Conquering Double Unders

Double Unders can be one of the most frustrating movements in CrossFit. When lifting, pulling or pushing, an athlete can always “force” or “muscle” another rep, even if it is with bad form. Double Unders are one of those exercises that fall into the neurological improvement categories of our 10 physical skills. We can’t muscle through or force an extra rep. We have to maintain patience and stay relaxed, even when we are tired. We have to remember to breathe and find that calm and mental center that will allow us to grind through.

I never thought there would be a day when I was giving advice on how to do Double Unders. At one time, my double under ability, or actually lack of double under ability, was quite notorious within the CrossFit Austin community. Let me take you back a couple years before the likes of Miguel, Gilbert, Shane, and Alex. I thought it would be a good idea to sign up for Sectionals being held at Camp Mabry (I know I may be dating a few of us). I remember the week leading up to the big day. The talk around the gym was about what weight would be used, what the rep scheme would look like, and if it was going to be a couplet or triplet. The only thing running through my mind was “I hope to God DUs won’t show up in the WOD”. It was here that my journey to Double Unders began.

The workouts were announced and, as I dreaded, Double Unders were not only a part of the last WOD, but there were 100 of them to complete. I was terrified. I quickly grabbed one of the ropes at the gym and began my rendition of Double Unders. Saturday came soon enough, and by that time, I was able to complete one double under followed by two singles. This was not consistent by any stretch of the imagination. As I arrived at Camp Mabry, I made it through the first two WODs (the whole time thinking about the 100 DUs to come). “3-2-1, Go!” and we were off! I remember getting through the OVHD squats, KB Snatches, KB Swings, Farmers’ Walk and then, to finish up, 100 DUs. I had heard all morning about how the grass was affecting everyone’s rope speed, etc. I knew a few blades of grass were the least of my worries. I reached my jump rope and I was off… Single, Single, DU… Single, Single, DU… Single, Single, Failed DU… and this is how it went for me. As the incredible family of CFA cheered me on and yelled the most supportive and kind words, I just couldn’t find a rhythm. I was second to last to finish the workout.

In the weeks following Sectionals, I saw DUss come up a few times in the WOD and it immediately put me in a bad mood. I saw those around me (some who started CrossFit before me and others after me) moving through them effortlessly. Needless to say, I was pissed! I began looking to Miguel and Boone. Studying their every move and (when I could set my ego aside) asking them for help. I would leave the gym and Google DU videos of Elite CF athletes and, at one point, Buddy Lee himself. I was looking for any type of guidance, training, and/or direction. For weeks I heard great cues from both coaches and members alike. We all know them by now:

*Look Straight ahead to maintain balance.

*Keep body upright and balanced with the weight on the balls of the feet.

*Jump only high enough to clear the rope.

*Land lightly on the balls of your feet.

*Keep your hands slightly in front of your shoulders.

*It’s all in the WRIST.

*Don’t “Donkey Kick.”

*Relax and Breathe.

It was only then the light bulb went off. I was missing one key component…PRACTICE! I firmly believe practice is the ultimate key to success. Whether you arrive early or stay late – grab a jump rope and put in the work. I often hear “I don’t have DUs”. I would challenge you to think about why. Have you put in the work?

It all comes down to PRACTICE. Take what you like from the coaches, your friends, and other members and find what works for you… then put in the work.

…Now on to Muscle-Ups!

Coach Rob

WOD 2/29

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
3 Rounds
250 M Row
20 Abmat Sit-ups
15 Push Presses (75 lb, 55 lbs)
10 Sumo DLHP (75 lb, 55 lb)
(*15 Minute Cap)

Level One (Day 8 )
Kipping Pull Ups

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Jumping Pull-ups
7 DB Thrusters
*Every minute, on the minute, perform 2 burpees
*Total completed rounds recorded

Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it. – David Star Jordan

20 Things you didn’t know about alcohol
*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Open is here! Participants can complete this week’s WOD on Thursday during regular classes, Friday at Level 2 Open Gym, or on Saturday as a group! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour TOMORROW (Thursday, March 1st) at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
Level 1 – AM
Sam 3
Sandy 3
Wade 4
Guthrie 4
Doug 4
Eileen 3
Hector 4
Level 2-AM
Charlie Strength
Mike 9:10 Rx
Mikey 8:34 Rx
J. Black 2 Rnds+Row (55lbs)
Marissa 9:17 Rx
J.V. 2 Rnds+7PP, Rx
Elizabeth 11:13 (35lbs)
Celi 13:17 MOD
Beast 10:33 Rx
Brandon 12:28 Rx
Albert 12:47 Rx
Bubbles 11:30 MOD
Colleen 10:01 Rx
Valyn 10:52 (45lbs)
Eric 8:24 Rx
Can2 7:41 Rx
Gwar 8:53 (65lbs)
Dusty 12:46 (35lbs)
Level 2 – 12P
Erin 10:04 (45lb)
Heather 11:25 (45lb)
Coy 10:48 (45lb)
Jesse 11:23 Rx
Lee 9:57 Rx
Kiehl 9:44 Rx
Lance 8:45 Rx
Ty 12:26 (55lb)
Christina 12:31 (45lb)
Thurst 12:17 (45lb)
Level 2 – PM
Cat 8:15 Rx
Leah 9:53 (35lb)
G 10:30 (45lb)
Winner 10:32 (45lb)
Blake 7:28 Rx
Sherman 8:04 Rx
Bryan 8:38 Rx
Monk 9:28 (65lb)
Kaz 8:15 Rx
David 8:28 Rx
Ryan 8:54 Rx
Marco 9:43 Rx
Jables 9:49 Rx
Harmatuk 13:18 (65lb)
Greg 8:23 Rx
Lane 9:13 Rx
Sleeves 7:56 Rx
Cooey 13:40 (65lb)
Chrissy 10:45 Rx
Nicole 10:34 (45lb)
Jenna 10:20 (47lb)
Teeny 12:10 (45lb)
Melissa 12:46 (35lb)
Young 9:20 Rx
KT 11:53 (45lb)
Aaron 8:01 Rx
Caitlin 9:54 Rx
Level 1 – PM
Laila 7
Odindu 6
Ronnie 3
Matthew 4
Mike 5
Desiree 6
Larry 4
Linda 4
Stephen 4
Alan 7
Beth 4
Adrian 4

Bun Run 2012 with Austin Running Club

It’s time for the 30th Annual Schlotzsky’s Bun Run in downtown Austin, Texas!

In addition to offering the longest running 5K in Austin, The Schlotzsky’s Bun Run will offer a 10K  race for the first time ever this year! All proceeds of the run benefit the Austin Sunshine Camps, which through the support of the YMBL, has provided summer camping experiences and leadership opportunities for under served youth in the Austin area. CrossFit Austin and Austin Athletics Running Club are proud to offer the official training program for the 2012 Bun Run! Learn more here.

When: Sunday, April 29, 2012
Where: Auditorium Shores (across from Palmer Events Center)
Details: 7:00 am – 10K – NEW for 2012!
7:45 am – Kids K
8:30 am – 5K
Fees: 5K = $30
10K = $35

Ready to sign up???
Click here and sign up to run for TEAM CrossFit Austin
(located under the TEAM drop box on the registration site)

Testimonial Tuesday: Kristin Shanahan

I’ve been active the majority of my life. I started competitively swimming at the age of 4 and kept on until high school. I’d always been pretty self-conscious of my weight and tried several attempts at weight loss – always struggling with those 10-15 pesky pounds. I was successful once at ‘healthy’ weight loss after seeing a dietician in high school. However, I felt calorie counting was too hard and took too much time. So, in college I went back to attempting the low-fat diet and usually was able to maintain my 10-15lbs ‘overweight’ and just accepted that that’s just the way my body was (big-boned, thick, etc….) I majored in health and prided myself for my ‘knowledge’ about nutrition and exercise. I did my 3-5 days a week – 45 minutes of cardio and 3 sets of 10-15 weights. I continued this for years, was even certified as a personal trainer and spin instructor and worked in the fitness industry for several years after college.

In June of 2008, the dreaded year I turned 30 (gasp!), I decided it was time for my husband and me to think about starting a family. I’d been on birth control for many years and having heard many stories from friends about infertility issues, I was unsure if I, too, could have infertility problems…I also wanted to see if getting off of the hormones would help me lose those last few pounds that I’d been dying to shed for oh…20 years?! (Geez, us women, we’re so hard on ourselves…). So, I stopped taking birth control. The first month after getting off, everything was normal…but then crazy things started happening to my body. My cycles were taking longer to show up, I was gaining weight by the week and was starting to have crazy cystic acne (I’d never had acne my whole life). I’d known about CrossFit by both Google and CrossFit Houston owner, Carlos Ibarra. In early December of 2008, after 72 days of not having a cycle and putting on an extra 12 pounds (since June!!), I decided to take the plunge and call CrossFit Austin. Wes and I can thankfully laugh about our conversation now but I was probably the biggest pain in his butt since opening their doors. I basically grilled Wes about techniques, programming, etc for 45 minutes on the phone. In order for Wes to finally end the conversation (poor guy), he said, “Kristin, we can talk about this all day until we’re blue in the face or you can just come in and try it out….” Cue, “SHUT UP.” So, I meekly said ok and went in two days later for my assessment. I’ve never looked back since joining. (It’s been 3 years now…sniff, sniff.)

Three weeks after joining, I had a doctor’s appointment to figure out what was going on with my body. Just as I’d suspected, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the leading cause of infertility. It is also a precursor to many health problems including diabetes and heart disease. This scared the crap out of me. I asked my doctor what the options were – his response “Well, if you don’t want to gain 20lbs you should just get back on birth control…oh and you’re probably going to have a hard time getting pregnant.” As a woman, hearing your body isn’t going to do what it’s supposed to is pretty upsetting and I left the office in tears. I went to the gym and spoke with Boone and Wes about the diagnosis (they graciously listened to TMI). Both of them encouraged me to try Paleo. The pride of my education wanted to take over but another part of me said “what the hell do you have to lose in trying this?” So, I embarked on the Paleo diet, making small changes over time (I can’t eat a low-carb tortilla??). My body slowly started responding; my cycles weren’t perfect but weren’t all over the place anymore. Robb Wolf and I sent several emails back and forth, and he referred me to a naturopath in Arizona, Garrett Smith, who helped me with a few more supplements to help get my hormones back on track. Things weren’t perfect but I was losing weight and at the same time getting stronger.

By August of 2009, I’d lost 18 pounds, without birth control. And in December of 2009, after feeling ridiculously car sick on the way home from Houston, I took a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE. Wait, what happened to it being hard for me to get pregnant? We weren’t even ‘trying’! 🙂 I crossfitted through my entire pregnancy (I did Karen with a 6lb ball at 32 weeks!!). Anna Rose Shananan was welcomed into the world on August 11, 2010.

I will NEVER be able to truly convey my gratitude for CrossFit Austin. It has become a staple of who I am. I love walking in the doors of the gym to talk a little crap to the coaches, sweat next to amazing athletes who never stop encouraging me and laugh with what has become my second family. CrossFit has taught me so many things but above all it’s taught me humility, confidence and to never, ever stop trying.

Would you like to share your CFA story? We’d love to hear it! Send your testimonial to

WOD 2/28

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
Hip Power Snatches
*Build to a heavy, but not max, double in 20:00
*weight recorded

7 Rounds
5 Hip Power Snatch (70-75% of Skill session final weight)
100m run
*Weights and time recorded

Level One (Day 8 )
Kipping Pull Ups

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Jumping Pull-ups
7 DB Thrusters
*Every minute, on the minute, perform 2 burpees
*Total completed rounds recorded

Never elated when someone’s oppressed, never dejected when another one’s blessed. – Alexander Pope

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep! How Artificial Lighting and Cortisol Impact Zzz’s
*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Open is here! Participants can complete this week’s WOD on Thursday during regular classes, Friday at Level 2 Open Gym, or on Saturday as a group! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour this Thursday (March 1st) at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Congratulations to Liz and Cody for their performances at this weekend’s Black Box Weightlifting Championship! Big weights = new PRs and big success!!

Level 1 – AM
Marcelino 4
Zach 7
Austin 7
Guthrie 6
John 4
Mischka 3
Jamiee 3
Ed 5
Level 2 – AM
Kristin 7:34 55lb
Beast 8:18 55lb
Snooki 7:12 35lb
Janice 7:05 35lb
Albert 7:32 95lb
Bubbles 8:12 37lb MOD
Mike 6:51 75lb
MegO 9:08 37lb
JV 8:23 40lb
Elizabeth 8:44 40lb
Faraon 7:35 75lb
Charlie G 6:45 75lb
Cindy 13:12 35lb
Bryan 7:22 75lb
Can2 7:28 105lb
9AM 7:28 75lb
Schittone 7:17 65lb
Kirk 7:35 75lb
Tow Matt 7:57 75lb
Erica 6:51 55lb
Becky 8:30 35lb
MGJ 11:44 45lb
Caitlyn 8:19 35lb
Michael 6:50 75lb
CHris 6:52 65lb
Ray 7:26 75lb
Wood 7:07 85lb
Ladies’ – AM
LV 7:58 45lb
Meg 9:16 45lb
Chapel 10:24 45lb
Emily 12:08 40lb
Mer 2-Mile RT 19:53
Level 1 – 12P
Brock 8
Barb 4
Angela 5
Erin 5
Cat 4
Brittani 4
Trixsi 6
Level 2 – PM
Danny 6:10 85lb
Lance 6:11 95lb
Winner 8:26 40lb
Crash 8:45 45lb
Jables 7:54 50lb
Marissa 6:50 75lb
Dan 6:51 75lb
Eric 6:44 110lb
Randy 7:22 95lb
Alex 7:01 95lb
LaRosa 8:24 35lb
Veronica 8:31 35lb
Andy 8:17 75lb
Gary 7:41 75lb
Kaz 7:36 75lb
Tasha 6:50 35lb
Nic 6:17 95lb
Fro 6:29 95lb
Mrs. Fro 7:45 30lb
Greg 7:24 95lb
Nicole 7:48 35lb
Chrissy 7:16 45lb
Skipper 7:40 60lb
Ryan 7:48 80lb
Ross 7:11 75lb
LG 8:45 45lb
Sanchez 6:38 75lb
Jonathan 9:00 55lb
Helen 7:33 30lb
Mad Dog 6:21 35lb

Running Classes Update!

We’re excited to announce some adjustments to Running Class times and the addition of more Running Classes!

Starting March 5th, classes will meet at the following times:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays: 6:30pm at the O’Henry Middle School Track
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 6:30pm at the Gorzycki Middle School Track
  • Saturdays: 8:00am at Zilker Park (by the water coolers under Mopac Bridge (North side of Lake Austin, by Veterans Dr)

Sign up for classes here.

Want to know more about the Running Classes available to CFA members through Coach Aaron’s Austin Athletics Running Team? Check out the website and facebook for upcoming events, activities, and information!

WOD 2/27

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
Snatch DL x2x5 Rest 3:00

5 Rounds
200m Run
15 Box Jumps
15 Wall Balls

Level One (Day 7)
Hip Clean
Push Press

1 Mile Run Time Trial (15:00 Cap)


  • The Open is here! Participants can complete this week’s WOD on Thursday during regular classes, Friday at Level 2 Open Gym, or on Saturday as a group! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour this Thursday (March 1st) at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Congratulations to Liz and Cody for their performances at this weekend’s Black Box Weightlifting Championship! Big weights = new PRs and big success!!
Great job to everyone who completed the 1st WOD of The Open!
Level 1 – AM
Jordan 6:xx
Steve 6:xx
Jurkash 7:03
Mischka 7:45
Vanessa 10:47
Eileen 12:55
Sandy 16:50
Doug 7:75
George 7:03
Suzi 7:42
Level 2 – AM
Mikey 11:48
Mike 15:17
Professor 17:26
MegO 21:04
Snooki 14:32
Janice 13:43
Brandon 13:36
Elizabeth 15:31
Rocky 14:49
Jackie 16:33
Eric 12:10
Michael 12:36
Cindy 15:56 MOD
Becky 14:22
Valyn 14:52
Ballet 13:12
Faraon 14:58
JJ 17:47
TowMatt 17:21
Kirk 13:02
Schittone 15:13
Sherman 13:58
Jen 13:52
Colleen 14:50
Cat 15:40
Blake 14:07
Dusty 15:44
Ray 12:13
Walker 13:53
Level 2 – 12P
Chaz 14:15
Ryan 17:01
Heather 15:02
Thurst 16:42
Amy 18:44
Mad Dog 14:47
Mer 18:30
Lance 13:04
Jeff 13:20
Lane 13:41
Level 2 – PM
David 14:25
Rob 13:02
Tristy 13:13
Kristin 14:12
G 16:12
Ruffino 16:18
Randy 15:28
Kaz 14:45
Veronica 16:57
Shug DNF
Marissa 15:17
Leah 15:26
Jackson 10:55
Gary 13:52
Nic 9:45
Fro 13:37
Danny 12:09
Helen 11:18
Monk 14:45
Greg 9:43
Elena 17:18
KT 17:12
Josie 17:28
Kiehl 14:45
Andy 14:07
Sanchez 13:53
Mrs. Fro 17:22
Raquel 16:02
Larry 20:40
Crash 19:31
Zoom 19:11
Jenna 12:38
Emily 20:49
ABC 18:05
Level 1 – PM
Jason 6:56
Dale 9:23
Place 7:53
Angela 6:26
Kristen 9:25
Harmatuk 5:50
Hector 6:20
Adrian 7:29
Andrew 8:53
Peter 7:28
Ronnie 12:58
DC 11:28
Stefan 8:16
Alan 7:08
Caitlin 7:57
Wade 7:36
Liz G 10:18
Valdez 7:53
Linda 9:56
Cooey 10:59
Pam 9:53

WOD 2/25

Mobility of the Day

All Levels
1st WOD of The CF Games Open
7:00 AMRAP



  • The Open is here! Come and do the 1st WOD with your CFA friends today! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Good luck to Liz and Cody as they compete in today’s Black Box Weightlifting Championships in Fort Worth!
  • Tomorrow’s Yoga Class (Sunday, 2/26) will meet at 12:30pm instead of 11:00am (this week only). Sign up here.

WOD 2/24

Mobility of the Day

All Levels

Over Head Squat x10x3 RPE 7
*post weights to comments

2 Rounds
10 Unbroken TnG Cleans (135lb, 115 lb)
10 CTB Pull ups
800m Run
*Time, Rx recorded


  • The Open is here! Workouts start at CFA start tomorrow! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Good luck to Liz and Cody as they compete in tomorrow’s Black Box Weightlifting Championships in Fort Worth!
  • This Sunday’s Yoga Class (2/26) will meet at 12:30pm instead of 11:00am this week only. Sign up here

Time to get up tomorrow CFA #paintitpink!

All Levels
Janice 11:03 (45lb, J)
Beast 14:55 (75lb, Chin)
Trixsi 11:24 (45lb, J)
Valyn 11:49 MOD
Marissa 13:49 (95lb, Chin)
Dusty 14:55 (35lb, J)
Mikey 13:41 Rx
9AM 12:57 (95lb, J)
Tow Matt 13:15 (95lb, Chin)
Raj 14:20 (35lb, J)
Guthrie 11:27 (65lb, J)
Hector 11:11 (65lb, J)
Ballet 10:47 (95lb)
Caitlyn 13:49 (45lb, J)
Erica 13:04 (65lb, J)
Ed 13:13 (67lb, J, Row)
Schittone 11:08 (65lb)
Teeny 12:41 (45lb, J)
Faraon 10:54 (65lb, J)
Kiehl 11:19 (75lb)
Chris 11:55 (95lb, Chin)
Walker 13:21 (65lb)
Ray 11:43 (95lb)
Rocky 14:00 (75lb)
Angela 10:55 (55lb, J)
Mer 14:03 (55lb, J)
Alan 10:20 MOD
Jenny 10:55 (65lb, J)
All Levels – 12P
Heather 11:51 (45lb, J)
Laila 10:30 (35lb, J)
Amy 15:22 (45lb, J)
Jess 12:02 (65lb, J)
Rick 9:45 (95lb, J)
Jesse 13:36 (75lb, J)
Stephan 14:10 MOD
Desiree 14:16 (35lb, J)
Chapel 15:06 (45lb, J)
Jewels 12:28 (50lb, J)

How Do I “LOOK?” No, How Do I “FEEL?” (Full Article)

I AM OVERWEIGHT.  I know this because I went to a nutritionist who hooked me up to a machine that told her so.  Am I unhealthy?  Not exactly…the same machine told her that I am within average ranges and am not at risk of any major diseases.  Does this mean that I shouldn’t lose body fat?  Absolutely not!  My body fat percentage is greater than it should be for a person with my age, height and activity level.  Was I surprised, upset, or hurt when I found this out?  Nope…and you shouldn’t be either.  We all have mirrors and really just need to have an honest conversation with ourselves.  Ask yourself, “Am I healthy?” “Do I ‘feel’ good?”I grew up looking in the mirror and hating the way I “look,” and I don’t think that makes me an exception; I think it makes me the norm.  I wish I could say that with age comes wisdom, but I still look in the mirror and find myself wishing I looked different.  I want to change that mentality though. I would rather get to a place where I ask myself, “Self, how do you ‘feel’ today?  Are you healthy?  Can you perform daily tasks and functions with ease?  Do you rarely get sick, take medicine, or go to the doctor?”  These are the types of questions we should be asking ourselves instead of, “Does this make me look too thin?” or, “Do I really have to buy a size bigger in jeans?”

Now don’t misunderstand me, if you are buying a bigger size in jeans because of all the squats you’ve been busting out, more power to you!  However, if you are buying a bigger size because you couldn’t say no to all the sweets in the break room at work, that’s not something to celebrate. It makes me so angry when I hear skinny people saying they just can’t gain weight, but they refuse to eat more protein or ever lift a barbell… you know, because they don’t want to “get bulky.”  It makes me even more angry to see overweight people telling each other that there is no correlation between weight and health, and that you can be healthy at any weight.  If you celebrate and empower someone else based on the fact that they look like you and it makes you feel better about yourself, you are not doing them any favors.  We need to be honest with ourselves, stop being lazy and put in the work!

There is an ongoing battle in the media between the skinny people and the fat people (yes, I know I am horrible for not trying to be more “PC” with my adjectives). One side is always trying to convince the other side, as well as the rest of us, that they are the better standard. I am going to disagree with both sides and say, “You are both wrong!” The best standard is in the middle…it’s called healthy! We shouldn’t praise a skinny person because they have the ability to fit into a size “0” and can count their ribs, and we shouldn’t celebrate a fat person because it might hurt their feelings if we say the “F” word. I know it’s not true 100% of the time, but more than likely, neither the skinny person nor the fat person is healthy.

Lately, I’ve read an increasing number of articles about how mad people are over the fashion industry’s standard of what is aesthetically pleasing for the female form. The fashion industry now considers a size “6” to be plus sized (what??)… Do I think that is crazy? Of course! On the flip side, I also think it is crazy to look at overweight models and think that they are a better standard just because they are the norm (62% of females in America are already categorized as overweight). Just because plus-sized models look more like the women we see around us each day, doesn’t make them the standard we should shoot for. Size “0” models in Cosmopolitan are not necessarily less healthy than the size “14” model in Plus Model Magazine. Neither end of the spectrum is okay; you have to look at each woman as an individual and learn what “healthy” really means. The ideal weight and fat-lean ratio varies considerably for men to women and by age, but the minimum percent of body fat considered safe for good health is 5% for males and 12% for females. The average adult body fat is closer to 15% to 18% for men and 22% to 25% for women. For men who have over 25% and women who have over 32% body fat, there is a dramatic correlation with illness and disease. These are the facts. If you fall under or over these percentages, your health is at risk.

Essential fat: Men< 5, Women <8

Minimal fat weight: Men=5, Women=15

Most athletes: Men=5-13, Women=12-22

Optimal health: Men=10-25, Women=18-30

Optimal fitness: Men=12-18, Women=16-25

Obesity: Men> 25, Women > 30

A huge amount of people fall outside healthy ranges. According to a survey done by the CDC in 2011, about 1/3 of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 12-19 are obese. According to USA Today, 3.3% of children and teens, ages 2 to 19, were underweight in 2006 and 1.8% of adults, ages 20 to 74, were underweight in 2006. This number has surely changed in the last five years, but combine the numbers of underweight and overweight people in America, and that is a pretty big chunk of our population that is not healthy!

Everyone is worried that the younger generation is going to think that what they see in Cosmopolitan or Plus Model Magazine is what they should look like―let’s teach them differently. Instead of focusing on what they “look” like, teach them to focus on what they “feel” like. Do they eat the right foods, do they get enough sleep, do they perform an activity that makes them sweat? Above all, inspire them to find role models who measure up to healthy standards.

I am as guilty as the next person of looking at someone and saying, “Dang! I’d kill to have her body.” The truth is, we are all individuals and we can’t let someone else’s standard become our own. We should ask ourselves what we want to “feel” like every day as we move through our lives, and make decisions every day that get us closer to feeling that way.

Coach Tristy