WOD 1/22

3 Rounds
400 M Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 Pood)
12 Pull-ups

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

AM Session
Kristin 12:13 (12K, Jump)
Boone 8:27 Rx
PM Session
Tristy 11:14 (16K, Jump)
Shane 10:49 Rx
Marcos 12:18 (24K, Jump)
Betsy 11:02 (12K, Jump)
Stacy 10:14 (16K, Jump)
Helen 10:24 (R1 400m, R2&3 200m, 15lb, Ring Rows)

WOD 1/21

Push Jerk

Congrats to Stacy on getting her first Kipping Pull-ups last night!

He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty. -Lao Tzu

AM Results:
Anne 80, 85, 85, 90, 95, 95-f, 95-f
Wes 225, 235, 250, 260, 265, 270, 275
PM Results:
Marcos 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 220
Kristin 80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 100-f, 100
Tristy 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125-f, 125-f
Betsy 75, 80, 80, 85-f, 85, 85, 85
Stacy 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130
Megan 80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 100, 105
Boone 165, 185, 205, 215-f, 205, 210, 215-f
Mike 80, 90, 100, 105, 115, 120, 125
Beginner WOD: 30 Wall Balls, 400 M Ball Run
Alena 5:18 (10 LB)
Adam 4:38 (20 LB)

WOD 1/20

Ring Dips

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Abraham Lincoln

AM Results:
Mike 7:16 (Band/Jump, Jump)
Anne 3:42 (Jump, Jump)
Kristin 3:14 (Jump, Jump)
Helen 5:24 (Ring Row, Jump)
PM Session:
Stacey 5:15 (Band/Jump, Jump)
Betsy 5:05 (Jump, Jump)
Andy 6:59 (Jump, Jump)
Marcos 6:58 (Kip/Jump, Strict/Jump)
Rachel 4:54 (Jump, Jump)
Boone 3:51 Rx
Wes 4:50 Rx

WOD 1/19

3 Rounds
400 M Run
10 Hang Cleans 95 lbs (65 lbs)
10 Burpees

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

AM Results:
Mike 13:15 (45 lbs, RD 2 & 3 1/2 reps)
Anne 15:08 (45 lbs)
Shera 12:03 (35 lbs)
PM Results:
Kristin 16:29 (45 lb)
Keith 10:14 (200 M, 5 PUR, 5 FS, 5 Burpees)
Rick 13:44 (95/75 lb HPC)
Tristy 11:33 (65 lb, Knee Burpees)
Megan T. 13:00 (45 lb, Knee Burpees)
Sherman 12:16 (95 lb HPC)
Stacy 10:14 Rx
Betsy 11:17 (45 lb, Knee Burpees)
Marcos 11:30  (75 lb)
Megan L. 13:56 (45 lb, Knee Burpees)
Boone 9:40 Rx
Wes 10:30  Rx
Beginner WOD: 40 Squats, 500 M Row
Andy 5:16  

The Saturday Morning Crew!

WOD 1/17

Team Workout

Pyramid to 10
Wall Balls 20 lb (15 lb)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95 lb (65 lb) 

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. Victor Hugo

Team 1:
Tristy  (Rx, Jump)
Stacy (Rx, Jump)
Anne (Rx, Jump)
Team 2:
Shane Rx
Sherman (Jump, 20 lb, 95/75 lb)
Marcos (Jump, 20 lb, 95/75 lb)
Team 3: to 8
Betsy (Jump, 10 lb, 45 lb)
Rod (Jump, 10 lb, 45 lb) DNF
Helen (Jump, 10 lb, 45 lb)
Team Lululemon:
Liz (Jump, 10/15 lb, 45 lb)
Leah (Jump, 10/15 lb, 45 lb)
Bekah (Jump, 10/15 lb, 45 lb)
Beginner WOD (500 M Row, 50 Squats)
Megan 3:51
James 3:20

WOD 1/16

3 rounds
500  M Row
Kettlebell High Hold 

Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use. Charles M. Schulz

AM Results:
Kristin (12K)
Wes (32K/24K)
11:07  (12 Drops all by Wes)
Shane (24K) 10:11 (4 Drops)
Rob (16K) 11:21 (2 Drops)

WOD 1/15

Hang Power Cleans

“In this world a man must either be anvil or hammer.”– Longfellow

AM Results:
Rob  115, 120, 120, 125, 130
Boone  155, 165, 175, 185, 185-f
Wes 200, 215, 230, 245, 250
PM Results:
Marcos  115, 135, 155, 165, 170
Betsy  45, 65, 75×2, 75×2, 70×1
Stacy 75, 95, 95, 105×2, 100
Kristin 55, 75-f, 65,75, 75×1
Tristy 75, 95, 105-f, 95, 100
Megan 45, 65, 75, 80, 95-f

The strong lovely ladies of CrossFit Austin.

WOD 1/14

Max Rounds in 15 Minutes
20 Sit-ups
10 Med Ball Cleans
5 Handstand Push-ups

“If you want to succeed, you must make your own opportunites as you go.” -John B. Gough

AM Results:
Mike 5 (10 lb, Pike)
Rod 2 (10 min: 10 lb, PIke)
Anne 8 (15 lb, Pike)
Rob 7 (15 lb, Pike)
Shera 7 (10 lb, Pike)
Helen 8 (10 Min: 10 Sit-ups, 5 Squats, 3 Push-ups)
PM Results:
Betsy 7 (10 lb/Squat, Pike)
Stacey 8 (20 lb, Pike)
Kristin 7 (15lb, Pike)
Megan 7 (10lb, Pike)
Sherman 8 (20lb, Pike)
Marcos 9 (20lb, Pike)
Tristy Moral Support 🙂
Rachel 7 (10lb, Pike)

WOD 1/13

5 Rounds
10 Deadlifts (225 lbs)
5 Dumbell Burpee Thruster aka “Kitchen Sinks” (35 lbs)

Life is not a spectator sport. If you’re going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you’re wasting your life. Jackie Robinson  

AM Results:
Andrew  8:47  (175 lb, 20 lb)
Anne 8:10 (115 lb,  15 lb/Burpee
Mike 8:40 (65 lb, 10 lb)
Shera 6:05 (35 lb, Burpees)
Shane 8:15 Rx
Wes 6:31 Rx
PM Results:
Boone 12:31 Rx
Kristin 8:07 (65 lb, 10 lb)
Betsy 7:09 (45 lb, Burpees)
Stacy 7:54 (115 lb, 15 lb)
Marcos 9:39 (135 lb, 20 lb)
Megan 7:58 (65 lb, Burpees)
Sherman 8:17 (135 lb, Burpees)
Rachel 8:32 (65 lb/45 lb, Burpees)