WOD 2/22

Buy In/Cash Out
3×8 DB Extensions
3×8 Side Bends (One DB)

Make-up Day
Clean to Thruster
No Bands
Bis and Tris
Touch and Go

Strength WOD:
Press:  4×2 @ 10×0
Squat:  6×2 @ 40×0
*Take 6 sets to build to a comfortable 2RM, but do not go to failure
*Rest between sets should increase as the load becomes heavier

Deadlift Clusters @80%, rest :60 b/t @ 85%, rest :75 b/t
*Attempt 1-3 Handstand Push-ups or Standard Pushups between reps

5 Rounds
400 M Run
30 Box Jumps (24″, 20″)
30 Wall Balls (20lbs, 15lbs)

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. -Ronald Reagan

9 Steps #2
*Post thoughts to comments

IT’S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING AT CFA!  Take your jackets, gloves, water bottles, shirts, pants, shorts, sunglasses, etc. home, or they will be donated to Goodwill.  We will be making donations on February 27th, so you have until the 26th to take it all home.  Jump ropes can stay at the gym, but they need to go on the jump rope rack (if you don’t want your rope mixed with the masses, please take it home.)

AM Results
Tow Matt F 6 Rx
Sam M 468 (45lb, S)
Angela M 724 (20lb, S)
Letty W :54 (DNF)
Colleen W :55 (75lb)
Amy F 4 (Jump, K)
PM Results
Carissa CC 28:42
Darlene CC 29:10
Nick CC 24:58 Rx
Heather M 55 lb, 25 lb, 712
Andee F 7 (J, K)
Veronica S
Rookie S
Leigh CC 24:02 Rx
Skipper F
Geno CC 35:45 (S)
Cody S
G. S
Kirk S
Pat S
Christy S
Kristin S
Stacey CC 22:55 Rx
Nuggett CC 21:42 Rx
Jeannette S
Blake CC 27:01 Rx
Mark S
Ryan T
Sleeves CC 24:08 Rx

Carl Paoli’s Gymnastics Seminar (This Saturday!)

If you’re planning on attending get yourself signed up! We won’t be holding our regular group classes this weekend!

What: Spend eight quality hours at CrossFit Austin with Coach Carl Paoli by learning how to apply basic gymnastics, acrobatic and freestyle movement to your CrossFit training program. If you want to increase your agility, mobility, and the versatility in your CrossFit WODs, then this is the perfect seminar for you! This seminar is appropriate for athletes, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts at any skill level. You’ll learn how to safely perform, coach and correct basic gymnastic movements in order to enhance your performance and reach your personal goals.

When: April 30th, 2011, 9:00am-5:30pm

Where: This seminar will be held at CrossFit Austin, 8708 South Congress, Suite A180 Austin, TX 78745

Sign up here ($280/person)

Back Flip in less than an hour from Carl Paoli on Vimeo.

WOD 2/21

Buy In/Cash Out
3×8 DB Extensions
3×8 Side Bends (One DB)

5 Sets
1 Clean to Thruster
rest :30
AMRAP (-3) Kip Pull-ups
*Scale to a difficulty that allows no more than 12 per set
*Folks without a single kip pull-up scale to lightest band possible for 3 kips, and finish with 2 negatives @ 50X5
rest 2:00
*Clean to thruster weight recorded


5 Rounds
:30 Thrusters at 40% of Todays Max
:90 of Double Unders
2:00 Rest
*Thruster weight and reps recorded

If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. -Emmet Fox

9 Steps to Perfect Health #1
*Post thoughts to comments

IT’S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING AT CFA!  Take your jackets, gloves, water bottles, shirts, pants, shorts, sunglasses, etc. home, or they will be donated to Goodwill.  We will be making donations on February 27th, so you have until the 26th to take it all home.  Jump ropes can stay at the gym, but they need to go on the jump rope rack (if you don’t want your rope mixed with the masses, please take it home.)

AM Results
Elizabeth 20lbs ?
Ben 75lbs ?
Mikey 45lbs 374 (S)
Mego 20lbs 305 (S)
Jerry 85lbs 203 Rx
9am 45lbs 770 (S)
Gena 40lbs 181 Rx
Ray 55lb 216 Rx
Rookie 45lbs 1,037 (S)
Tall “D” 35lbs 247 Rx
Bill 35lbs 613 (S)
Sleeves 75lbs 383 Rx
Senator 25lbs 382 (S)
Lance 45lbs 422 (S)
Natalie 20lbs 201(S)
J.J. 50lbs 473 (S)
Carissa 38lbs 256 Rx
J.C. 65lbs 746 (S)
Jables 33lbs 206 Rx
Jenn 45lbs 193 (S)
Kirk 65lbs 258 Rx
Crash 15lbs 614 (S)
Anthony 45lbs 111 Rx
Jesse 53lbs 402 (S)
PM Results
Colleen 35lb 996 (S)
G 35lb 284 Rx
Tasha 35lb 914 (S)
David 65lb 835 (S)
Geno 80lb 121 Rx
Liz 45lb 572 (S)
Tristy 865 (MOD)
Dain 65lb 142 Rx
Michael 45lb 133 (S)
Nugget 95lb 558 Rx
Blake 85lb 299 Rx
Stacey 50lb 393 Rx
Jordo 35lb 562 (S)
Randal 55lb 698 (S)
Darlene 35lb 280 Rx
Kim 15lb 630 (S)
Jessica 15lb 731 (S)
Boone 85lb 433 Rx
Prince 45lb 370 (S)
Aubrey 40lb 168 Rx
Elena 25lb 883 (S)
Leigh 53lb 438 Rx
Skipper 45lb 1038 (S)
Kristin 30lb 686 (S)
Danielle 20lb 693 (S)
Jessica 25lb 378 Rx
Patrick 50lb 690 (S)
Cara 20lb 753 (S)
Kavi 45lb 758 (S)
Zoom 30lb 150 Rx
Megan 30lb 172 Rx
Schittone 50lb 154 Rx
Alex 65lb 1045 (S)
Sanjay 20lb 694 (S)
On Ramp
J&H 7:22
L&S&G 7:26
R3 5:24
pi 7:28

WOD 2/19

Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 DB Ext. Rotations

In Teams of 4:
As a team, take 15 minutes to build to a heavy triple, but not a 3 RM in the Back Squat


4 x 400 Meter Relay


As a team, take 10 minutes to build to a heavy triple, but not a 3 RM in the Press


25 Burpees for Time

*All missed reps will deduct 10lbs from your team average weight score (if you miss rep 2 that means you lose 20lbs and if you miss rep 1, you lose 30lbs)
*Score=(Avg team Weight-Seconds)+(Avg. team weight-total seconds)

IT’S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING AT CFA!  Take your jackets, gloves, water bottles, shirts, pants, shorts, sunglasses, etc. home, or they will be donated to Goodwill.  We will be making donations on February 27th, so you have until the 26th to take it all home.  Jump ropes can stay at the gym, but they need to go on the jump rope rack (if you don’t want your rope mixed with the masses, please take it home.)

Squatastic -149
GaleForce 4
Redshirt -185
2×2 -244
Company -207

WOD 2/18

Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 DB Ext. Rotations

3 Sets
3+3 Snatch Pull Unders + Hip Snatch
2:00 Rest
*Post notes to comments


5 Sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
3:00 Rest
*post weights to comments


5 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
*No bands, jumping or kipping only

Beauty is a short-lived tyranny. -George Bernard Shaw

More on the effects of stress
*Post thoughts to comments

IT’S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING AT CFA!  Take your jackets, gloves, water bottles, shirts, pants, shorts, sunglasses, etc. home, or they will be donated to Goodwill.  We will be making donations on February 27th, so you have until the 26th to take it all home.  Jump ropes can stay at the gym, but they need to go on the jump rope rack (if you don’t want your rope mixed with the masses, please take it home.)

AM Results
Nick 8 Rx
Chaz 6 Rx
Leigh 5 Rx
Crash 5 Rx
Mikey 5 (J,K)
Jennifer 5 Rx
Carissa 5 Rx
Angela 4 (J,K)
Melicious 4 (J)
Alley 7 (J,K)
Ginger 7 (J,K)
Alex 5 Rx
Tall “D” 5 (J)
Bill 4 (J,K)
Jerry 7 Rx
Sanjay 4 (J,K)
Letty 5 (J,K)
Kristin 3 Rx
Michael 6 (J)
Heather 5 (J,K)
Senator 5 (J)
Sleeves 7 Rx
J.C. 7 Rx
Jables 5 Rx
Rick ? (J,K)
Darlene 4 Rx
Zayra 4 (K)

WOD 2/17

Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 DB Ext. Rotations

3 Sets
Powell Raises x10/arm @30×0
Split Squats x10/leg @30×0
DB Extensions x10/arm @30×0
1:00 Rest
*Transition straight into each movement


5 Rounds
1:00 row @ 90-95%
1:00 Rest
1:00 Side Plank Hold (:30/side)
1:00 Burpees @ 90-95%
1:00 Rest

The harder I work, the luckier I get. -Samuel Goldwyn

Stress the 900 lb Gorilla in the room
*Post thoughts to comments

IT’S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING AT CFA!  Take your jackets, gloves, water bottles, shirts, pants, shorts, sunglasses, etc. home, or they will be donated to Goodwill.  We will be making donations on February 27th, so you have until the 26th to take it all home.  Jump ropes can stay at the gym, but they need to go on the jump rope rack (if you don’t want your rope mixed with the masses, please take it home.)

AM Results
9 AM 139 (Knee)
Kirk 185 RX
Jable 147 Rx
Nick 218 Rx
Mikey 154 Rx
Jerry 176 Rx
Walker 137 Rx
Ally 178 Rx
Blake 181 Rx
PM Results
Mark 105 Rx
L.G. 106 Rx
David 189 Rx
Amy 100 (Sprawl)
Leigh 167 Rx
Colleen 131 Rx
Cody 211 Rx
Winner 131 Rx
Jordan 117 Rx
Nugget 220 Rx
Betsy 147 Rx
Kristin 137 Rx
Debbie 90 Rx
J.V. 110 Rx
“G” 130 Rx
Alex 160 Rx
Cara 107 Rx
Lana 116 Rx
Kavi 140 Rx
Veronica 77 (Sprawl)
Anthony 136 Rx
Andee 124 Rx
On Ramp
Sabin 3:20
Heidi 3:55
Liz 4:18
Jennifer 3:56
Ross 4:27
Suzi 5:30
Randy 4:47
Ryan 4:27

WOD 2/16

Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 DB Ext. Rotations

5 Rounds
3 Hip Cleans
:30 Rest
DB Side Bends x10/side (Hold one DB at a time)
:30 Rest
5 Dips
1:00 Rest
*Post weights to comments


5 Rounds
5 Touch and Go Deadlifts (135lbs, 95lbs)
10 Air Squats
200 M Run
Rest appx. 2:00 Minutes
*Best Split Time Recorded

I was France. -Charles De Gaulle

How Sleep helps you commit info to memory
*Post thoughts to comments

MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!

AM Results
Mikey 1:04 (95lbs)
Elizabeth 1:07 (65lbs)
Mego 2:14 (65lbs)
Veronica 1:22 (75lbs)
Melicious 1:04 Rx
Kirk 0:50 Rx
Tow Matt 0:58 Rx
Jerry 0:48 Rx
Amy 1:45 (55lbs)
Kim 1:07 (55lbs)
Bill 1:19 (100lbs, Row)
Angela 0:56 (65lbs)
Ray 0:48 Rx
Danielle 0:57 (55lbs)
Senator 1:17 (95lbs)
Jesse 1:13 (95lbs)
PM Results
Liz 1:07 (75lb)
Tannier 1:01 (75lb)
Cat :49 Rx
David :53  Rx
Rookie :48 Rx
Cody :47 Rx
Jables :53
Skipper :44 (115lb)
Leigh :46 Rx
Elena :53 (45lb)
Debbie 1:17 Rx
JJ 1:04 Rx
Mike :54 Rx
Andee 1:02 (65lb)
Boone :44 Rx
Joe :56 (45lb)
G :54 Rx
Zoom 1:00 (85lb)
Crash 1:06 (65lb)
Jennifer 1:12 (35lb)
Mark 1:05 (65lb)
Stacey :50 Rx+115lb
Patrick :43 Rx
Aubrey :49 Rx
Tall D :56 (115lb)
Megan :57 (75lb)
Zayra :58 (65lb)
Lana 1:00 (45lb)
Ivan :44 Rx
Nick :47 (95lb)
Christy :48 (75lb)
Kavi :49 (115lb)
Jessica :50 (65lb)
Teeny :58 (45lb)
On Ramp
Ryan 4
Randy 3
Ross 3.5
Suzy 2
Heidi 3

WOD 2/14

Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 DB Ext. Rotations

7 Rounds
3 Snatch Balances
Rest 1:00
7-1 Weighted Strict CTB Chin-ups @ 30X2
rest 2:00
*Post loads and notes to comments


10 Rounds
5 Toes to Bar
5 Russian Swings (24 K, 16K)
:15 Rest
:30 Jump Rope (Double unders, or singles)
*Time recorded

One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life. -Edward B. Butler

The Essentials
*Post thoughts to comments

MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!
New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them out

AM Results
Mike 763 Rx
Mego 377 (KR)
Elizabeth ?
Andrew 536 (KR)
Mikey 805 (KR)
Melicious 657 (KR, 16K)
Nick 754 (Rx+Large Marge)
Jerry 287 (Rx, DU)
Sanjay ?
9am 735 (KR, 16K)
Kirk 613 (Rx, DU)
Rookie 849 (KR, S)
Ray 748 (RX, S)
Tannifer 801 (12K, KR, S)
Tall “D” 783 (16K, KR, S)
Bill ?
Jables 735 (KR, S)
Cat Cat ? (KR, +20K, S)
J.J. 551 (KR, S)
J.C. 817 (Rx, S)
Jesse 609 (KR, 12K, S)

WOD 2/12

Team Row Relay
As a team max distance row in 24:00
*4 person teams one person rows 2:00 at a time, for a total of 3 rounds
Score=Max meters


10 Minute AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 DB Thrusters (35lbs, 20lbs)
15 Abmat Sit-ups
*All team members work at the same time
*Score is total reps

Come out this weekend and support Nugget at the Fittest Games!
MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!
New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them ou
t here!
Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational is today!  For more information, go here

WOD 2/11

5 Sets
5 Floor Presses @ 30X0
rest :30
DB Side Bends x10/side (Hold one DB at a time)
rest :30
5 Handstand Push-ups
Rest 2:00
*Post weights, and notes to comments


3 Rounds
400 M Run
15 Unbroken OVHD Squats (115lbs, 85lbs)
15 Kipping Pull-ups
15:00 Cap
*Time Recorded

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have. -Abraham Lincoln

The Health Lift
*Post thoughts to comments

Come out this Sunday and support Nugget at the Fittest Games!
MARK SISSON is coming to CFA!  Check out details here!!
New Recipes have been added to the CFA Recipes tab.  Check them out
Chad Vaughn’s Training Invitational is tomorrow.  For more information, go here

AM Results
Nick 10:28 (95lbs)
Darlene 11:58 (45lbs, B)
Fro 12:05 (75lbs)
9am 13:51 (65lbs, B)
Kirk 11:34 (65lbs)
Jerry 11:54 (75lbs)
Tall “D” 15:00 (55lbs, B)
Sam 14:59 (35lbs, B)
Kristin 13:40 (35lbs, B)
Christy 13:03 (45lbs)
Betsy 11:49 (53lbs)
Blake 13:13 (95lbs)
Geno 14:21 (75lbs)
Danielle 12:10 (15lbs, B)
Senator 14:55 (35lbs, J)
Heather 14:14 (15lbs, B)