WOD 3/19

Join us from 10-10:30 am for a meet & greet with Julie Foucher! 10:00 am class has been pushed to 10:30am.


13-min. AMRAP:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

M 225 lb. / 20-lb. ball
F 155 lb. / 14-lb. ball


WOD 3/18

A. 12:00 E2O2
2 Front Squat @ 80%

B. For Quality
50 Cal Row
200 M Farmers Walk
50 DB Power Snatch (total)
200 M Farmers Walk
50 Cal Row

Join us tomorrow morning (Saturday) for a Meet & Greet with Athlete, Julie Foucher from 10:00 am to 10:30 am! 
(10 am class will begin at 10:30 am)

Your ABCs #Alwaysbecrotchstretching || Coach Wes Kimball

About two years ago, everyone’s favorite bearded CrossFit superstar Lucas Parker posted this on instagram:

Remember your ABCs: Always Be CrotchStretching

A photo posted by Lucas Parker (@toqueluc) on


Since then the world realized “You’re only cool if you stretch your groin”.

In all seriousness regular stretching and foam rolling your groin has a myriad of benefits from helping relieve knee and lower back pain to improving the bottom of your squat, and giving you a stronger set up position in the Olympic lifts.  I like the KISS method for mobility so you won’t find any bands or fancy contraptions in our stretching series below. Good ole fashion gravity will be doing the work in these stretches, and the whole routine should take no longer than 10 minutes. Lastly it’s important to remember not to be over aggressive when stretching, if a stretch gives you excessive pain or any numbness discontinue immediately.


Groin on the Wall Stretch


  • Lay flat on your back with your butt all the way against the wall
  • Let your legs fall to side and spread as far apart as possible
  • Relax your feet do not pull your toes back or flex your calves
  • Take long deep breaths through your belly, gently increase the stretch as you exhale









Frog Stretch


  • On your forearms and knees, face down on the floor point your feet out, and let your your knees spread wide
  • Using your forearms to gently push your hips back and keep your chest as close to the floor as possible
  • Take long deep breaths through your belly, gently increase the stretch as you exhale








Lizard Stretch


  • This stretch will also incorporate the hip capsule and hip flexors
  • Kneeling on one knee, lower your hand or forearm to the ground
  • Try to keep your torso as close to the “up” leg as possible
  • Take long deep breaths through your belly, gently increase the stretch as you exhale









Standing Groin Stretch


  • Standing up prop a straight leg up on a box or elevated surface so your foot is above your waist
  • Increase the stretch by slowly squatting with leg you are standing on
  • Take long deep breaths through your belly, gently increase the stretch as you exhale









Those are the stretches now here’s the routine.

3:00 Groin on the Wall Stretch
2:00 Frog Stretch
1:00 Lizard stretch right leg
1:00 Lizard stretch left leg
1:00 Standing Groin stretch right leg
1:00 Standing Groin stretch left leg

This is a great series of stretches to do on a daily basis at night or in the morning if you have “tight” hips or are experiencing some knee ache while squatting. Its also great to do before class especially on days that include lunge, squatting, or Olympic lifts. Enjoy!

-Coach Wes

WOD 3/16

A. 12:00 E2O2
1 Split Jerk @ 90% or above

B. 18:00 EMOM
Min 1: 3 Strict Press by feel  
Min 2: 2-3 Horizontal Ring Rows
Min 3: Rest

C.18:00 EMOM
Min 1: 3-6 Strict Dips
Min 2: 3-6 Strict TTB
Min 3: Rest

” If you’re happy, if you’re feeling good, then nothing else matters.”  -Robin Wright

Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 3.34.05 PM

WOD 3/15

A. 12:00 E202
Min 1: RDL x5x4 @ 80-90%  of 1 RM Clean
Min 2: HSPU x3-5×4 by feel
Min3: Rest

B. 25 Wall Balls
50 DUs
400 M Run
25 Wall Balls  
50 DUs
400 M Run

*12:00 Cap
*Time or Total Reps completed recorded

“Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.” – Sai Baba

WOD 3/14

4:00 EMOM
1 Hip Muscle Snatch + 1 Hip Power Snatch + OHS

6:00 E202
Hip Power Snatch + Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch

10:00 E202
1 Hang Snatch by feel

B. 3 Rounds for Time
8 Backrack Walking Lunges @ 95/65 (total)
8 Pull-ups
8 Hang Power Cleans @ 95 / 65
8 Backrack Walking Lunges @ 95/65 (total)
8 Burpees over bar
*Time recorded

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”- Robert Kennedy

WOD 3/11

A. 16:00 E202
Split Jerk x2x8 @ 75%

B. For Quality
Lateral Step-ups / leg
Russian KBS
Ball Slams


Whole Life Challenge Retest WOD

15:00 AMRAP
400 m or 800 M run
5 Hand release Push-ups
10 Burpees
15 Reverse Lunges (total)
20 Air Squats
25 Butterfly situps
30 Flutter Kicks (Total)
*run counts as 1 rep, only run once
*total reps recorded


March 12 @ 10:00 am


**Note – we WILL still be holding regular classes at CFA for 16.3**