attempts only)
*Weight recorded

B. 80 yd Max Weight Waiter Carry / hand  in 10:00  (3 attempts only)
*Weight recorded

2 Rounds
In 5:00
800 M Run
100 M Unweight Walking Lunge
Rest 3:00 + remainder of cap time

Shirts are in! Big props to New Standard Manufacturing for the new threads! 
If you pre-ordered, pick up on the table up front. We will have additional inventory for sale by Tuesday afternoon!

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WOD 8/7 – Test week!

Test 1
A. In 15:00

Build to 1 RM Back Squat w/ :02 Pause

*Weight recorded

Test 2
“Toe, Toe, Toe, your boat”

B. 30-20-10
Box Jumps @ 24/20
Toes to Bar
Thrusters @ 95/65
*15:00 Time Cap
*Time or reps recorded

“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” -Barack Obama

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WOD 8/6

In teams of 2…

Power Snatch @ 95/65
Box Jumps @ 24/20
Ring Dips / Push-ups @ 24/20

Partner 1: Round of 10
Partner 2: Round of 9
Partner 1: Round of 8
Partner 2: Round of 7
Partner 1: Round of 6
Partner 2: Round of 5

Next week is post-test week! The end of the cycle is near! 

WOD 8/5

In teams of two…

A. 2K Row Relay Race
(switch every 500 M)
10:00 Cap

Rest 5:00 then

B. 2 Mile Relay Race
(Switch every 400 M)
10:00 Cap

Rest 5:00 then

C. 50 Strict Pull-ups
*switch every 2 reps

*times of A, B, and C recorded

August Athlete of The Month: Gilbert Nevarez!!
Check out his interview


WOD 8/3

A. In 15:00 build to 90% of your 1 RM Squat Clean

B. Clean DL x3x6 @ 90-110% of Max Clean

C. Build to In 10-15 minutes build to a heavy Single in the Box Squat

New Blog Post! David Henderson addresses the Strict Muscle Up
Check It Out!


WOD 8/2

8:00 AMRAP
5 Deadlifts @ 225 / 135
10 Step-ups @ 24/20 (total)
15 Double Unders
*Round + reps recorded

“To sustain longevity, you have to evolve.” – Aries Spears

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WOD 8/1

A. 18:00 E303
2 Front Squatsx 6 sets
*Build to a heavy double, no tempo no pause

Wall Balls @ 20 / 14
*Time recorded

“The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.” – Swami Vivekananda

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WOD 7/30

*Oly center will only be open to Ursula and registered Expert Series participants 10-12 – There is still some space left! REGISTER HERE

2 Person Teams
1 Mile Run
4 Rounds
10 Push-Ups
15 Partener Pull-Ups
20 Unweighted Walking Lunges / leg
*Partners run mile together, alternate after each movement, all team members will complete all reps and rounds.


Example Round:
Partner 1:10 Push-Ups
Partner 2: 10 Push-Ups
Partner 1: 15 Partener Pull-Ups
Partner 2: 15 Partener Pull-Ups
Partner 1: 20 Unweighted Walking Lunges / leg
Partner 2: 20 Unweighted Walking Lunges / leg

T-Shirt order will be placed with the printer MONDAY MORNING! Click here to place your preorder and reserve you style/size


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