WOD 4/7

4 Rounds
Dips 6-8 
rest 1:00 
Split Squats 6-8 
rest 1:00


7 Rounds
:20 Burpees  (as fast as possible try to hit the same number each round maintaining a 95% effort)
:40 Rest
:20 Double Unders
:40 Rest
:20 Row  (Perfect mechanics recovery effort)
:40 Rest  
*Record the highest most consistent round of burpees

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein

Better Mobility
*Post thoughts to comments

– Its finally here CrossFit Austin MENS night.  Next Tuesday April 12 at Fogo de Chao $35 all you can eat meat Please sign up in MBO so we can make a reservation. 
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

PM Results
David 10×7 Rx
Winner 8×6 Rx
“G” 8×6 Rx
O’Dell 11×4 Rx
John D. 7×4 Rx
Cat 9×5 Rx
Amy 7×3 (sprawls)
Jeff 5×5 (sprawls)
Geno 10×7 Rx
Jeanette 8×6 Rx
Heather 8×7 Rx
Randall 7×3 Rx
Jordan 8×6 Rx
Danielle 10×3 Rx
Arnie 7×5 Rx
Fro 11×4 Rx
Vero 5×4 Rx
Ross 7×5 Rx
Eric 10×4 Rx
Dain 9×5 Rx
Nugget 12×7 Rx
Stephanie 8×4 Rx
Young 10×6 Rx

WOD 4/6

Sectional WOD:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean (165lb / 110 lb)
Jerk (165lb / 110 lb)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -Leonardo DaVinci

*post thoughts to comments

-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  TONIGHT IS LADIES’ NIGHT at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

WOD 4/2

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

Team WOD

15 Minutes on the Minute
3 Perfect Push-ups (KPU=1 pt, Standard=2 pts, Ring PU=3 pts)
6 Perfect Squats (Air Squats=3 pts, Pistols=6 pts)
*Points recorded


10:00 AMRAP
100 M Sprint
Max UB Double Unders
*Total Double Unders Recorded
*Points+Double Unders=Total Score


In 10 minutes complete:
10-15 Reps of Muscle-up Progression of your choick
*broken up however you see fit, but do not hit failure


In 20 Minutes find:
1 RM Clean and Jerk


3 Rounds
OVHD Squats (135, 125, 115)

Make-up Sectional WOD

-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

AM Results
Kavi 459
G 467
Rob 430
Zoom 424
Sleeves 8:58 (CC)
Geno 15:48 (CC)
Jerry 12:13 (CC)
Tow Matt 545 Rx
Boone 645 Rx
Erica 386 (S)
Amy 462 (S)
Dain 651 (S)
Joe ?
Michael 729 (S)
LG 347 (KPU)
Miguel 12+1PU
Gena 10+6PU
Leigh 10+3DL
Darlene 9+11PU
Carissa 8+9DL
Fro 7+11PU
Stacey 11
Cody 9+1 DL

WOD 4/1

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

3 Rounds
ALAP Strict Chin-ups Every 5 Seconds
1:00 Rest
6-8 Split Squats/Leg
1:00 Rest


3 Rounds
20 Russian KB Swings (32K, 24K)
:30 Rest
400 M Sprint
:30 Rest
20 Double Unders
:30 Rest

One man with courage is a majority. -Thomas Jefferson

Paleo 2.o
*Post thoughts to comments

-Monday,  we start a new round of Weightlifting Classes w/ Jodi Vaughn 2004 Olympic alternate click here to sign up!
-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up here.
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

AM Results
Mikey 12:07 (24K)
Kirk 12:42 Rx
9am 15:02 (24K, S)
Melicious 12:54 (16K, S)
Leigh 11:47 (16K)
Teeny 13:22 (12K, S)
Nicole 12:41 Rx
Dylan 11:48 Rx
Mego 16;54 (12K, S)
Ray 12:43 (24K, S)
Rookie 14:48 Rx
Angela 14:33 (12K, S)
Kim 14:33 (12K, S)
Tall “D” 15:00 (24K)
Ginger 15:20 (12K, S)
Andre 17:56 (16K, S)
Ally 16:17 (12K, S)

WOD 3/31

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

5 Rounds
2 Snatches
:30 Rest
5 Strict Toes to Bar
1:00 Rest
*Post weights to comments


5 Rounds
2 Clean and Jerks
:30 Rest
AMRAP (-3) Handstand Push-ups
1:00 Rest
*Post weights to comments


500 Meter Row Time Trial
*Time Recorded

In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. -Ansel Adams

Getting to sleep
*Post thoughts to comments

-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

AM Results
Chaz 1:31
Tow Matt 1:40
Mikey 1:40
Erica 2:32
Dana 2:12
Angela 2:22
Kim 2:34
Stephen 1:36
Tall D. 1:43
Letty 1:53
PM Results
Sherman 1:44
Cat 2:27
Hal 1:49
Arnie 2:02
Christy 2:13
Stephanie 2:08
Blake 1:37
“G” 2:07
Fro 1:32
Rookie 1:35
Jordan 1:52
Jennifer 2:13
Randy 2:03
Jeanette 2:12
Leigh 1:41
Skipper 1:45
Cara 2:24
J.V. 2:08
Lana 2:10
Young 1:44
Eric 1:49

WOD 3/30

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

Sectional Workout
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
9 Deadlifts (155lbs, 100 lbs)
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (24″, 20″)

Video/Further explanation of today’s workout

The fool wonders, the wise man asks. -Benjamin Disraeli

Mental toughness (this is a great read)
*post thoughts to comments

-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.

Congrats to Kirk Garza, the Men’s champion of the Circle of Awesomeness Challenge!

AM Results
Mikey 6 Rx

7(65lbs, KPU)

Suzy 4+9DL (45lbs, KPU)
Mego 5+9DL+3PU (65lbs, KPU)
Mike 7+9DL+1PU Rx
Jerry 7+1DL Rx
Ginger 5+5DL (45lbs, KPU)
Nick 8+6DL Rx
Kirk 6+9DL Rx
Tow Matt 6+3DL Rx
Kim 5+9DL+10PU (45lbs, KPU)
Tall “D” 6+4DL (95lbs)
Stephen 6+9DL Rx
Angela 7+9DL+12PU+8BJ (45lbs)
Letty 7+9DL (55lbs, KPU)
Jesse 5+9DL+12PU+6BJ (100lbs, KPU, 20″)
Lance 4+9DL+7PU (100lbs, KPU, 20″)
Ali 5+9DL+12PU (65lbs, KPU)
Rob 7+2DL Rx
Natalie 5 (65lbs, KPU, 12″)
Chris 5+9DL+10 Rx
Jon 9+3DL Rx
Colleen 8+9DL (70lbs, KPU)
Senator 5+9DL+12PU+14BJ (75lbs, Step-up, 20″)
PM Results
Boone 8 +9 DL Rx
G. 6+4 PU Rx
Crash 4+9 BJ Rx
David 5+9 DL Rx
Jables 7+6 pu rx
Arnie 4+8 pu rx
Zoom 5+9 DL rx
Sherman 5+7 DL rx
Tristy 8+7 su (MOD)
Betsy 8+6 pu rx
Jennifer 6 (65lb)
Stacey MOD
Geno 6+8 pu Rx
Jeanette 6 Rx
LG 2+12 pu Rx
Kristin 6+10 pu Rx
Blake 7+8 pu rx
Joe 7 (100 lbs)
Fro 6+10 pu Rx
Christy 8 Rx
Randy 6+6 DL (100 lb)
AG 6+4 pu rx
Cat 7+12 BJ rx
JJ 4+2 DL Rx
Kaz 5+13 BJ (135 lb)
Darlene 8 Rd
Carissa 8+2 BJ Rx
Andee N/A
Gena 9+9 PU Rx
Jesse 6+9 PU Rx
Prince 5+8 DL Rx
Leigh 9+10 BJ Rx
Sleeves 8+3 BJ rx
Wes 9+1 BJ Rx
Kavi 5+8 DL (135)
Nick 6+6 DL Rx
Ross 5+1 Pu (125)
Ryan 5+8 Pu (125)
Megan 6+2 DL (K)
Jenn 6+6 PU (K)
Teeny 6+7 pu (65, K)
Lana 5+6 pu (45)
Ray 8+2 DL rx
Sanjay 6+5 PU (100, K)
On Ramp
Brittany 4 1/3
Jason 4
Sutton 6

WOD 3/29

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

Make up/Skill Day

Strength WOD
A. Press+Push Press: x2+3×4 by feel
B.  Squat: x2x5 @80%
C.  Deadlift x5x3 @60-65%
*1-3 Chest to bar strict chin-ups @2012 b/t squat and deadlift sets (add weight if needed)

I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson

Simple strategy for beating addictions
*Post thoughts to comments

-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up here.
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

Congrats to Carissa our female Circle of Awesomeness Challenge Winner!

AM Results
Zayra S
Ivan S
Chaz S
Tow Matt S
Walker S
Melicious S
MG Jenny S
Stephen S
Steph 13:03 (15 lb)
Amy 15:18 (15 lb, MOD)
PM Results
David 8:04 Mile+St
Crash 8:03 Mile+St
G 7:44 Mile+St
Heather 16:56 (BB) Helen
Christy S
Arnie S
Rookie S
Randy S
LG 25:30 Rx Baby Helen
Jordan 17:18 (20 K) Helen
Jenn S
Stephanie S
Cara S
Danielle S
Kavi M 16:26 (30 lb)
Ross M 17:35 (30 lb)
Schittone S
Veronica S
Eric S
Alex S

WOD 3/28

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

5 Sets
Ring Dips AMRAP (-2) @2020
Rest :60


3 Rounds
400 M Run
20 Burpees
10 DB/KB Snatches/Arm
*Time recorded

TODAY, 3/28 we will be holding a two free Weightlifting Classes w/ Jodi Vaughn 2004 Olympic alternate
click here to sign up!
-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up here.
-CFA ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday for the month of April.  We will be having it April 6th at 7:00pm at a location that will be announced soon.  Mark your calendars!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

AM Results
Mike 14:44 (35lbs)
Mikey 18:42 (35lbs)
Suzy 19:27 (300M, Sprawl, 10lbs)
Nick 15:03 (55lbs)
Chaz 13:56 (35lbs)
Melicious 15:59 (20lbs)
9am 16:41 (30lbs)
MG Jenny 17:30 MOD

12:13 (35lbs)

Ray 12:09 (20lbs)
Tall “D” 16:55 (20lbs)
Ginger 14:48 (10lbs, sprawl)
Dana 17:07 (12lbs)
Stephen 16:35 (20lbs)
Jables 14:53 (20lbs)
Cat 17:13 (30lbs)
Jesse 16:34 (20lbs)
Andre 17:46 (2 Rnds, 20lbs)
PM Results
Boone 13:55 (55lbs)
Jon 13:44 (35lbs)
Betsy 12:25 (20lbs)
Arnie 19:40 (35lbs)
Colleen 15:00 (20lbs)
Tasha 14:25 (20lbs)
Tristy 12:25 MOD
Nugget 11:20 (24K)
Geno 15:19 (35lbs)
Randy 16:20 (15lbs)
“G” 15:22 (20lbs)
Jennifer 17:33 (20lbs)
Walker 15:40 (20lbs)
Christy 12:36 (20lbs)
Sleeves 12:24 (24K)
Elena 13:20 (10lbs)
Letty 15:23 (15lbs)
Mike 15:58 (35lbs)
Jesse 14:41 (30lbs)
JV 15:30 (10lbs)
Zoom 17:42 (20lbs)
Schittone 15:13 (30lbs)
Sanjay 16:49(20lbs)
Danielle 11:44 (15lbs)
Ryan 15:26 (35lbs)
Megan 15:41 (20lbs)
On Ramp
Sutton 5:22
Jason 6:02
Brittany 6:29

WOD 3/26

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or One Arm DB Muscle Snatch 3×8/Side

20 Minutes on the Minute Alternating
1-4 Strict Chin-ups @ 2010  
1-5 Air Squats @ 20X0
*Total Reps recorded


In 20 Minutes
4 Rounds
Max L-Sit hang
Max Calories Row in 1:00
*L-Sit seconds+Row Calories Recorded
*L-Sit seconds+Row Calories+Skill Sessions Reps=Total Score

-Next Monday, 3/28 we will be holding a two free Weightlifting Classes w/ Jodi Vaughn 2004 Olympic alternate
click here to sign up!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

The LawnMowers ?
The Kick Ass Brunettes 349
The Beaners 226
Team Hunter 259
Air DWA’s 629
Winners 449
Awesome Pants 562
Gale’s 407
Team Billy Jack 681
Armadillos 497
Team Mad Dog 313
Team Red 394
G-SQUAD 3 1/3
Team Obstacles 4 2/3

WOD 3/25

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or One Arm DB Muscle Snatch 3×8/Side

1 Mile Time Trial
*15 Minute Cap


Handstand Push-up Ladder
Deadlift (35%, 40%, 45-50%)
*HSPU Scale up if you have 10 UB HSPU

The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. -Epictetus

The Untapped Power of Smiling
*Post thoughts to comments

-Next Monday, 3/28 we will be holding a two free Weightlifting Classes w/ Jodi Vaughn 2004 Olympic alternate
click here to sign up!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

AM Results
Mile WOD
Nick 5:54 15:25 (165lbs, +20lbs)
Kirk 6:41 12:35 (135lbs, P)
Darlene 6:41 12:41 (80lbs, P)
Rob 6:44 13:40 (215lbs, P)
Tow Matt 7:06 9:39 (120lbs, P)
9am 8:07 8:48 (135lbs, P)
Melicious 8:19 10:48 (80lbs, P)
Mikey 7:14 10:01 (95lbs, P)
Teeny 9:33 7:30 (35lbs, P)
MG Jenny 9:08 (Row) 7:51 (35lbs, DB Press)
Ray 6:26 9:52 (110lbs, P)
Rookie 6:54 10:45 (145lbs, P)
Tall “D” 8:14 10:46 (75lbs, P)
Sam 8:08 9:27 (95lbs, P)
Colleen 7:17 DNA
Angela 8:42 6:55 (45lbs, P)
Kim 8:46 8:19 (45lbs, DB Press)
Kristin 8:42 9:45 (75lbs, P)
Letty 7:57 8:12 (65lbs, P)
Kavi 6:34 10:37 (95lbs, P)
Stephen 10:17 11:05 (135lbs, P)
Daniel 7;05 12:02 (175lbs, P)
Jables 7:07 11:44 (90lbs, P)
Blake 7:22 11:24 (235lbs,P)
Cat 8:19 10:07 (140lbs, P)
Stephanie 9:04 7:32 (85lbs, P)
Liz 9:28 9:57 (95lbs, P)
Senator 9:09 13:36 (75lbs, DB Press)
Arnie 9:33 11:14 (75lbs, DB Press)