WOD 4/22

A. 14:00 E202
Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch x1+1×7
*:02 Pause in the receiving position of each rep.
*Goal is to receive bar as low as possible

B. 10:00 E202
Front Squats
x1+2×5 Rest
*Rep 1 @ 24X1
*Rep 2,3 @ normal tempo

C. 3 Rounds
6 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge /leg
6 RDL @ 55-65 % of DL 3RM
6 Partner Glute Ham Raise
*rest as needed

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” –Mary Kay Ash 

New blog post up by Stacey Magnesio >>> Like a Girl


WOD 4/21

A. 6 Rounds
:06-:10 WF HS  Hold
3-5 Kip CTB Pull-ups
3-5 Box Kip Dips
Rest :90

B. 3 Rounds
400 M Run
30 Double Unders
20 Step-ups (total)
10 2 Arm DB GTO  @ 45 / 35 lbs
*Time recorded

**Extra Credit**
3 Rounds
10 DB Bench Press
10 Diamond Push-ups
*Last 2 reps of each set should be tough

>>>Free talk from Paleo f(x) presenter [Dr. Marc Bubbs]

“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.” –Joyce Meyer

WOD 4/20

A. In 12:00
Hip Squat Clean + Hang Squat  Clean + Squat Clean  x1+1+1 x5
*build to a challenging weight
*Weight Recorded 

B.E:90 O:90 {every :90 on the :90}
DL x2x6 @ 85% of 3 RM

C. 5-4-3-2-1
Power Clean
Front Squat
Back Squat
Broad Jump
M: 165-205  W: 105-135
*Time recorded
*Pick a weight roughly 80% of you 1 RM squat clean

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” –Peter Drucker


WOD 4/18

2 Person Teams

25:00 AMRAP
400 M Run
Max Rounds of “Nate”
2 MU
8 KBS @ 32K/24K
*While one partner runs the other completes as many rounds of “Nate” as possible
*Total Rounds of “Nate” recorded


*Scaled Version”
2 Person Teams
25:00 AMRAP
200-400 M Run
Max Rounds of “Nate”
2 CTB Pull-ups (any style)
4 L-Sit DB Press
8 KBS @ weight of your choice
*While one partner runs the other completes as many rounds of “Nate” as possible
*Total Rounds of “Nate” recorded


Next Saturday! Bowling with “G-Love & The Special Sauce”

{CFA Outing}

WOD 4/17

A. 3 Rounds for Quality
10 Goblet Squats
10 Russian KBS
10 Goblet Reverse Lunge (total)

B. 3 Rounds
500 M Row
2:00 Rest
400 M Run
2:00 Rest
*85-90% effort

C. 4 Rounds
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Plank Hold
:30 Farmer Hold
:30 Rest

Don’t miss out on an awesome event for a great cause!

{Details & Registration}


Register Now! Spring Cleaning Competition || May 9


Register by 12:00 pm on 4/24 to guarantee correct t-shirt size.

We’ve just confirmed our first prize packs from Fringe Sport.
Don’t miss out on a great event for a great cause!!

{Register Here}

Spring Cleaning Clean and Tire Flip Contest
Hosted by CrossFit Austin
Benefiting GingerCare

Spring Cleaning will feature two individual events.
1. 1 rep max Clean
2. Max tire flips in 1:00.

Each athlete will be scored and ranked in each workout according to total weight lifted, Sinclair Formula (weight lifted relative to body weight), and total tire flips completed. The athlete’s with the lowest overall rankings in their respective divisions will be declared Champion!

May 9th, 2015 9 AM – Noon

CrossFit Austin
8708 S. Congress Ste. C300
Austin, TX

30 Male Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled] 30 Female Spots Available [20 Rx, 10 Scaled] We will also be offering a Mens and Womens scaled division with lighter tire flip weights.

[Entry Fee]
$60 – A portion of the proceeds will be donated to GingerCare.
We will also be accepting free will donations for GingerCare online and at the event

[About GingerCare]
GingerCare specializes in matching homeless pets with the elderly in a mutually beneficial relationship that allows for stimulation and companionship amongst both, all while providing the necessary medical care for the pet. This is to include regular visits by a veterinarian or technician whom helps to assist and educate the client in caring for their pet. When the client can no longer properly care for the animal, GingerCare aids in the intake process in order to prepare the pet for a new home.

{Register Here}

WOD 4/16

A. 6 Rounds
:06-:10 CTB Hold
3-5 Kip HSPU
Rest :90-2:00

B. 5 Rounds
9 Split  Jerks @ 115/75
12 Double Unders
*Time Recorded
*15:00 Cap

**Extra Credit**

3 Rounds
8 DB Bent Over Rows
8 DB Curls/arm
Rest 2:00
*Last 2 reps of each set should be tough

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” –Marcel Prous


WOD 4/15

A. 10:00 E2O2
Hip Squat Clean + Hang Clean x1+1×5

B. Low Bar Back Squat to box x3x5 @ 80%

C. 3 Rounds
6 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge /leg
6 RDL @ 55-65% of DL 3RM
12 Super Mans
*rest as needed

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” –Swami Sivananda

WOD 4/14

A. 12:00 Alt. EMOM

Min 1 – :10 WF Handstand Hold
Min 2 – Rower Pike Up: 3 reps @ 3333
Min 3 – Strict Ring Dip: 3 reps @ 33X1
*If you have muscle-ups muscle-up in to the first rep

B. 12:00 EMOM
3 Kip CTB Pull-ups
5 KBS @ 24/16
5 Box Jump Step-down 24/20
*Sets completed under :30 recorded
*If set isn’t completed under a minute rest the following minute

***Coach Wes outlines this cycle of training >>> [Get the details]

***Join us for a CFA Outing >>> [Check it out]

“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.”-Paul Ryan



WOD 4/13

A. 10:00 E202
Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch x1+1×5
*:02 Pause in the receiving position of each rep.
*Goal is to receive bar as low as possible

B. 10:00 E202
Front Squats x2x5 Rest
*Rep 1 @ 24X1
*Rep 2 @ normal tempo

C. 6 Rounds
4 TnG PC @ 165, 105
6 Burpees
100 M Shuttle (25m x 4)
*Time Recorded
*Cap 10:00

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” –John Quincy Adams