WOD 1/6

A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1- 3 Front Squat
Min 2- 3 Supine Ring Rows
Min 3- Rest
*build up each set in the front squat  to a challenging weight, try to complete as many sets as possible at or above your squat clean max
*Snatch Weight recorded

B. CrossFit Open 14.2 / 15.2

For Reps
In 3 minutes perform:
10 overhead squats
10 chest to bar pull-ups
10 overhead squats
10 chest to bar pull-ups

If you complete all 40 repetitions, move on to the next ‘round’**.  You will have 3 additional minutes to perform:

12 overhead squats
12 chest to bar pull-ups
12 overhead squats
12 chest to bar pull-ups

OHS Weighs: @ 95lbs / 65 lbs /45lbs
CTB Scales: Jumping CTB

Introducing your Push Up Man of the Year 2016 – Michael Page! 


WOD 1/5

A. Spend 10-15 minutes reviewing progressions for TTBs or Box Jumps depending on greater need of the group

B. “Open WOD 12.3”
18 minute AMRAP
15 box jumps @ 24” / 20” / 12”
12 push presses @115lb / 75lb / 55lb
9 toes-to-bar

“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” – Dalai Lama

WOD 1/3

A. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Squat Clean @ 80-90%
Min 2 – 3-4 Strict Handstand Push-ups or Progression

*Sets across on both movements

B. In 18:00 Minutes:
Run 1200 M (Scale 800 m)
(8:00 cap)

Then at the 8:00 Mark

10:00 AMRAP
Strict Pull-ups @ 6/3/3 w/ band
3 strict knees to elbows @ scale kip / knee raises
60′ unweighted walking lunge
8 ‘bootlegger’ burpees 30′ (run each rep)
*1200 M  time and AMRAP reps recorded

Cash Out:
500m row
Rest 2 min
400m row
Rest 2 min
300m row

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” – Swami Sivananda


WOD 1/2

A. 21:00 EMOM
Min 1- 2 Power Snatch
Min 2- 3 Ring Dips

Min 3- Rest
*build up each set in the Power Snatch  to a challenging weight
*Snatch Weight recorded

B. 30 power snatches @ 95lb / 65lb / 35lb (hang muscle snatch)

1:00 Rest

3 Rounds
10 Burpees
15 Hang Power Clean @ 95lb / 65lb / 35lb (hang muscle clean)

*total time recorded including rest

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
30s plank
10 db thrusters
40 jump rope (double or singles)
Scaling Guide:
Scale Up: 135/95lb bar


WOD 12/31

“Team Helen”
3 rounds for time.
400m run together
42 American KBS @ 24K / 16K /12K  – split as desired
24 pull-ups – split as desired

*time recorded

Image result for happy new year

WOD 12/30

15:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Back Squat @ 70-80%
Min 2 – 3-4 Strict Handstand Push-ups or Progression
Min 3 – Rest

*Sets across on both movements

B. 5 rounds
10 dumbbell hang power clean @ 40-50 / 20-30 / 15
10 single arm dumbbell Overhead Squat (Same, 5 / arm)
40′ bear crawl
*Time recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
15 wall ball
10 burpees

It’s that time of year again! How will you reach your goals this year?
Get the tips here


WOD 12/29

A. In 10 minutes working up to a challenging single in the Power clean and jerk (80-90%)

7:00 EMOM
3 Power  clean and jerk @  50-60%

B.14 minute AMRAP
8 Clean and jerk @  135lb / 85lb / 55lb
40′ Overhead Plate Lunge @  45lb / 25lb / 15lb
40 Double unders* (Health: 4 singles + 1 DU attempt x 10)
*reps  recorded

Scaling Guide:
3-6 Rounds
Scale Up: 155/105 clean and jerk

“Every human has four endowments – self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.” – Stephen Covey



WOD 12/28

A. In 12:00 Minutes Work up to 80-90% of your split jerk in the Behind Neck Split Jerk

B. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1- 3 OVHD Squats (as narrow as possible) x 5 sets
Min 2 – 5-10 Perfect Push-ups (Super strict form)
Min 3 – Rest
*build up each set in the OVHD squats to a challenging weight

C. “Death by 10m going prone”
*Total rounds recorded

**Start by laying chest down on the ground.
minute 1 –  stand up and sprint 10 meters.
– minute 2 –  stand up and run 10m, lay down, then stand up and run 10m.
– Minute 3 – stand up and run 10m and lay down three times.
Continue until you are not able to complete the allotted number of 10m sprint intervals with the lay downs before the minute is up. Your chest must be on the floor at the start of each minute.

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds
15 Russian kb swings
25 cal row

Scaling Guide:
9 – 14 rounds

Welcome to the world little Kannon Kimball! We are excited to announce that Wes and Jamie welcomed their son, Kannon, on Christmas Eve! 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and baby


WOD 12/27

Welcome back!

A. 4 Sets
:10 – :30 L-Sits
Rest :30 – :60

B. 12:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2 Squat Clean @ 70-80%
Min 2 – 3-4 Strict Handstand Push-ups or Progression
*Sets across on both movements

C. 7:00 AMRAP
10 Power Snatches @ 75lb / 55lb /35lb
3 Bar Muscle-ups* (Athletic: 5 chest to bar pull ups, Health: 5 Jumping Chest-to-bar Pull-up)
*reps  recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4:00 AMRAP
100m farmer carry
40 double unders

Scaling Guide:
3-8 rounds

“The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.”- Robert Baden-Powell


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