WOD 2/9

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
Strength Day
A. Cleans x3x5 @ 75-80% or 8 RPE Rest 2:00
B. CDL x5x4 @ 55-62% of DL Max Rest 2:00
C1. Front Box Squat x5x3 Rest :90
C2. DB Jerk Unders x5x3 Rest :90

Level One (Day 12)
KB Swing

A. Hip/Hang Snatch x2x3 Rest :90
B. Clean x1x3 Rest 2:00
C. DL 3×3 Rest 2:00
D. Back Squat x5x3 Rest 2:00

The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion. -Nadia Boulanger

Lights Out 
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • We will have a New Member Orientation Seminar next Wednesday (2/15). Learn more and sign up here!

Level 1 – AM
Matthew S
Mischka S
John S
Mrs. Fro S
George S
Faraon S
Dusty S
Paul S
Level 2 – AM
Beast 93lb, 16S, 16:01
Michele FGB: 263, S2
Ty S
Ivan S
Steven S
Elizabeth S
Albert S
Janice s
Brandon S
Sarah S
Haley S
Cindy S
Erica S
Becky S
MG Jenny S
TowMatt S
Kirk S
Fro S
Can2 S
Albert S
Charlie S
Lane S
Danny S
Christina S
Shemo S
Geck S
Danimal S
Rocky S
Andy S
Michael S
Ray S
Ladies’ – AM
Emily S
Josie S
Trixsi 60lb; :40 (Tuck), 17:39
LV FGB: 206 (S1)
Meg FGB: 220 (S1)
Chapel FGB: 209 (S1)
Coy FGB: 242 (S1)
Level 1 – 12P
Anna S
Brittani S
Sarah S
Taylor S
Raychel S
Bianca S
Level 2 – PM
Dayna Helen 9:16 Rx
Turk Helen: 8:24 Rx
Reis S
Chaz S
Bryan S
Marissa FGB: 222 (Rx)
Sanchez FGB: 203
Shug FGB: 169 Rx
Valyn FGB: 230 Rx (8′ WB)
Gary S
Heather S
Adrian S
David Thurs: 165lb, 155lb, 6:03 Rx
Pinkie S
Ruffino S
MegO S
Leah 70lb, :01 (S2), (7 laps)
Elena 50lb, :08, 16:11, C-T-T: 57lb
Anthony 115lb, :21 (S1), 16:04
Chrissy 83lb, :04 (S1), 17:51
Wood FGB: 279 Rx
Nic FGB: 262 Rx
Kristin FGB: 218 Rx
LaRos FGB: 207 (S1)
Miguel S
Gilbert S
Martin S
Shane S
Leigh S
Stacey S
Helen S
Mikey S
Level 1 – PM
Angela S
Hector S
Mel S
Sam S
Ed S
Liz G S
Cooey S
Zach S
Raquel S
Nicole S
Krista S
Rosa S
Pam S
Stefan S

Black Box Weightlifting Championships

 CFA members Liz Yankiver and Cody Skinner will be competing in this upcoming weightlifting meet. Best of luck to both of them!

Date: Febraury 25th 2012


  • Women weigh-in at 10:00am and lift at noon
  • Men weigh in at noon and lift at 2:00pm


  • BlackBox Fort Worth
    3518 W Vickery Blvd
    Fort Worth, TX 76107
For more information, click here.


Testimonial Week: Carissa Stith

Someone once told me that my potential as a CrossFit athlete was limited. I could compete in the Open, earn points for the gym, but the chance of making it to Regionals as an individual was too far-fetched. Heading to Regionals on the team was plausible — that is, if I even earned a spot. Clearly, the Open workouts would need to fall in my wheelhouse. Any WODs involving heavy lifts, rowing or long distance runs would surely knock me over to the sideline.


Because I am small. I was never a college athlete. I have the Khalipa mentality — fast out of the gate and then flail around like a crazed person on the verge of death. Fortunately, I have a pretty awesome pain face so it works to my advantage.

As much as I wanted to push past these thoughts, they continued to linger in the back of mind. I questioned my abilities and if I wanted to simply CrossFit for fun, or continue striving for what others deemed to be impossible.

Steve Prefontaine said that, “Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.” I believe I lost that mentality a year into crossfitting. I needed someone to show me the way … to show me what I was truly capable of with some bumper plates and a barbell.

Enter Blake Johnson. Blake — our resident strong man and coach with the killer warm-ups — saw the potential in me. He knew my CrossFit Total numbers, did the research and knew I could make a name for myself on the powerlifting circuit. For my weight class, I was strong. But looking at the record boards in the gym, this thought never truly crossed my mind. I was 30 pounds away from making the majority of the boards on the strength side.

But Blake didn’t see it that way. He put together a program, coached, and prepared me over a six-week period for my first powerlifting competition. He never asked for anything in return. He saw me as an athlete and simply wanted me to succeed.

With his coaching efforts, and the support of JerBear and friends, I became the state record holder in the back squat and the bench press for my weight class. At 120 pounds, I have a 222-pound back squat and a 125-pound bench press.

I know that a 185-pound clean and jerk may never happen. But I am ok with that. I can throw my bodyweight over my head and deadlift twice my weight. When I stopped focusing on what everyone else was accomplishing, I found my own sense of achievement. I know my own potential. And perhaps I’ll never stand on the podium at Regionals, but at least I know that when you break it down to body percentages, I am stronger than some of the competitors out there.

Women with the small weights on the bar and the extra gas left in the tank, I dare you to grow some cojones. Not literally. But figuratively. Stop thinking of yourself as weaker than you are. Banish those “slow” or “old” thoughts from your head. Throw some mother****ing weight on the bar and make the lift happen. And run faster. And try for the extra pull-up and the handstand push-up. Maybe it won’t be perfect. Maybe you’ll fail. Maybe you’ll fail a bunch. I don’t care. That’s okay. You won’t die from failure here. More importantly, you’ll be living.

Someone kinda famous once said to me: “You’re going to misstep and you’re going to find success. So what. I love you no matter how it turns out and most things are fixable (or not, so ****ing what).” This is the way to live life — with these thoughts in your head. Be bold, be brave, be invincible.” – CrossFit Lisbeth

WOD 2/8

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
3 Rounds:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (24K, 16K)
12 Pull-ups

Level One (Day 11)
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps

5 Rounds
5 Box Jumps (step down)
20 Singles
20 Singles
*Total time recorded

Let your mind alone, and see what happens.Virgil Thomson

Give yourself a bedtime
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

 Level 1 – AM
Sam 7:12
Dusty 6:33
Eileen 8:24
Austin 6:05
Jason 6:15
MrsFro 6:56
Professor 7:15
John 6:35
Adam 6:49
Jordan 6:16
Andrew 7:05
Paul 6:59
Matthew 7:11
Gabriel 6:03
Level 2 – AM
Janice 12:08 (Jump)
9AM 13:09 (Jump)
Mike 10:59 Rx
Celi 17:15 (12lb, Jump)
Charlie S
Albert 14:22 (Jump)
Colleen 12:15 (Jump)
Fro 12:02 Rx
Erica 11:21 (B Band)
Boling 12:46 (16K)
Can2 12:16 Rx
Valyn 12:33 (12K, Jump)
JJ 13:38 (16K, Jump)
Brandon 13:25 (Jump)
Bryan 12:21 (20K)
Eric 12:07 Rx
Christina 13:23 (Jump)
Lee 13:03 (Jump)
Kavi 13:33 Rx
Level 2 – 12P
Clapper 12:27 (Jump)
Stephen 12:53 (Jump)
Ryan 11:59 Rx
Chapel 13:59 (Jump, 12K)
Mer 13:52 (Jump, 12K)
Jeff 11:07 Rx
Level 2 – PM
Blake 10:36 Rx
Kiehler 11:40 Rx
Mikey 11:10 Rx
Jables 10:52 (Jump)
G 12:51 (Jump)
Sherman 13:02 Rx
Cat 12:02 (Jump)
Haley 13:51 (Jump)
Nic 9:38 Rx
AG 10:56 Rx
Jackson 10:44 (20K, Spot)
Veronica 14:40 (12K, Jump)
Anthony 14:22 (24K, Jump)
Sleeves 9:03 Rx
Teeny 11:32 (12K, Jump)
Geno 11:43 Rx
Zoom 13:39 Rx
KT 13:23 (16K, Jump)
Melissa 13:32 (16K, Jump)
Pinkie 11:29 (16K, Jump)
Leah 14:06 (12K, Jump)
Greg 9:24 Rx
Jewels 11:43 (16K, Jump)
Wood 10:15 Rx
Jenna 9:50 (12K, Jump)
LaRos 13:52 (12K, Jump)
LG 14:04 (16K, Jump)
Danny 10:18 Rx
Level 1 – PM
Ed 6:49
Angela 5:35
Brandon 4:44
Desiree 6:02
Inline 6:39
Meg 5:50
Jen 5:22
Laila 5:14
Zach 5:35
Nicole 5:43
Cooey 8:19
Denise 6:34
Mike 7:48
Pam 7:12
Alan 5:36
Matt 6:59
Adrian 6:54

New Member Orientation

Who’s invited:

  • Open to all members for FREE (Beneficial to any member, but geared towards members who have been with us 3 months or less)
  • Friends and/or family who are interested in learning more about CFA are welcome to come along with any current members!


  • Presentation of CFA’s Goals and Core Values
  • Discussion on the importance of nutrition and recovery
  • The “what” and “why” of functional movement
  • Keys to Success

When: February 15th, 2012 (Wednesday) from 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Where: CrossFit Austin (8708 S. Congress Avenue, Suite A-190)

Sign up here!

Testimonial Week: Chaz “Chazzy D” Darling

DefinitionAn exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something.

I can’t believe I just defined “definition” but it has a point, I swear. Joining CrossFit Austin has been one of the, if not THE, single greatest things I have ever done for myself. Let me explain…

Before joining CFA, this is how I defined myself:
Chaz: Tall, chubby, not athletic, smart, lazy most of the time, not genetically gifted, “something good will happen if I wait long enough” mentality, timid, unconfident, quitter.

As a kid, I was more interested in video games, television, and sodas than physical fitness; in middle school I got a little adventurous and tried football. I figured “Hey, I’m kind of fat, I can probably play lineman.” Well apparently you also have to be either strong or kind of fast (preferably both), of which I was neither. After quitting half-way through 8th grade, it wasn’t until sophomore year of high school I would exercise again with wrestling, but I wasn’t all that great at that either thanks to what I would describe as my “in between frame” (think potato with toothpicks coming out of it for arms and legs).

One day during my junior year of high school, I was tired of being overweight and wanted to get in shape, so I joined a Gold’s Gym and started 3 sets of 10 bench (with a spot, bro), iso-arm curls in the mirror, and blasting my quads on the leg press. I also started eating “healthy” meaning low-fat everything. I ended up staying with it through the rest of high school and even into college when I also started playing intramural sports.

Even then, in spite of all the activity I was doing, I never saw the results I wanted. During sports and sometimes life’s little tasks like lifting something or bending over to pick something off the ground, I didn’t know how to MOVE properly.

A year after college is when I felt like I really hit rock bottom. Desperate for fitness motivation, I signed up for a half-marathon, but even after all the training, I didn’t feel (or look for that matter) in shape. I was talking to one of my best friends on the phone about my fitness and health woes one day and she suggested I do CrossFit since a couple of her coworkers did and enjoyed it. That night, I gave Wes a call and scheduled an introductory assessment.

For so many years, I felt like I wasn’t coordinated or strong or flexible or this or that and something about it said this is a second chance to redefine myself. Not as a clunky, uncoordinated, overweight person, but as a driven athlete. A classification I had never been able to give myself.

After the introductory assessment, I went to the beginner’s classes where I learned not only about proper form and technique for most movements, but also the way to eat better (fats are good, don’t eat processed crap) and live better. I jumped into the advanced classes and haven’t looked back since. I’ve done things I thought I never would or COULD do. Examples: overhead squats, front squats, cleans, jerks, clean and jerks, snatches, muscle ups, double unders, toes to bar, 375 deadlift, squat my body weight, etc. etc. It sounds like a lot, and if you told me I’d be doing all of those things, I would have thought you were crazy, but they happened!

Today, I define myself much differently:
Chaztall, strong, confident, smart, goal-oriented, driven, athletic, “get it done” attitude, slim, defined (in some areas J), happy, work in progress

Joining CrossFit Austin hasn’t just changed the way I look, it has changed the way I live, work, approach obstacles, and, most importantly, view myself.

Thanks CFA!

From 80 to 100

If I had a dime for every time I recommended the Paleo Diet to a client, well, I’d be a one rich lady. In my opinion, it’s the ideal way to eat (for those interested in optimal health and fitness) and I’ve seen lives transformed around me due to this kind of nutrition. I made the shift to about 80% Paleo over two years ago and I never looked back. Because I’ve fiddled with it myself, I could answer most questions/address most concerns people had. “I can’t live without cream in my coffee!” Try coconut milk. “Is Sunbutter paleo?” Yes, if you get the kind with no sugar added. And so on. I’ve also been lucky enough to have a number of resources at my disposal (books, the internet, fellow CFA members, etc.) so I’ve had a positive, educated (and hopefully motivating) response for almost everything….unless of course you asked me, “What’s the 30-Day Challenge like?”

It has always bothered me that I’d never really tried to be 100% Paleo. At the new year, I decided that 80% was no longer enough. For those I coach–and really, for ME–I decided it was time to “walk the talk.” On January 1st, I embarked on my first-ever 30-Day Challenge. This didn’t follow anyone’s program specifically, other than my own: no dairy, no grains, no sugar, no alcohol.

As I said before, I have a number of resources at my disposal, and before I started I refreshed my memory on all the things people have said in order to set myself up for success. You may have heard a bunch of this before, but I’ll share with you my personal challenges and the strategies I developed to overcome them.

Day one. No dairy meant my morning coconut milk and whey powder shake had to go. Embarrassingly enough, this was something I didn’t realize until after I’d started. So, for a few mornings in a row I would stand there in my kitchen at 5:15am looking around desperately for something to eat. The first morning I grabbed an old Paleo Kit I had on hand, but regretted that the instant I opened it and remembered how grody those moist strawberries are (shudder). The next two mornings, I just had some coffee and coconut milk, and low and behold, I didn’t die of starvation (like I thought I would). The lesson you should take from this: Make a list of foods that are habitually in your diet now that you will need to replace or eliminate. This will save you from gagging on a piece of soggy half-dehydrated food and thinking you’ll never make it before the sun even comes up.

I knew that food prep was the key before I started…it just took me a couple days to get into it (Lesson: Start your food prep before you start your challenge!). A few days in, I made a batch of paleo muffins that lasted me for the next two weeks. One fat-filled muffin lasted me the whole morning; I had the energy to coach two classes and then workout, and wasn’t hungry until after 9am.

So, first breakfast was covered. Second breakfast and lunch have always been easy for me; I work about 100 feet from Randall’s and always do my shopping for the week on Mondays. Eggs in the morning, some kind of meat and veggies in the afternoon. Easy. Now, dinner on the other hand…

I’m a chronic eater-outer because when I get home at night I don’t always feel like cooking. When I started the challenge, the thought of going out to eat seemed too daunting; I knew I needed to have dinner on-hand. It’s worth stating again: Food prep is key. I spent an hour or two on the weekend making big batches of chili or a crockpot full of pork shoulder so I could simply re-heat it at night. It really saved me quite a bit of time and frustration (not to mention $$!) to have a tasty meal already waiting for me in the fridge.

With all my meals covered I figured it would be smooth sailing from then on. I felt a little headache-y the first few days, but I knew this was to be expected. No biggie. I also knew I would get cravings, but what I didn’t know was how bad they would be! After pre-30 Day Challenge lunches of the past, I almost always had something sweet, even if it was just a piece of gum. I would repeat this indulgence around 3 or 4 o’clock. Had I read this article before my challenge, I would have already identified this habit. Instead, my solution on-the-fly was at first a substitution (turns out jicama is crunchy and sweet!) Ultimately though, I knew the best strategy for me was elimination because it was important to me to not “give into” the cravings; I didn’t want food to have control over me.

The “WHY” becomes really important when times get tough. A piece of advice I got from a blogger was: Write down why you are doing this. I took this important step before I started and it was paramount to my success. Instead of reaching for jicama a second time, I re-read over my “WHY.” Sure, a paleo-friendly sweet treat like jicama is not really the end of the world, but I wasn’t doing this to see if I could follow a list of rules. My “WHY” was much deeper than that. I decided my strategy was to simply “SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP.” It really isn’t that hard to not put something in my mouth (and yes, chugging a giant glass of water also helped subdue the craving!).

Around week two I started to feel different. Everything tasted better – an apple was like candy. I would wake up bright and early and be singing on my way to the gym. I would work out and, 30 minutes later, I felt like I could do it all over again! I’d walk in the door after a long day, still smiling with plenty of energy to stay up and enjoy the evening (instead of crashing immediately). This was all very motivating to continue.

I finally got the courage to go out to eat and was initially frustrated by the restaurant’s limited food selection and tempting cocktail menu. Fortunately, after a big ol’ steak and some collard greens with bacon, I didn’t feel so bad. Surprisingly, most restaurants are pretty accommodating [especially if you tell them you are allergic ;)].

I read an article about addiction recently that stated the obvious: the more you use a muscle, the stronger it gets. Using a new muscle (to make a new decision) will feel very difficult at first; this is why old (a.k.a “strong”) habits are hard to break. The recommendation was to continue to put yourself in situations where you have to flex a new muscle, i.e., make a different decision. Instead of avoiding situations (restaurants, parties, the break room), I decided to face them head-on and flex the “muscle,” so that over time it would get stronger. The decisions became easier and I personally felt more awesome each time I made a decision congruent with my goals.

I went to a bachelorette party, NFL playoff games, a wedding shower, and multiple brunches. I sat inside East Side Show Room for an hour and even read over the cocktail list. My boss ordered 36 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, all of which are ten feet from my desk. My boyfriend sat next to me on the couch and had a beer and Ben & Jerry’s. I just kept flexing the muscle and passed all those tests.

And guess what: it really wasn’t that bad. Yes, there were some whiney days, some angry days…but ultimately I have entered the Circle of Awesomeness: I have loads of energy, I have received many compliments on my new physique, and I’ve been getting new PRs = boom!

Day 31 passed without fanfare. I assumed I’d bury my face in a “celebration meal” but honestly, it didn’t seem worth it (and I know it’s hard to believe, Thin Mints don’t even sound good!). I cannot seem to bring myself to eat certain foods. Sure, I might have one chicken wing on Super Bowl Sunday, or toast a bride at her wedding, but I’m on top of my game right now and not ready to come down!

I have met my goals: I have developed a different, more positive relationship with food and alcohol. I have a new respect for myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. Finally, instead of just repeating what I’ve “heard” about Paleo, I can speak from experience.

– Coach Walker
“Whether you think you can or can’t…You’re right” – Henry Ford

WOD 2/6

Level Two
Push Press
*appx 70%, RPE 7-8, keep all working sets within 5-10 pounds
*Rest 2:00 Minutes
*Weight recorded


Push-ups (Games standard)
Kip Pull-ups
Wall Balls
*Post Result to comments

Cash out:
Accumulate :60 seconds in an L-Sit Hold in as few as set as possible

Level One (Day 10)

3×500 M Row
Rest 5:00
*Jerk skill practice during rest

We do not err because truth is difficult to see.  It is visible at a glance.  We err because this is more comfortable. – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Sports: Build or Damage
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

Level 1 – AM
Jordan 1:49
Dusty 2:12
Faraon 2:04
Matthew 1:50
Adam 1:44
Andrew 2:21
Professor 2:08
Ed 1:54
Eileen 1:58
Level 2 – AM
9AM 100lb
Mikey 125lb
Mike 110lb
Brandon 105lb
Celi 45lb
MegO 65lb
Beast 75lb
Charlie S
Charlie G 130lb
Schittone 130lb
Kirk 125lb
Tow Matt 125lb
Eric 130lb
Colleen 63lb
Becky 60lb
Cindy 55lb
Sarah 45lb
Jackie 63lb
Valyn 60lb
Ballet 17″ 8:26 Rx
Haley 13″ 9:35 Rx
MGJ 85lb
Christina 50lb
Michael 125lb
Level 2 – 12P
Blake 165lb
Cat 75lb
Amy 50lb
Mer 55lb
Ty 60lb
Bryan 105lb
Wood 140lb
Jess 65lb
Level 2 – PM
Clapper 135lb
Heather 65lb
David 95lb
Turk 135lb
Kristin 85lb
Sleeves 175lb
Fro 155lb
Shemo 125lb
Andy 105lb
Jeff 105lb
Jenna 50lb
Elena 50lb
Carissa 70lb
Jordan 70lb
KT 47lb
Helen 35lb
LaRos 55lb
Chrissy 55lb
Lane 135lb
Greg 135lb
Crash 50lb
Geno 175lb
Leah 55lb
Jesse 135lb
Aaron 135lb
Jables 65lb
Nic 135lb
Sherman 155lb
Tasha 55lb
Shug 70lb
Jackson 135lb
Pinkie 57lb
Gary 75lb
Level 1 – PM
Zach 1:43
Paul 2:28
Desiree 2:02
Pam 2:13
Alan 1:56
David 1:48
Denise 2:31
George 2:09
Cooey 2:00
Adrian 1:46
Elizabeth G 2:35
Mrs. Fro 2:12
Peter 1:43
Nicole 2:06

WOD 2/4

Mobility of the Day

All Levels
Test 9: “Fight Gone Bad”
*In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating.

3 Rounds of:
Wall-Balls (M: 20 lbs, W:14lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (M: 75lbs, W: 55lbs)
Box Jumps (20″ box)
Push-press (M: 75 lbs, W: 55lbs)
Row ( Max calories)

*The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athletes must move to the next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

All Levels – 9AM
MegO 114 Rx
Darlene 247 Rx
Charlie K 232 Rx
BJ 265 Rx
Lane 223 Rx
Danimal 193 Rx
Can2 276 Rx
AG 287 Rx
Faraon 209 S1
TowMatt 250 S1
9AM 219 Rx
Matt B 248 Rx
Josie 192 S2
Emily 206 S2
Mel 230 S2
Dave 118 S1
MLS 213 Rx
Chrissy 250 S1
Jackie 253 S1
Leah 178 S1
Irl 190 S1
Trixsi 362 S2
Jill 366 S2
Anthony 219 S1
Gary 218 S1
MGJ 232 S1
Janice 250 S1
Snooki 198 S1
Elizabeth 230 S1
All Levels – 10AM
ABC 213 S1
Charlie G 252 S1
Beast 184 Rx
Erica 223 Rx
Haley 198 S1
Sarah 194 S1
Kirk 255 Rx
Michael 242 Rx
Caitlyn 188 S1
Mer 209 S1
Cindy 183 S1
Brittani 249 S1
Ronnie 228 S2
Raquel 295 S2
JV 171 Rx
LG 188 Rx
Colleen 211 Rx
Crash 171 Rx
Elena 193 S1
Becky 230 S1
JJ 197 S1
Andy 236 S1
KT 224 S1
Jenna 304 S1
Sherman 224 Rx
Kyle W 140 Rx

WOD 2/3

Mobility of the Day

All Levels
3 Rounds
400m Run
10 KB Overhead Walking Lunges
8 Pull-ups

No one wants advice – only corroboration. -John Steinbeck

Go outside! (Why contact with nature is crucial for health)
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

All Levels – AM
MegO 14:18
Faraon 12:48
Turk 9:48
Snooki 9:57
Janice 9:28
Celi 13:01
Tow Matt 9:18
Kyle 8:40
Ed 11:02
Wade 9:58
Rob 8:02
Reis 8:24
Kristin 11:02
Valyn 10:49
Teeny 10:32
Bryan 8:51
Carissa 9:12
Schittone 9:38
Ray 8:06
Trixsi 8:45
Lexi 6:57
Mer 12:07
Kiehler 8:32
Ronnie 12:53
Laila 8:56
Lola 9:59
All Levels – 12P
Blake 8:46
Heather 9:25
Ryan 8:49
Amy 12:21
Thurst 10:52
Desiree 11:52
Canada 9:06
Danny 7:29
Chapel 12:58
Jenn 12:00
Paddy Ice 9:30
Jewels 10:21
Jeff 7:46